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myOtaku.com: sora kairi 4ever

Friday, April 20, 2007

   Sorry TT_TT
today i'm going to comment...i promise i will...

well last night wasn't any better than the school day...my mom thinks i don't love her because i always ask my stepdad his opinion on my drawings and not her even though she went to art school...the reason i don't ask her is because i know how people who've been to art school critique, it's always,"Oh, the eyes are too big." or "You're supposed to draw a hand like this."...also, my stepdad has read manga and watched anime, that is another reason i ask him...my family has been having a hard time, with my grandpa who takes his anger out on my grandma for not being able to compliment him on everything, and my 2nd cousin having her mom have a stroke and not being able to take care of her, and my cousin's dog had to be put to sleep...

sorry i'm depressing you guys...meh...now i'm sounding like Colette(ToS)...

this weekend my friend Jennifer is coming over and we're going to watch movies for hours on end*throws confetti*XD

today was boring...i'll have you know that i resisted all inpulses to kill Marshal...even though i had some good opportunities...anyway...all day today, my friends didn't notice i was walking behind them until we reached our next class...that was very annoying because i couldn't talk to them until after class and usually i'm the first out of the class and they're the last...

i'll submit my pic of Gaara after i color and ink it in^^

1-Have you ever met someone named the same name as someone in a videogame?
2-That was a random question...have some popcorn*hands some out*

1-Yes, my 2nd cousin's name is Colette, but we call her Coco

the one day i start commenting everybody decides not to post...curse you all!!*shakes fist*

have a great weekend^^

~sora kairi 4ever~

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