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myOtaku.com: sou-chan

Friday, October 14, 2005

Wow haven't been around in a while...

Homemade PURIKURA is fun. I made 2 of me and Kacchanon + 1 of Sarah.

Sarah + Ueda = ♥

I need to get some new patterns though. Not too many looked that great for PuriKura purposes. Maybe some more stamps too because some of them were just ok, and some didn't work at all. But the ones I did today turned out ok.

Want a FREE homemade PuriKura? E-Mail me, and I'll make one for you~ Just make sure that it's not too small (50 x 100 px is just too hard to work with, you know)

Kacchanon cursed for me... again! [SoBC explains it all] Wow. Kacchanon, I feel so loved~~ (;A;) Why do you have to live so far away~!! You're supposed to come protect me from my crazy manga-esque drama!! Gahhh... I know drama is rather inevitable, but....

Why can't I be "blessed" with "normal" drama?? (;A;)

I mean... liking people and having people like you and whatever... I guess isn't great but it's ok. But... stalkers and crazy people and weird perceptions of me [and my so-called disorders] is just too much.

And no, I haven't been crying. And I haven't been starving myself. I simply watch my weight. And I haven't been acting anorexic OR bulemic. You can't be both at the same time, and there's no way I could ever be either of them.. And I'm not lost. Even though I always seem to look confused in some way or another. And I'm not depressed, even if I'm not smiling.

You know what. I think I need to constantly smile or something again. Even my math teacher thought I looked upset. And I'm not. And Kent still thinks I've been crying >>; But I can't help it if my eyes water when I get sleepy. Brian still thinks I look sad if I'm not smiling, and says it's because of my eyes but how can I change that? o_O;

But anyway...

TEMPORARY SUCCESS! and some failure too, but...

I have an A in Psychology!!
Just barely, though. A 90.9%

But I only have an 88.9% in science. (;A;)

And Castillo didn't give me credit for my warmups yet so I have a B in her class too. But it will come up once she inputs it into her grades.

I'm getting back into my Dakku No Majikaru Adobenchaa phase again. It's just too cute not to.

"SURII..... TUu... WAa..?"
It's cute when he tries to speak in English.

"Tiramisu Tiramisu?"

"AHHHH tiramiSUUU!!"

Ahahaha. miku's so funny.

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