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Saturday, September 17, 2005
First, the SARS thing. Enin, I can't thank you enough for the rusty syringe idea. I've been drawing syringes all over my school planner because I like it so much. So today my parents and sister weren't at home, so I tried recording a tape for Kacchanon of "Tsuki no Hikari, Utsutsu no Yume" and it didn't work. D: I have to find a way to do this... She loved the "private concert," setlist and all... so I have to make a tape for her for Christmas. Soon after I'll hopefully have my electric guitar... Gah. I want it so badly~. Even if I'm not that good at the songs I want to play yet, it will be easier to learn on the electric since... some songs just aren't acoustic-compatible. Slide on acoustic? Oh my... that was so awful. Sink sounded okay though. XD
New art uploaded soon. Check it out when you have the chance. :D
So everyone says that Brian wants to go to the dance with me but I don't know. After all, about a week and a half ago he said that "it was more fun to go to dances as groups" or whatever. But anyway here's what's been happening. By the way, I have to ask him to the dance because I have a bet with Julie and Vicky that he'll reject me. It's a win-win situation. If he doesn't reject me, then I get to go to the dance with him. If he does reject me, I get $5.50. XD I'm actually quite scared to say anything at the risk of the awkwardness, since well... if I *do* go with him then it might be awkward between his friends since they know me as the most anti-boyfriend person ever. And if I don't then maybe he'll think it's weird to be around me and I can't hang out with some of my friends because he hangs out with them... and. Well. As Brian kept telling me, my life is complicated.
On the bus one day...
Katherine: You need a boyfriend before I kill you.
Me: O...k... want to kill me before formal so I don't have to go?
Katherine: No.
Me: Oh wait you can't kill me before then, I need to stay alive for my Gloomy Bear plushies!
Katherine: Then I'll kill you before your birthday and after formal!
The next day before leaving school on the bus...
Brian: If you kill her, I'll kill you to avenge her death.
Katherine: Hahaha. Okay.
Me: Don't bother avenging me, it's not worth it ^^'
Brian: Of course you're worth avenging~
Me: Well what if Katherine kills me on the bus and then you won't know.
Brian: Hmm...
Me: I'll get Deyannah to tell you for me.
Katherine: But then I'll have to kill Deyannah too.
Me: O_o; Don't kill Katherine~!
Brian: If you kill her on the bus, then you should wear that necklace again and I'll choke you with it.
The next morning on the bus...
Me: Katherine~ What if I don't find a boyfriend inbetween that time you want to kill me?
Katherine: Gahh you make things too complicated~ I give up.
Later that day online...
Me: Katherine doesn't want to kill me anymore!
Brian: Oh? Why not?
Me: *explains the above*
Brian: Why couldn't she kill you without all those rules?
Me: She wanted me to suffer before I died, so she wanted me to have to go to Autumn formal, not to live until my birthday to get my Gloomies, and also I think that she wanted me to have to have a boyfriend so that I could get rejected. XD
Brian: ....I don't think you'd get rejected.
Brian: Not badly, at least.
Me: Well, Rokutanda wouldn't reject me, but he's like... creepy.
Brian: Who's Rokutanda?
Me: This guy who has liked me since 8th grade and was kind of stalker-ish.. he has my phone number and my address I think and he's kind of creepy, so...
Brian: What's his real name?
Me: Josh.
Brian: Oh. Your life is complicated.
Me: Yes... yes it is. xOx;
Brian: Well you should just try asking someone out.
Brian: Ohwait. You don't have to. Because Katherine doesn't want to kill you anymore.
Me: Yeah~
Brian: I was under the impression that you had to get a date for the dance because your other friend said so or something.
Me: Oh yeah I forgot about that. XD
Brian: Your life is complicated.
Me: Yeah. xox; Maybe Alyssa wants me to get rejected too~! How fun~ xOx;
Brian: You should just ask someone.
Compy: *commits suicide*
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