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Among the SoulessOnes
Real Name
Luke, but my friends call me Loki
Im on a perpetual Sugar High, and I cant Spell to save my soul!^^ Wheee!
Anime Fan Since
The Sailor Moon/Pokemon thats a long time.
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Shaman King,Godchild,Tsubasa,....and a ton of others. ^^
To become a Graphic Art Designer for vidio games.
Reading, writing,drawing, and I play soccer once in awhile.
What are these 'talents' you speak of?
| SoulessOne13
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
Today sucked!
Man, today was the pits. My Mom cussed me out again for no reason whatsoever, I had to take my brother to work with me because....heck I still dont know. But I did and he kept being a pain the the butt. My bosses thought he was so cute, and were really nice about it. Then when we got home power was out so he bugged me until it came back on 3 hours later. And when my Mom came in she yelled because I hadnt made dinner. How the heck do u expect me to do something if there isnt any power and I have to watch that my stupid little brother doesnt do something...well stupid? Please enlighten me Oh So Wise One! I know u shouldnt yell at your parents but I did. Now I feel lower than dirt, and justified at the same time. I'll go apologize to her when she cools off for a bit. Anyway, hope your day was better than mine.
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
First Day.
Well, today was my first day of work. It was sweet. ^^ Im stoking things in the back, organizing shelves, doing paperwork, and data entry. Its a fair bit of work, but Im happy. And I got a lunch break from around 1:30-2:30. (Thats the time I chose. Yes, I CHOSE! I LOVE my job!) My bosses are so nice, and Im just so happy I could burst. So, hows the rest of my world?
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Anbu Itachi.

Wow. This is such a cool pic. I really like it.^^
(found it on Photobucket.)...except, I dont think they spelled 'solder' right. Ah well. ^^
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Monday, June 4, 2007
Yes!!!!!!!!!!Something to DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I GOT A JOB! Whoot! ^^ Im so happy! So I'll be working at the mall in this nice, quiet little store that sells random Anime stuff. Books, posters, bags, ect. They have other cool stuff too. Its a little novelty shop. My boss is nice, and the best part is---money. That wonderful paper that we cant live without. Im not to great with people in life(Im ok online though.),so I get to work in the back. ^^ Im just so happy.
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These are just a bunch of Yondaime pics I found on Photobucket. Yondaime is so cool ! ^^
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Saturday, June 2, 2007
Ever Make Out with an Ice Cube?
Well let me tell you, its an odd thing. I was eating dinner, and we were having Terriayki (I dont care if I cant spell)Chicken and veggies. Anyway, when I bit into my chicken, it was like fire went off in my mouth.I still dont know how the heck Terriyaki can be so spicy, but after consuming about 3/4 gallons of water,I finished. But my mouth was burning so I went to suck on an ice cube. No big deal right? Well, it stuck to my mouth and when I tried to get it to unstick, it made a funny sound. Then Jake (my little Bro) said "OMG Luke,are you making out with that ice cube? Thats gross."....Yes Jake. Im making out with a piece of ice, not trying to calm my burning mouth. Of course. *rolls eyes.* I know the rest of the world doesnt care, but whatever. It made my Mom laugh, so thats good. She needs to cheer up a bit. ^^ Anway, thats my dumb post.
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Well, this is I dunno. Whatever. Summer is here. Im bored. My friends are gone to camp. Jake is annoying me. My Mom is bitching at me. (But I know why, My Dads gone to Iraq, so I get it. She's frustrated)Its hot. I mean like 2000 degreees hot. No bloddy wind. And yet, Im happy, cause my computer loves me and I might be getting a job. ^^ So hows the rest of my world doing?
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Well, today I did my Algebra2 Exam and my English exam. The English was pretty easy, I know I did well, but I think I screwed up in Algebra on the Trig part. My teacher said "No Calculators on the test." Well, how the flip does one do trig without a calculator? Not very well is the answer.
Ah well, thats life. Tomorrow I have my Biology and World History. they should be easy enough. Then I can spend all summer babysitting my little brother, 'cause my Mom's gotta work. Should be ok though. My little bro's not to bad. well, have a good summer people. ^^
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Friday, May 25, 2007
OMG Im so so tired. I havent gotten to be near my computer since last week cause my exams are next week. My brain is fried, but I will prevail! If Itatchi Uchiha can graduate from the acadamy at 7 with top marks, and be an Anbu capt. at 13, (not to mention all the other awsome achievements he has done) Then I can too! Yeah! I wish you guys luck, and please wish me some luck to conquer my Algebra book..T.T
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Friday, May 11, 2007
Hey guys.
I have been so loaded with homework a college student looks like they have free time. But now.....well, my Moms asleep, and I NEED THE INTERNET! Anyway, hows everyone been? Im just tired from all my work, but otherwise ok.
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