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Friday, October 10, 2003
Why am I the person who darws Soujirou? there aren't any Kamatari pictures either... But Aoshi and Misao have some pictures. mou, poor Kama-chan... hes one of the kawaii caraters in RK... actully, ecespt Saitou, Aoshi and Sano, most of them are kawaii bishounen and all of the boys are bishounen... I like shounen manga.
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Yay! I'm happy, I got a DAI cd, Kaze Hikaru 2 and 4 (Kinokuniya didn't have 3 -.- hidoi...) Yami no Matsuei 1,2&3. and a RK doujinshi! so I'm happy, now as long as I dont rember school is evil...
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Monday, October 6, 2003
No school Monday! Wai! so, I'll probly sleep all day! (its midnight, I staying awake til 5...) hmm... why does X/1999 get its own section but all the rest are in Clamp on FF.net? <-random thought... I read on a site that there is a Kaze Hikaru anime, I want to see it! Mou, its hard to find Kaze Hikaru sites... I'm bored (again), now I'm going to read web comics...
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Friday, October 3, 2003
ah, my pictures are back to haveing -50% rateing ^-^ hmm, I saw the ad for Rurouni Kenshin 1 in English, it looks funny. the text is weird. oi, on the RK manga subject, my friend just returned my RK 9 manga, and now I have to go to Kinokuniya to buy anther one, because half the book is gone and the cover is torn. um, thats all I can write, so.
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Thursday, October 2, 2003
I wonder how my picture suddenly turned DBZ and Sou got 10% and Noname got 66%... XD it was kinda amusing. well beside that my picture still didn't uplaod. now I'm going to stop whining.
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Sunday, September 28, 2003
hey, my picture actually went thru this time! the color seems kind of off ne? *sigh* at least it got posted. I tried to send a different picture but it never worked...
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Saturday, September 27, 2003
 Your a true Soujiro fan.You know everything about him.
How well do you know Soujiro? brought to you by Quizilla
The quiz says I know everything about Sou-chan ^-^ I wish they had a RK quiz here.
 You represent... loneliness.
Always alone and always sad about it... unlike angst, you don't have to look for a reason to be miserable. You want to be in the company of people but aren't sure how to act when you're with them. Sometimes you have to make an effort. You can't always wait for others to come to you.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
O.O that acutally is kind of acurate...
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Friday, September 26, 2003
I'm really relaxed now for some reason... (that might be because its 2 in the morning but..) I wonder it my pictures gonna come up. I worked really hard to edit out the lines... hm. I'm really just bored, but thats good, ne?
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Sunday, September 21, 2003
yay! oi.
Yay! 57%! I'm really happy! oi, I have home work to do but, I wanna read fanfiction and look at pictures... oi...
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Saturday, September 20, 2003
I just submited Noname, I drew her during class, thats why shes on nb paper... she looked better there too. oh well...
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