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Thursday, November 20, 2003
Anime Alphabet (sp?)
A- Angelic Layer
B- Boogiepop Phantom
C- Chobits
D- D.N.Angel
E- Eva
G- Gravitaion
H- Hamtaro
I- Inuyasha
J- Jubei
K- Kaze Hikaru
L- Love Hina
M- Maison Ikkoku
N- Naruto
O- Onegai Teacher
P- Pita Ten
Q- ...none.
R- Rurouni Kenshin
S- Slayers
T- Tsubase
U- Utena
V- Vampire Princess Miyu
W- Watashi no
X- X
Y- Yami no Matsuei
Z- Zone of the Enders
also know as what I wrote while looking through an anime dvd store online... nothing in Q that wasn't hentai though... and 'Watashi no' is part of a manga title I forgot. gomen nasai.
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Went to Kinokuniya yesterday and I a girl recommended this Clamp manga th me and its really good ^-^ Its called Tsubase (if I rember katakana, she pronoced if 'subasa') anyway it isn't drawn in tne same type to style as other Clamp manga (the profiles look like how I used to draw them XD) and it has CCS, Chobits (or that LOOKS like Chii), xxxHolic, and X ^-^ Yay, Arashi! But they all look different, it took me awhile to figure out Sakura was Sakura. I think its the light hair... I got Yukito and Arashi though... The art style is simpler (less detail) then in X... and... anou... ja ne. ^-^;;;
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Sunday, November 16, 2003
nothing to do... I went through alot of nice Japanese fanart sites. The art is so preety... no one minds if I rant here, ne? Has anyone noticed how in yaoi (june) manga all the boys have really silky looking hair? I don't think I have seen a manga where their hair wasn't. ...I have too much manga... I have more manga then anime. people think its freaky. ...or maybe its because I carry 2 backpacks, one with my school stuff, one with all my Inuyasha books. I lost my Soujirou pin... shimatta.
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Saturday, November 15, 2003
This is probably a stupid question...
anou... is Shinsengumi romanized as one word or two? gomen nasai, it is a stupid question, but some people write it Shinsengumi and other people wite it Shinsen gumi, so I was just wonering ^^;;; yeah... ja ne... ^-^;
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Thursday, November 13, 2003
almost freakly accurate...
Which Megatokyo character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
this sounded so accurate until the end. I don't want to control people... honto! anyway the picture of Piro is funny ^-^ ... has anyone noticed how often I write '...' and '^-^'? I just noticed that XD gomen nasai -.-;;
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Wednesday, November 12, 2003
yeah, people who read my post probably think I'm weird. I am though. I was in a bad mood when I posted, so... mou. thats all I wanted to say. ja ne.
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Monday, November 10, 2003
and one...
yeah, its my birthday tommorow. yaaaay. I'm not going to do anything though... just sit in my room and sleep, get annoyed by my brother, and try to pretend when people say 'happy brithday' that they didn't just rember and actually mean it. Melissa... *sigh* leave me alone to be depressed. anyway, I'm going to stare at the ciling and think about Japan and manga and anime and Soujirou and... Melissa is so mean to me. So much for 'best friends' she doesn't even rember me. Heres to you Kagome-chan, hope you don't regret betraying me. and hope ya havin fun. ~ from the weird girl with split personalities, Soujirou. <- like shes ever going to read it... but I ran out of notebook paper, so I'll type it here. ...now back to the very interesting white ciling...
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Sunday, November 9, 2003
I went to one of of the Soujirou message bords and they said ther is going to be Soujirou figures ^.^ -Wai! and aoshi, shishio and Kenshin. I like Aoshi too. and I don't care about Shishio and My brother has Kenshin. anyway, I hope that person isn't lieing. actually, I hope if its true they aren't badly made like some of them. and this rant has no meaning. why does Shuichi have pink hair in the anime? its hard to picture him with pink hair, because its black in the manga. I have too much manga. and I'm moving soon too. Last time I moved I couldn't find most of my manga. nothing to do and most people probably fell asleep half way thru. I can't spell, but my best subject is english. I don't know how that happened. anyway, I'm bored (which is the only reason I post) so bye.
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Saturday, November 8, 2003
Shirahime-syo, the new manga by Clamp that TokyoPop is translateing is 20$... I'm so happy I don't live in Canada. it would be 25 or something... and its coming out 12/9. My mum is going to be mad, she pays for everything. or she has my dad take me to Book-off and buy it second-hand. (but who would find a new manga for 1$ as soon as it is relesed?) I like Clamp... the art is so pretty... mou, sayonara.
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Friday, November 7, 2003
4 days
Its 4 days til my birthday! Yaaaay... I wonder if Kinokuniya is open since its a holiday. and... My site has been visited 222 times... and that means nothing... my lucky number is 11, my brother's is 222. I have a science project do monday... shimata. the day before my birthday, this always happens, probably for the same reason that really tall people sit in front of me when I'm trying to see. this post has no point. Hiroe gave me manga. and theyre all in the same artstyle as Kaze Hikaru. and one of the girls looks like Kotori from X. anou... thats all I'm writing, ja ne.
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