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Real Name
*stares* Stalker! O_o
I've played Phoenix Wright 1, 2, and 3 and beat them in 1 week^~
Anime Fan Since
Sailor Moon...yeah...i was one of her minions...i'm so ashamed...
Favorite Anime
Death Note, Trinity Blood, Naruto Shippuudin, Naruto, YuYu Hakusho, Hellsing, Wolf's Rain, Cardcaptors, Rurouni Kenshin, Blood+, and Tales of Symphonia
...Become a better artist? Ummmm....actually beat a PS2 game that isn't Naruto!
Eating cake, reading manga, doodling, dancing, sleeping, and trying to have an "intellegent" conversation with me guy friends xD
Scaring people faster than the speed of light! That and drawing okay....
| sora kairi 4ever
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
i turned down tryouts 4 county chorus and now i'm not sure i should have done that...
also... as soon as i color it... i will submit my pic of a dusk nobody! i finally completed it!
2day was also very uneventful...
my cats r too cute... kawaii ^^ 1 of my cats likes 2 lick my stepdad's head... ?
i was too embarressed 2 say but... i fell down the stairs in my own home... while carring a cat... an angry cat... and a ds... my wrist feels broken...
i had 2 watch this movie in science class where they show u what microscopic things live in ur hair and such... they said we would never be the same again... 2 make it even worse... it was... national geographic!!!!
i can still feel myself cringing...
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
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Monday, October 9, 2006
thks 4 commenting so much!!
anyway i'm so bored that i'm watching Danny Phantom... i know... it's sad...
well i'm pretty sure i'm gonna change my theme 2 kingdom hearts... hence my name sora kairi 4ever...
plz comment if i should do otherwise...
lol ur comments... i know that the dusk nobodies tried 2 rape everybody in KH2... but, ya know pretty much everbody in KH 1 & 2 r either anorexic or too fat...
also on youtube... i watched the episode in naruto when the 3rd hokage died... it was cool... but sad... but cool... but sad ... but so cooool...
i wonder what lalagirl is doin'... she hasn't posted since last month... i know people sometimes don't post for 5x's longer... but she and luanr wolf demon r my best friends... no offense to my other friends...
do parents have like a chip in their brains that makes them want 2 embarress u... my mom always sits near the baby pics when my friends arrive at my house... then she starts with,"I remember when 'name with held' was..."... TT__TT
well i hate almost every adult and that's all there is to it...
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
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Twitch, Twitch
2day was open house... we should have columbus day off!! i saw this kid's parent... and... he... sang!?!?
you can see why i'm cringing...
well 2day was very uneventful... people think i'm a perv 'cause i'm tryin' to draw a dusk nobody

i know they're messed up looking but i'm just practicing...
~sora kairi 4ever~
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
woke up 2 early... i need coffee... wait... i don't even like coffee... curse u hollywood cliches!!!
sorry 4 that... my writers have been sacked...
um... well... that's about it... |
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
hullo various peoples... i need help to decide what my web theme should be... i was thinking Kingdom Hearts... if u have any ideas plz comment...
well i spent 2 hrs of my day shopping in 1 grocery store all 'cause my mom couldn't decide which fish to get.. uhgggggg...ggg...g...
i got carried away sorry...
well... i have some advice 4 u ... if u ever download something that is an upgrade of something like Windows Media Player 10 it's hell tryin' to get it back! i spent an afternoon doin' that! TT_TT
i have so many problems...
well... lunar wolf demon is back... hurrah!!... we went to the same school... okay, i know i'm boring u...
The Producers is a funny movie... i watched it 2day...
on my b-day... i pranked called people saying u will die in 7 days... one person actually said, "Aahhhhh!!! who r u!!!"... then i said, "i'm paris hilton! who'd ya think it was, someone smart?", then comes the "may i take ur order" and so on...
i hate algebra... i'm forced to buy a 100 dollar calculator!?!?
that's all 4 now
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Friday, October 6, 2006
plz watch this vid...
Text here
at site, click on WATCH THIS MOVIE! |
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
lookie here i gots a brand new nintendo ds lite
and the new pokemon mystery dungeon...
thank you interum report card... i got $60...
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
i'm so happy... my dad is coming to visit from NY! |
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Saturday, September 30, 2006
thks 4 commenting on my pics! |
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Friday, September 29, 2006
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