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Wednesday, February 4, 2004
heh heh... ^^;
I haven't posted any thing here in a while ^^; Nothing really happens though. The Takahashi anime I ordered last month was finally shipped yesterday (it was preorder). I want to go to Kino-ya because they have a manga that I want but I can't find it any where T.T No info at all... ...maybe it's hentai... but it looks too cute to be hentai (then again, its expensive enough to be, and its not like there aren't cute girls in hentai) ...I'm over thinking this, ne? ^^;
I had a migarne earlier T.T I got to stay home from school ^^ Actually, I don't mind going to school, as long as I don't get bothered.
Okay, thats enough. Ja ne...
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Sunday, February 1, 2004
[Cut and Pasted from my LJ because I'm too lazy to write some thing original. To Kan&ForlornHope: Thank you. You made me feel better.]
Today (this afternoon) I found 2 fanfics ^^. The frist one... well, really sucked. I ended up just skimming through it hoping they'd get to it already. I always hated most OCs, but I really fan grils who write themselfs in to fics. -_-;;
The other one was great! I wish the athuor took annonmys reviews... T.T I wish I was good at writing reviews... Anyway, it really good. The writing style was great, it was spell checked, it had mostly proper grammer (yeah, they should have left the 'be' out of the end of the sentence), and they were in character ^___^.
Off the subject of fanfiction, Genshiken is a good manga. My download just finished (thats why I'm bringing it up). I like Kosaki-kun, he looks like a bishounen.
I'm too lazy to write more. Ja ne.
[as previously stated, see ya.]
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Saturday, January 31, 2004
I used to be happy, now some idiots pissed me off. Whats worse is they're probably collage graduates with a phd. Yet they're still idiots.
to quote someone who I was talking to about this:
"The only reason there are idiots in this world is beacause they won't let us kill them."
Dammit, now I'm going to post a much harsher version in my lj.
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Thursday, January 29, 2004
 Your element is Shadow: Indifferent, unusual, gentle and a complete mystery. No one tends to know quite what to think of you because you camouflage your emotions so increddibly well, almost as well as your thoughts. You are unpredictable in that know one knows exactly what your going to do or what your capable of and you've made sure they never will. You are quite the wallflower but deep down inside is a kind and very intelligent person. You are capable of love but unless you let some light into your shadowed life you'll have a hard time with your relationship. Your power to become 'invisible' is well used because you use it constantly! People are a mystery because they all seem too superficial, you would rather be somewhere else, away from all the noise perhaps putting your feelings into a form of art, maybe writing your feelings into a poem or journel, or perhaps painting a picture. The shadows make you feel comfortable and you don't like to step outside your comfort zone or let anyone else in, the spotlight terrifies you. You are truely a mystery.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. {-With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-} ^_^ brought to you by Quizilla
...how accurate...
thinking: maybe I should write more here... ...iya.
ja ne.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2004
I feel like crap... T.T
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Sunday, January 25, 2004
hey, I got a live journal thingy here. Will someone tell me if it looks okay?
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*checks clock* ...I have a habit of waking up in the afternoon...
Oi, I killed my junk mail filter yesterday, and today there was 37 massages in bulkmail, mainly from my Yahoo groups @.@
Anyways, my family went to look at houses today and left me alone! Yay! Now I can plan my day ^^
1. read all this mail
a.if that takes up all the time, turn the junk mail filter back on.
b.if not reply to some.
2. internet rutine
3. finish watching Inuyasha dvds
4. A.c, LJ.c, FF.n, MM.o
5. webcomic
a.if I don't finish, make up an excuse to tell Clayton
b. if I do, I'm going back to sleep -_-
And I can do it without interuptions. *sigh*
ja ne.
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Saturday, January 24, 2004
...random post...
a list of random things I did today:
change my avatar at shoujoai.com to this-

ate toast
slept til 1pm
played with the Shinobu figure I got in China Town (hey look! it isn't ecchi!)
dreamed about the stuff I do on the internet (so, I really don't have a real life.)
was unproductive (like most days)
watched English tv.
and nothing else
ja ne.
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Thursday, January 22, 2004
Happy Chinese New Year ^___^ and finally, being an otaku payed off, I get the day off of school tommorow! Yes! No midterms! XD no, I really wanna go to China Town. I haven't been there in a year, I miss it.
now, the only thing to make this better is if I stopped having damn mood swings ^-^
ja ne.
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why'd he have to come? i hate him...
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