sora kairi 4ever
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Monday, November 13, 2006
cloud's song
watch the movie in my profile!!
it's called cloud's song(cloud from FFVII) |
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006
stupid pic!!!*cursing loudly*
well anyway... there's gonna be a book fair and i have 2 sing there...i think its gonna be on December 12...hehe...i'll be the tall depressed kid with very very dark brown hair will probably be very poofy or messy...
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
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Monday, November 6, 2006
my dad is visiting from NY 2day!!
2day i fely like killing myself 'cause i have a solo in chorus...need i say more...
these r my cats!! |
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Friday, November 3, 2006
i got the music runnin'^_^
it's simple and clean by hikaru from KH & KHCM(Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories)
~sora kairi 4ever~
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u know... i learned 'bout + watched Cowboy Bebop when i was 8...O________________________________o
my afterschool counselor at Beall Elementary 4 Kidz Club recorded it 4 me...O____o
~sora kairi 4ever~
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
sorry guys...cosplay didn't work out...
also i watched Cowboy Bebop the Movie...and Final Fantasy 7 again... it wuz awesome...
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
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i'm soooo stupid... i sent the wrong pic 4 cosplay and my account almost was deleted...
anyway... turns out my chorus teacher messed up and i got straight A's!!! also i got a 93% on my math test!!XD
well... turns out that my 2 cats went into the vents while i went 2 my super rich cousin's house(mansion)... also Smokey Jo'(my 8 month cat) jumps on the counter and steals my loaf of bread and drags it under the couch...?_?
my other cat Little Yum Yum... she's not 2 little anymore...TT_TT
well... i want 2 totally kill my spanish teacher!!! she started treating my friend, who has 2 sit in a wheelchair because she has this disease like Freak in "Freak the Mighty", like she was all stupid and wouldn't let anyone talk 2 her and then she started makin' fun of my culture(Japanese) by sayin' that it was funny that Good Morning in Japanese is pronounced like Ohio and she kept laughing and my friend from Korea(South of course) and i were about 2 kill her but the bell rang...T_T
well my teacher can just keel over and die in class 4 all i care...
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Costumes 3
i decided 2 go as tifa!
my friend went as rock-lee from naruto... it was soooooo funny!! i laughed so hard when i saw him (every one of my classes) that i fell on the floor!! he has blonde hair so he had 2 dye it black...
i wish i had a camera...
well i took pics of myself... so look in cosplay!
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
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Friday, October 27, 2006
Costumes 2
well guys, i'm sorry 2 say that since u didn't give me enough votes... i'm going as Tifa.
if ya want 2 change my mind... it is urgent that u vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if u don't... i'm goin' 2 go as somethin' stupid like Colette or somethin'...
don't kill the only self-confidence i have!!!T_T
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
Answers 2 Comments is where i will try 2 answer any question or comment u submit!
hey guys!
'cause u guys posted so many comments...hehe... i will tell u guys who the people u don't know r
1:Sheena Fujibayashi
Sheena is an assassin sent 2 kill the Chosen(Colette) because her world ,Tethe'alla, would be destroyed if Colette regenerted Sylverant ,which is Colette's world. Sheena is from ToS(Tales of Symphonia)
2:Tifa Lockhart:
i don't think i need 2 describe Tifa... everybody knows Tifa...
She is the only female in Organization XIII. Larxine is a sadist by nature, she also planned 2 overthrow Organization XIII with Marluxia. She is a nobody(KH2) without any memeory of her past life. Larxine is from Kingdom Hearts 2.
well guys plz keep those comments comin'!
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
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