Birthday 1991-01-05 Location Aa..Lets see, you guys now where Brunei's at? Yeah, I'm there. Member Since 2006-12-11 Occupation huh...still a student...
Achievements I didn't get killed by anyon in Resident Evil 4!!! D'uh, I play 'em all over again...heh. Favorite Anime Tsubasa Chronicles, Digimon, Naruto, Xxholic, Bleach..blah, blah..etc. Goals .......XD, DUNNO~!!!! ..yet. Hobbies Drawing but they really suck... Talents Getting into trouble.... soul8ter
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
*Dont watch if ye hav fear of blood or macabre!! You're warned!!!* RE4 : Time to let the obsession die out...!!!
Oh several of ye guys might wanna see this...But, I've warned ye. There's a lot of blood and 'heads' off' in this vid. Dont want ye guys to have nite-mares.... Comments (0) |
**Heh, its been months since my last post in my last account.. Somehow, I feel so excited to tell everything!!!
>Oh yeah, I've uploaded one of my previous account's artwork. Check it out if ye want..Oh and uh you might wanna find it to be a puzzle to solve..You see, my frenz told me that 'their' hands are sorta..'There-and-Here'!! Oh well, for me, it looks fine to me..What do ye guys think?
>>Jz nw, I finally get to defeat the first 'big cheese' in RE4. Oh damn, it wz hard for da first 'try' but hey, it ended up fine. Hahaha... And whats worse wz that I forgottn'd to save!!!! After I defeat the 'big cheese', I walked ard the place and then suddenly, I wz attacked from behind...and...*sniffles*, and....I DIED!!!!!!!!!!!! ..(T.T).. No, no, no...I meant, MY RE4 CHARACTER DIED!!!!!! Nnnnoooooo!!!!
But hey, it wz still a good try.....
Well I've gone through the worse today...I fell 2 times coz of a shuttlecock!! I'm fine and dandy tho...
>>>Oh, heheh, must've been da RE4. Check out my wallpaper..that is, if ye can view it. Its RE4!! Oh, I really like it when 'you' (the character) dodges by a hair's breath from the Chainsawman. It sets your heart THUMP-THUMP to the extreme!!!