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myOtaku.com: sora kairi 4ever

Friday, April 13, 2007

   Okay...ummmmm...WTF? Is That Teacher Hitting On You?!
i'll explain the title later, but my day was so messed up...as you know, today is Friday the 13th and many kids just realized this at the same time today causing them to purposely step on cracks and so on and so forth...

i was going to wear black and scare my friends because they are the happy optimist peoples of planet who knows what...then i also forgot to wear my headband that i always wear and always get made fun of because i like to watch Naruto...i usually respond with my usual cursing in Japanese followed by a "I read the manga, _______!"...my friend says that i'm weird because i'm a straight A student who curses...alot....

well, now to explain the title...in 3rd period English, we had a woman from a random theater company come and talk about Shakesphere's famous play, "A Midsummer Night's Dream"...we had to do insult and love/compliment quotes...while doing that, the woman frequently used Sam to explain how to say the love quotes...of course Sam, Michael, and i moved all the way to the back of the class(had to sit on floor)...

during that disturbing workshop, we got to use insult quotes on anyone, so my friend used one on our teacher...it was very funny...

tonight is the last dance for all the grades...hopefully the smurf goes because i can annoy him with my best friend for 2 hours...mwahahahahahaha...

i'm going to comment on the people who i didn't comment on yesterday's sites and if i have time i will comment on the rest...

1-Have you ever finished a (real)crossword puzzle in pen in less than 2 days?

1-Yes! i just finished yesterday^^

have a great day^^

~sora kairi 4ever~

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