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Thursday, December 4, 2003
Yay! CrosscarSamurai!!
yeah, CrosscarSamurai-sama is a genius. ^-^
now, on with the answers:
1. its shoujo ^^; big eyes, pastel bubbles and all ^^;; I wasn't expecting anyone to get this.
2. I don't feel like putting a big list, so CrosscarSamurai's list... 'Cardcaptor Sakura, Chobits, X/1999, Clamp School Detectives, and Magic Knight Rayearth.' ...and you don't need to put '/1999' either. but it doesn't matter.
3. Inuyasha. it is historical, kinda.
4. Watsuki Nobuhiro ^___^
5. Do as Infinity, and they sing Fukai Mori too ^.^
thats it. CrosscarSamurai-sama only missed the Urukyuu question. and I didn't think anyone would get it anyway. So, CrosscarSamurai-sama is still a genius ^__^ (3 times in a row ^-^)
anyway, bye ^-^
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Wednesday, December 3, 2003
and again...
yeah, 3rd quiz. yaa---aay. Its about verious series. okay?
1. what genre is Urukyuu? (it be cool if someone knew this.)
2. name 5 manga that Clamp wrote.
3. what (kinda) historical manga did Takahashi Rumiko write?
4. who wrote Rurouni Kenshin? (someone should get this.)(...I hope.)
5. who sings Shinjutsu no Uta? (I think its an Inuyasha song...)
pethetic, ne? this of the top of my head. ^^;;;
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Congrads, CrosscarSmurai, you win again ^__^
ahem, any way, answers:
1. frist- Okita, second- Nagakura, third- Saitou.
2. Tuberculosis (yeah, I looked it up, its spelled right.
3. Souji and/or Soushi. (I'm pretty sure it was Souji, though. Most spell Soushi. I could rant about this, but somelse already did.)
Thats it. CrosscarSamurai-sama, good job, you're a genius. I'm probably gonna write more quizzes, hope no one cares. mou, bye.
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Monday, December 1, 2003
Quiz... that I made.
Ok, cuz' I want to (and haven't been to Kinokuniya) a quiz... about the Shinsengumi! yeah, not anime, but its only 3 questions.
1. name the frist, second, and third squad captains.
2. What did Okita die from?
3. What are the 2 ways you can romanize Okita's first/given name.
and it should be easy to figure out the last one if you go to Okita sites. and this is all I feel like writing. so answer them if you know them, their easy anyway. (to me anyway.) well, bye. (sorry if there are typos. ^^;;)
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Sunday, November 30, 2003
nothing to do... anyone know any good message boards? the one here is kinda boring... and the other one I go to has had one topic, with only two pages up, since I joined like a year ago. when I'm bored I go on mbs and babble, or I hit my head on a brick wall, which ever is more entertaining at the time... blah blah blah. I just felt like posting something. ...on my dead site... yay dead...
shi ne.
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Soujirou Pictures!
Yay! There are now 4 Soujirou pictures on this site! *hugs Crossacrsamurai and Kitten Kisses* Arigatou! You made me really happy! ^____^
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Friday, November 28, 2003
A quiz and a rant...
 Purple! You have purple eyes! You're a dreamer, artist, poet, whatever. You enjoy all forms of art and literature, and tend to be quite good at creating them as well.
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
... createing, yes, makeing it work and sticking with it, no. I write, I draw, I make manga. But I never really finish any of it, I lose interest, I take interest in something else and ruin it, or, the popular, once its on paper, its pretty much buried. So I play with it in my head, enjoy it, but if I write it or draw it, its not how I want it, it takes to long, and eventually, I find something else to play with and toss it a side.
ahem, a while ago, I took this quiz, and go yellow, which I found amusing, because they're oppisites.
...I'd quote Angles but I can't find the quote... (grrrr...) yellow- cold, distant and uncareing. purple- happy, peaceful and caring.
...Everytime I think About that, I think, 'Cool real life character devolpment!' lol.
heh, maybe thats why Kenshin's eyes turn yellow when he is/was hitokiri battousai. (should I capitalize that?) ...anyway, my favorite color is purple ^___^ and blue, for Soujirou ;) (why else?)
...on the subject of colors, why do the ones they have for text colors look so funny? violit looks like pink! ...yes, I'm picky about colors, my favorite shade of blue is azure and my favorite shade of purple is pariwinkle... Which I'm pretty sure I misspelled, but who cares? and most people think periwinkle is more blue then purple, but its more of a combination.
...now I'm pretty sure I bored you all with my rant about colors, so I'm sorry about that ^-^;; so, ja ne.
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Quizs <-(yay, improper english)
well, its 6 now, and I intend to spend the day taking quizs. (actually, I just got tired of writing incoherent paragraphs...)
 You little obsesser you! I still am the Queen of Kenshin Obsession, but you are pretty dang good!
Have A Kenshin Obsession? brought to you by Quizilla
pretty picture... *-*
...wow, mecha. I like RK and IY. *thinks about Rurouni Kenshin mecha* odd picture. otherwise I like it. ^-^

What Anime Type Are You?
complicated... *nod* yeah, in RL.

What Cosplay Type Are You?
I always get that...

What Inuyasha Villain Are You?
that too. (mumblewallflowermumble)

What Anime Art Style Are You?
...I'm a cool Mary-Sue... and thats my first (english) name spelled differently... o.O
okay, I lied on this, I'm female and I'm not 16... but it worked! and the first time I took it, it said I look good in blue ^___^ ...followed by saying some... 'interesting' things... -_-;;;
I'm having fun. wonder how Seta-chan died... probably fighting, ne? or... [blurred out] but thats illogical.
and at the age of 16, I... XD lol
now something completely different... memegens don't take as long to load as quizzilla, thats why I took so many...
 I'm Soujirou!!! Take the quiz: If You Were Paired With Aoshi, Who Would You Be?
*grin* ofcorse I am! ^___^ I always did like them... *sigh* kawaii~~... *looks at angry canon fans.* oi. *runs*
{ended 12:36 am, to read fanfiction}
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Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Here are the quiz answers.
1. Soujirou- Okita ^-^, Aoshi- Hajikata, Sano- Harada, and... Saitou- Saitou. (I thoght that would be easy, but...^-^;;;)
2. Kenshin's seiyuu, Suzukaze Mayo. ^-^
3. *snicker* ahou.
4. sword heart.
5. SIXTEEN!!! sooo many people put him as '18' or '22' (on their websites, only 2 people answered any thing on my quiz), but hes really 16, okay?
and Crosscarsamurai won, and Kenjutsu girl came in second. good for you, you're awesome. ^___^
anyway, I drew fanart! and it actually came out really good (well, to me.) I'm not gonna post it though. because its shoujo-ai (they're only hugging though). I don't want people to flame me and such so thats the reason why. ...it turned out cute though ^-^ And they actually looked like the they were supposed to! So, I'm proud. On the subject of fanart, I'm not posting any more at all. most of the ones I did, I didn't even try. (which is why I mentioned the one I just drew.)
[end rant]
ja ne.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2003
bored, so...
I made a Rurouni Kenshin quiz! yaaay...
Actually I'm bored out of my mind and I've wondered if people know most of this. (because some of the web sites don't say)
any way, here.
1. What four characters are based off of Shinsengumi mebers? (one of them should be easy...)
2. What characters seiyuu sang onr of the opening/ending songs?
3. What does Saitou call Sano? (... in Japanese.)
4. Whats Kenshin mean. (once again, I am bored, so, lame question.)
5. How old is Soujirou really?
hai, I'm bored S-chan took my Dir en Gray CD... *sigh*
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