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Sunday, November 13, 2005
I'm really really sorry for my page's coma. I'll try to bring it back, really. I'm just kind of stressed out about things and I'm really busy. So I'm going to steal a survey thing from DemonMessiah!
Time started:
Full Name: Alina Akemi -------
Single or Taken: Single :]
Sex: Female
Birthday: 1990.4.13
Sign: Aries
Siblings: Younger sister.
Eye color: Dark brown
Height: 5'1'' [...I'm... even shorter than Hyde. ;o;]
Innie or Outie: innie
What are you wearing right now: Black T-Shirt, black jeans, white socks, red wrist corset from Kacchanon :]
Where do you live : California
Righty or lefty: Lefty [ Gackt..? o.o;]
Can you make a dollar in change right now: $3.62 at the moment.
Who are your closest friends: Gekkoshi, Kacchanon, Sarah, Yahiko
Do you have a BF or GF?: No, as stated above xD
Did you send this to your crush?: No, besides I don't think my crush could read this... o_o;;
Best place to go for a date: Hmm...
Where is your fav place to shop: Kinokunya :D
kind of pants: Black ones. XD
Color: black, grey, white
Number: 0
Boys Name: ...Ryuutarou? XDDDDDD
Girls Name: ...??
Animal: Jellyfish and pandas
Drink: Water
Sports: Hockey and tennis
Fast-Food Place: I don't really eat fast food...
Month: December
Movie: Dare mo Shiranai D:
Juice: Apple
Finger: Um......?
Breakfast: Toast
Favorite cartoon character: That picture of Tadashi that Ryuu-chan drew a lot
***Have you ever***
Given anyone a bath: No
Smoked: No
Bungee Jumped: No
Gone skinny dipping: No
Eaten a dog: No
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: We don't really get frozen poles here...
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: *cough*
Broken a bone: I fractured my skull before...
Played truth or dare: Yes XD
Been in a physical fight: Just sparring...
Been in a police car: No
Been on a plane: Yes
Come close to dying: I think I almost drowned when I was 7
been in a sauna: No
been in a hot tub: No
swam in the ocean: No
Fallen asleep in school: No
Ran away?: From where? but probably no. XD
Broken someone's heart: I hope not~ well actually.. I think I have... more than once too DDDDD:
Cried when someone died: No
Cried in school: Yes. I had a C in Mr. Jett's class. DDDDDD:
Fell off your chair: No.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? Nobody calls me. XD
Saved AIM conversations: Yes.
Saved e-mails: GMail saves everything XD
Fallen for one of your best friends? No
Made out with JUST a friend?: No
Used someone: I don't think so
Been cheated on?: If I've never had a boyfriend... isn't that impossible? XDDDDDDD
What is...
Your good luck charm: Nothing
Best song you ever heard: That's hard
Stupidest thing you have ever done: I don't know
What's your room like: Not-so-spacious. XD
Last thing you said online: ok
What is beside you: My biology study guide
Last thing you ate: An orange
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Anything that's there.
Best thing that has happened to you this year: Hmm...
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: The D on my science test, I guess...
Have you had..
Chicken pox: No
Sore Throat: Yes
Stitches: No
Broken nose: No
Believe in love at first sight: Not sure
Like picnics: Sometimes
Like school: Sometimes
What schools have you gone to: Preschool [can't remember the name xD] Arnold Elementary, CMMS, SHS, CAMS
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: No
If you were stuck on an island, what 5 people would you want with you?: Someone with a boat, someone who could drive the boat, a navigator, someone with lots of food, someone with lots of fresh water XD;;;
Who was the last person that called you: He was a telemarketer. xD
Who was the last person you slow danced with?: Brian at Sadies
What makes you laugh the most?: I dont' know. XD
What makes you smile?: Almost everything xDDDDDDDD
Who is the last person
You yelled at: Ummmm.... Sarah, for our Japanese skit "Omae wa BAKA dayo~ DAMASU!!" Hahahaha
Who broke your heart: No one, really. :D
Who told you they loved you: Lime did. But I don't know if he meant it or if he was just messing with me. XD
Is your loudest friend: Inu-chan
Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out: Not really but I need to do something to fill up my empty page xD
Do you wear contacts or glasses: I wear glasses occasionally
Do you like yourself: Not really
Do you get along w/ your family: Sometimes
Stolen anything over $50: No
Obsessive? Sometimes
Compulsive? Sometimes xDDDDDD
Anorexic? No, but people think I am
Suicidal? People think that I am
Final questions
How many people are you sending this to: Not sending it to anyone. Feel free to steal. :D
What are you listening to right now?: H̐l by Kagrra, [can't romanize it xOx;]
What did you do yesterday: Nothing important
Hated someone in your family: No
Got any awards: Yes
What car do you wish to have: Hybrid... can't afford to keep going to the gas station x__x;
Where do you want to get married: I don't know
Good driver: Haven't learned how to drive yet...
Good Singer: No, and yet my friends made me vocalist. XD
Have a lava lamp: No
How many remote controls are in your house: 4
Are you double jointed: No
What do you dream about: Dying... and Jrock. XD
Last time you showered: This morning
Last time you took a bath: Not sure
The last movie you saw at the theatres: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Scary or happy movies: Dramas are best :D
Black or white: Black
Root or Dr.Pepper: I don't like either
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jello? XD
Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate
Skiing or Boarding: I don't know
Summer or winter: Winter
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or pearl: Diamonds
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset
Sprite or 7up: I don't like either
Orange juice or apple juice: Apple
Cats or dogs: It depends
Coffee or tea: Tea
Phone or in person: It depends... but probably in person
Are you Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Oldest
Indoor or outdoor: Indoor
End Time:
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