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myOtaku.com: sora kairi 4ever

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fire Drills Rock!!
well once again 6th graders were testing and that messed up our schuedule...

it went:

Science-again it was only 30 minutes instead of an hour...we also had to lift a book up and down for 4 minutes...i went to stand by my friend so that i could hit her when lifting my binder...i kept missing because she kept ducking...

Social Studies-we had a sub so all we did was do 3 worksheets that most people ripped up...this can't be good because our teacher already lectured us about how to behave when a sub comes...

Chorus-our teacher didn't come and so we got to watch Lion King 2 in the band room...also the 6th graders were still testing so it was only us 7th graders...i think we enjoyed the movie more than the 6th graders would have(and by we i mean everybody but me)...


Algebra-a 10 second test...

P.E.-had to go outside...i got hit in the face with a soccerball...can't feel my nose...

Spanish-random worksheets

English-we had a fire drill right as class was starting! yea! then after we came back(about 5 minutes) we had to do MSA practice which is worse than the real thing...

every time i saw Brian(see last post), he kept annoying me so i threw my binder at him, missed, and had to pick up so many papers it's not even funny...well...it was sort of funny...

i'm currently watching Naruto Shippuuden on YouTube...i love the theme song...

i'm going to stop commenting for a few days so don't think i've died or anything...

1-What is your favorite food?
2-What books do you think should be made into movies?

i'm going to start answering my questions from now on...

2-the Tripod Series and Dangerous Girls

~sora kairi 4ever~

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