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Saturday, July 9, 2005
enin and yellowsword: Yes, that is a picture of me in that banner. But maybe it's just the scan lines and you can't quite see me... because I'm not cute xD; Or at least I don't think so... >_>;
[edit]: I can think of tons of reasons why guys shouldn't like me. Why those 4 do, I really have no idea. xD;
~I don't really spend time thinking about how I look, and I hate current fashions for girls... I don't really think I'm thin enough for that. XD Right now I wear size 0 or 1 jeans, but before I try on those girly clothes I want to be a 00. XD Thus, I usually end up wearing children-size jeans and a loose T-Shirt with a baggy sweatshirt on top. I always wear my hair the same way. And... yeah. I basically look the same every day. XD I'm sure guys would rather go out with someone with a better sense of style... like Xuemin or Huong. ^^'
~I tend to obsess a lot when it comes to famous Japanese guys who happen to be in magazines like Shoxx and Fool's Mate. Like... Ryuutarou (or anyone else in Pura for that matter), Miyavi, anyone from Gazette, Nightmare, or vidoll.... I can even name their blood type. Who would ever want to go out with a girl who's so obsessed with these other guys? XD
~I spend more time on my schoolwork than anything else. I work during lunch, inbetween class, and whatever spare moments I get before I finish my work. If I had to choose between a guy and those extra moments I use to finish working, I'd choose to work instead. XD I probably wouldn't have time for whoever I would end up going out with.
There's more, but why bore you with the details? [/edit]
Oh, and to yellowsword: no, I don't think that about you.
But anyway. I have my plan and maybe it will work and maybe it won't:
Me: "I've liked you... since freshman year."
Yuu: "I... hate ugly girls."
I doubt he'll say those exact words, since he's too nice to say that. ^^' But I'm guessing he'll reject me and then I can just make him say that. XD And then I'll turn into Sunako-chan, and hide from light and boys and pretty things. o_O;
Of course, if he actually *does* like me back, then we'll have a little predicament. I like him. He likes me. But I'm still stuck with the mindset that no guy could possibly want to go out with me and have thus become quite.. "anti-boyfriend"-ish. xD; So... we would both like each other but I don't really thnk I should be going out with anyone... I don't want to make a guy go out with me -____-; I think I said the same thing about making a guy go to the dance with me. XDDDDD
But I'm going to take a break from my little shoujo drama. And plan cosplay!! When I go to visit SF this August, me and my friends are going to cosplay like crazy. Neko has all of her costumes picked out, and I pretty much do as well. In one week we have like... 7 costumes. o_O;
1. Gothic Lolita Pattern Book - Book 5. I'll be that guy with the top hat. :D Neko is being a "sorrowed doll/girl/whatever" or something along those lines. Sano is undecided.
2. L'arc~en~ciel - SMILE album. I'll be um... Hyde? Yukihiro is claimed by Neko. Sano can get Tetsu. I think. They all kind of look the same, don't they..? Except for their ties... o_o; One more and we'll have 4...
3. The Wallflower/Yamatonadeshiko Shichihenge - Chapter 6. I'm Takenaga in his hooded Halloween costume... Neko is Kyohei and Sano is Ranmaru. There's still room for a really girly Yukinojo.
4. The Wallflower/Yamatonadeshiko Shichihenge - Chapter 13. I'm Takenaga again, this time in his costume for the photoshoot. :D Sano is Ranmaru also. Neko has claimed Yukinojo.
5. Akuma no Ororon - Chapter ? - I get to be... Mitsume... I love his goggles XDDD Neko-chan can be Ororon. The Kyohei costume will look just like Ororon's jacket! ^^' Sano can be... Shiro?? I don't know. She's undecided... O_o;
6. Plastic Tree - Tremolo (!) - Ryuu-chan (!!!) I'm so happy I get to be Ryuu-chan x3333333333 Haha. Those wings are going to be murdered. And I need to get a top hat. Ummm... Neko is being Akira? I think? Sano can be... Tadashi? Unfortunately, we have an extreme lack of pictures. If not, Neko claims Ryuu-chan from Sanbika. Sano = ?
8. Death Note - I'm undecided this time. Neko says: "Can I be Raito? I mean Light. 8D" Sano is undecided again.
[edit]: My younger cousin was playing on my DDR pad the other day. The only problem is he stomps on it really hard. So much, in fact that he moved the raised button towards the center. My parents pushed it back into the correct position, but it slides back every once in a while. I'm pretty sure it's still usable, just harder to use. So, my parents are buying me and my sister a new dance pad! ^_^ Heh, I really wanted one of those so I could start learning how to play double. Hopefully the first pad isn't completely broken.[/edit]
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