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Member Since
• 2006-06-14
• Um....student?
Real Name
• *stares* Stalker! O_o
• I've played Phoenix Wright 1, 2, and 3 and beat them in 1 week^~
Anime Fan Since
• Sailor Moon...yeah...i was one of her minions...i'm so ashamed...
Favorite Anime
• Death Note, Trinity Blood, Naruto Shippuudin, Naruto, YuYu Hakusho, Hellsing, Wolf's Rain, Cardcaptors, Rurouni Kenshin, Blood+, and Tales of Symphonia
• ...Become a better artist? Ummmm....actually beat a PS2 game that isn't Naruto!
• Eating cake, reading manga, doodling, dancing, sleeping, and trying to have an "intellegent" conversation with me guy friends xD
• Scaring people faster than the speed of light! That and drawing okay....
| sora kairi 4ever
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
*Falls down* -_-'
hi peoples^^ i'm trying to scare my friends my not being all 'depressed' and being happy...
even though i totally ----ed up my arm^^
anyways, today had a test, hurt my arm right before our badminton test which messed up my arm even more *smiles*
i'm going to add something to my questions section in case there are comments i feel like answering
Answers to Questions and Comments that i feel like talking about and this title is too long, don't you agree?
1-Hahaha your class got filmed?
this is from Emmah.
yes, our class got filmed, and before, since our teacher wears waaaay too much make-up, we kept saying that she would have 5 make-up artists there trying to make her all ready for her 11 pm debut.
2-Thanks for the whole temari ball instructions. Hope i'm not causing u too much trouble~
this is from pink candy1.
it's no trouble at all^^
3-I've never been on TV before... besides that one episode of COPS... my attorney advised me not to bring that up anymore...
this is from LS.
oh yeah, i remember that episode...were you the one they tasered? (i'm totally joking and if you thought i wasn't you need to get out more often...) do you have the FFIII for DS??? If so....could you help me at the end...I cannot beat that last stupid boss!!!!!!!
this is from roxas07
i have the walkthrough, but i'm still working on when you first enter Xande's castle after Eurika
a suggestion, my team is a warrior (i forget 'cause i just started playing again), a geomancer (this guy is awesome! 9999 damage with shadowflare!!xD), a ninja, and a mage or whatever it's called (can summon and use magic at the same time) and also, go to Eurika and beat the monsters there because you can get so much experience! pm me for the walkthrough^^
5-I'll do better...cause you are cool too!
this is also from roxas07
thnks for thinking i'm cool xxD!!
ummmmm...that's about it unless you want to hear about how i fell down walking home today...
have an awesome day^^
*spins away on chair*
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
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