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Baka shounen and Tasai called me awesome, several times ^-^;;
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Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Kaze Hikaru, ect.
anime, manga, being lazy...
drawing, but only when I don't try though...
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Thursday, January 15, 2004
I got a CD player today. Its black and silver and says 'SPORTS' on it. I don't play sports... but it has anti-skip on it.
...I want the blue one my friend has, its so pretty... *.*

... I have no idea whats going on @.@

Its so amusing to see Sano with pink hair...

*bows* gomen nasai, I forgot the adress of the site I got this... gomen...
^___^ but they look so cute~...
ja ne
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Wednesday, January 14, 2004
because I can post it... yeah, collages are a hobby... I did this in *checks watch* five minutes...
ja ne.
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konbanwa. its 8:44 and fxcking cold here. But I didn't have to do anything in school today. The rest of the people in my grade went bowling. I hate bowling so I stayed in class and watched Lord of the Flies in black an white. and it was increadibly boreing, it didn't do the book justice.
Anyway, heres how most of the day went:
I went to school and rembered we had a trip to go bowling. I didn't go... thank god. But the whole thing was delayed for some reason, so I had an addiance while I was drawing (as much as I hate it when people say all I do is draw, its true -.-;;) They did compliment me alot. And said I could get money and a shcolarship with it. I swear, the art I post here sucks. *sigh* I hate when people watch me draw... because 1) I get uneasy when people watch me 2) I can't be very productive as far as my webcomic is concerned 3) yaoi would disturb them 4) I can't draw yuri for the same reason, oh, and they hunt lesbians like witchs in Salem.
They watched me almost all day. and I didn't get much done when they didn't.
It sucked, and it was 16° all day...
ja ne.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2004
yeah, I just woke up. 8:03pm. actually, its 8:23pm now, but I'm still tired...
And if you haven't notticed (which most people didn't) my sites more blue ^____^ it was fun. but I'm not changing the actually background though because I write spoiler stuff in white. 5 dollars for who can find every thing I wrote in white...
Anyway, g'night. I'm tired...
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Monday, January 12, 2004
hey, look, a coherent post. maybe not enterily. oh well, I feel like posting pictures...

I like this picture, I don't rember where I got it, but its Okita Souji.

and I really like this pic ^^ Sou-chan and Shinomori-san ^^

and now for something completely different. I resized this, it looked better before. but I didn't want it too big ^^;

This is my desktop background. Yeah, I like pictures. one picture gets boring after staring at it several times. ...I like blue...
ja ne.
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Saturday, January 10, 2004
I was wondering... should I take my art down? I mean, people expect too much from me if they think I can copy an art style. and most people don't like my art for any such reason.
I haven't submitted art in awhile either...
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mou, I'm back. My father didn't believe I got suspended.
...what? I had to tell him. You try walking backing back and forth to fulton mall. Though, if I really wanted to, I probably could, or just alternate between Radio Shack and the dounut place.
*sigh* BmB ended... *sob* Kaede is sad...
I was not souspose to be on the net yesterday, but I snuck on. Which isn't that hard, because my father is a drunk who stays out drinking and flirting, so its easy.
...I want yaoi... and I lost my favorite non-anime book... I was almost finished with it >.<
ja ne
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Wednesday, January 7, 2004
I have at story about what happened at school today:
it was lunch time and if you go to my school (or any crappy school in NYC) there is going to be a fight. So on the other side of the cafateria there was a huge fight (any of them small here?). And all the teachers and police ran over there. I was with my friends, the people I follow around all day, relize that they dould go upstairs (because we never go outside, exspecialy in 18 degre whether) So we ran up there... any just about everyone else there too. We got upstairs and I waited in front of my class with my other friends and they walked off to their class. About... 2 minutes later everyone else came up running screaming the vice principle (who is in charge of the lower grades, 7-8) was coming. And we were all like "oh shit" and ran into the bathroom.
...then she cought us coming out...
She told us we were supended or something, I didn't really pay attention, I useually just nod and ask questions later, so I actually heard it from my friends.
The rest of the day we avoided them with much suscess ^-^ Then when it was over we were walking to are class and are girl in are class (who is a b*tch) asked what was going on. They said "The three of us got suspended." She gestured to us. and then the girl nodded then paused, "Wait, Kaede too?"
"Yeah all three of us."
Then she laughed and chanted "Keade got in trouble, Kaede got in trouble!"
I nodded, yup, sucks to be me. and we just walked to class. And all the rest of the day, no matter how many other kids got in trouble, no one cared, they were just amezed I got in trouble.
I was funny, actually. They called our houses, but htey couldn't get to mine (my dad works via internet) so, I didn't get in trouble, and probably won't. People find it hard to believe and quite white girl with Shirly Temple hair can do anything wrong.
...its always the quite ones...
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Tuesday, January 6, 2004
My art never shows up... it probably sucks anyway. I love Tuesday ^^ we don't have math because of gym, we don't have to participate in gym (or say 'I have to go to the bathroom' to skip it ^^), and... well, nothing. but it is nice because school sucks, its hell and I hate it with a passion. so besides that... yeah.
Today I saw my conceler today. And before people say I'm doing it for me, I'm not. Its a perent-child type and I have to come so my mum can. Anyway, I'm getting her into anime. And she looks at my art. And this happened to be written on one of the: 'Once upon a time, there was... nothing. Because everone was evil and craved destruction and death... and soon, there was nothing' she said it was disturbing and I just laughed like I was crazy... opps. Good thing I didn't show her some of the stuff I write when I try to make it disturbing. That isn't even close to disturbing compared to A.M.P... Then again, it is compared to Hello Kitty.
ja ne.
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Monday, January 5, 2004

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.
This why I don't like people. I don't care about you, or much else for that matter, why should I have to?! one of the reason why I perfer anime to people, they're more intelligent and open-minded. I don't want to be happy, I like being depressed and I'm not mopey. I just don't care... and there is a reason... I'll write it later, maybe...
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