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Wednesday, November 5, 2003
Aah... its been awile... I talked to Hiroe tonight, Hiroe is the Japanese lady my mum works with, I never met her before but my mums' been telling about her, and I talked to her today (I also think she gave her my email) I'm easily emmbarrased and my mum put her on the phone to let me talk to her, heres the conversation: Hiroe: Hello
Me: hello
H: Konnichiwa
M: konnichiwa... (embarrassed and giggling)
H: my name's Hiroe
M: huh..? (cant hear)
H: Hi-Ro-E (loadly)
M: *d'oh*... anou, I'm Kaede (<- XD thats my name in Japanese)
H: (I can barely hear her) We can meet some time and buy manga, ne? (speaking of manga, if my life was one it suck...)
M: ha-hai... (I am such a schoolgirl)
Swich off
Mum: youre embarrassed arent you?
I was giggling all through that... I feel like a schoolgirl (... wait... I am a schoolgirl...) Anou...... and how are you, minna? *runs away*
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Friday, October 31, 2003
yay, Halloween... yay going to a school that gives you the day off ^-^ I don't really like Hallowen, but I can wear my yukata all day and use it as an excuse. there isn't much trick or treating in NY anyway... I'll buy chocolate instead and ... well it I wasn't such an otaku I would have friends but... anyway... I got the 2nd Inuyasha movie today ^-^ In the movies they always draw Inu-tachi so young. and Kaguya looks like Kanna for some reason... its probaly the mirror. Kahaku! I really like Kahaku, hes so cute... like Soujirou only not at all... Kohaku is so angsty. I like angsty characters, most of the characters in most of the anime I watch seem angsty once or twich. acsept for Houjou, hes comic relif. I like his ancestor better, and his hair is the same color as Okita in Kaze Hikaru. its kinda creppy, not many people have that shade of hair, its pretty. I think this is proof I have no life... *sigh*
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Thursday, October 30, 2003
 You are Shinya.
Which Dir en grey Member Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
no real reason for putting this here, but anyway...
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Tuesday, October 28, 2003
despressing fanfic
I just read a fanfic ->(http://mystories.4mg.com/SunsetDayGold.html) the end was so sad. it was to me anyway. its barely yaoi, but it says yaoi anyway. 2000+ resultes for "soujirou" in serch. Now I'm going to continue looking, ja ne.
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Saturday, October 25, 2003
mou... people know the only reason I post here is because I'm bored right? I lost my headphones so I can't watch anime, not with sound anyway, I like Sou-chan's voice in Japanese... I like all their voices in Japanese. more or less, I have nothing to do, the dub is back at the begining, which is annoying, because the only reason I've been watching it dubbed is to see the filler episodes I didn't buy. Then again, I still have 50$ and everything else RK that I want. So I'm going to get the X shirt I saw. The filler arc isn't writen by Watsuki, so isn't it just animated fanfiction/doujinshi? ...why is the kanji on the DVD case so smeary? its hardly readable, on the subject of kanji, I wonder it this page can hold Japanese text... it probly put "?" or random omake.
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Thursday, October 23, 2003
I've been in really bad mood lately, but most people are, ne? But I did find good Ao/Sou fics (<- favorite pairing) and, I read them all in 2 nights ^-^ now that I read all those, I have to work on a 2 page story I was suppose to write for school, I made Soujirou a girl XD but whos more femine between Aoshi and Soujirou? I don't think my teacher would enjoy yaoi much, but its more of an original story then a fanfic, they're OOC and I changed 1/2 of their names (Shinomori Aoshi- Aoshi Hitori, Seta Soujirou- Kaori Seta) Like the name Kaori, it sounds cute, and it rymes with the title ^-^ hm, Ao/Sou isn't a very popular pairing is it? *look at Otaku Bourds page 5 of Y...WWI? (<- shortend name.)* nope, geuss not. oh well, one of the best fabfiction writers writes Sou/Ao fics *coughKuroiyouseicough* April-san writes light shounen- ai fics. ^^^I'm babbling... anyway, that all you have to suffer thru for now ^-^
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Sunday, October 19, 2003
Most of the fanfics I read with Soujirou always take place in Tokyo or Kyoto, and I've always wondered if Soujirou was going north, then whys he around Tokyo..? I've only read 1 where hes in the north (it was snowing!) Actully, sometimes they don't say where he is (or they are, depending on what you're reading.) which is kinda what people do in peoms and songfics. The Kyoto arc ended last night! but they didn't animate the Jinchuu arc. its hard to picture the Kyoto arc ending without Jinchuu after it. (I only have some of the Japanese version of the anime, I don't want to watch filler episodes.) and another change of subject, the fanfic that toke place in the north was really good, but I lost it. mou...
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Saturday, October 18, 2003
(no subject)
Has anyone noticed how hard it is to draw in the same artstyle as Watanabe Taeko and Matsushita Yoko? -.- its hard... when I tried to draw like Watanabe, my person turned out looking like a dog. ^-^;;; oi, I'm not going to draw Kaze Hikaru fanart anymore... Anyway, I'm going to Japan soon! ^-^ Stacy is really nice, she going to take me to Japan for no reason! It actully is funny to picture it... Shes going to have anxity attacks, my dad is going to be scared of the airplane, and his friend is too and I'm the only one there who knows any Japanese... and it going to look weird when some little girl translate for them... its going to look funny going to an anime store and finding hentai (thats not exacly how I want them to remeber Japan, I REALLY hope that doesn't happen) ... for a trip I'm not going on til winter vacation, I'm reading into it too much. ^-^;; oh well...
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Wednesday, October 15, 2003
mou, I'm reading Inuyasha (I read other mangas too) and I'm remeber the poor Shinichitai... I miss Jakotsu he was so cool (and cute/pretty). I like the color of his hair, Bankotsu's too. I wonder what AS is going to do when they get there, I don't want them to give Jakotsu a really girly voice, I liked Kamatari's dub voice (I only heard it once though, at the end.) or they could make poor Jakotsu a girl, (did they turn Kamatari into a girl in the dub? They refered to HIM as HER in the episode I saw.) hmm... I wish I could find some doujinshi with him. Why did Takahashi-sama have to kill them?! *sob* anyway, I'm going to (try) get to Kinokuniya this week, (i wish they sold doujinshi...) mou, this post is longer then what I usualy post, ne?
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Sunday, October 12, 2003
I can't find (any more) Soujirou or Kamatari fics. Most of the Soujirou fics are angst poems and Kamatari just doesn't have alot of fanfiction. I think I only saw about 2 as Kamatari as a main character. Why does Soujirou have to have so many angst poems? hes angst-y enogh in the real RK. Sou-chan has more poems then any other character in RK I think. And while I'm on the subject of fanfics, I need to learn more kanji, it gets annoying when you read Japanese fanfics aka, novels. (why do they call them novels anyway?)
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