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Savannah [Ophelia]
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Playing the Base Guitar, drawing, writing, and...Kicking my brother's ass in SoulCalibur3! ^^
| SoulReaper Tikiya
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/29/06:
LMAO!!! OMFG!!! I LOVE THIS ONE!!! It makes me giggle! You people should giggle more...It gives you WRINKLES!!! ;) MORE WRINKLES FOR ALLL!!!
Which one of our insane characters are you?
 You are Noxx! The crossdressing vampire, who scares everyone who sees him, especailly Shay and her twins... you steal skirts and other clothes from the people you meet, and your only friend is a bass player Norbert! You also have kickass wings and other things... Hooray for you! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/29/06:
Hmmm...So, if I was in her novels, my guy would be Armand? Huh...Yea, I guess I could see it...But, why does HE look like a SHE?!?!
Which Anne Rice vampire do you belong with? Updated: Now With Pictures and more Questions! (Female)
Result Posted on 07/29/06:
Hmm...I knew I was blood-obsessed, but, this is a bit far...NAH! Please, I LIVE for blood! HAH! I made a funny! GIGGLE, GOD DAMMIT, GIGGLE!!!
If you werent a human what would you be?
Result Posted on 07/29/06:
Ok, this is quiz is soooo not accurate! The first question asked me if I was a girl or boy, I answered as a GIRL! How'd I turn out to be a GUY?!?!
Result Posted on 07/29/06:
OMG!!! I like him...He's hot...Shhhh...Anyways...Yesh, I ish SADISTIC, what of it? It's just a shame though that I can't enjoy it more often...Awww...
Result Posted on 07/29/06:
Ok, I'M NOT LIGHTHEADED!!! GAWD! I'm just intelligently challenge, that's all...And, I'm not a whore, right? I'm pretty conservative...I think...
Result Posted on 07/29/06:
Haha, I'm hot! YAY!!! Oh, but...This quiz wasn't too accurate, I tried to fight my way AWAY from arrogance and manly stuff like that...Oh well...
Result Posted on 07/29/06:
Huh, 72% of everybody gets this...Interesting...I smell conspiracy!!! -points at random strangers and glares evily- HAH! It's you, isn't it?!?!
Result Posted on 05/27/06:
That's right! Fear me, biotches! I'm dark, I'm evil, and I'M IN YOUR FREEGIN' FACE!!! RAWR!!!
Where do you lay on the Good-Evil Scale? (Girls Only, amazing anime pics.)
 100% I hope this doesn't piss you off, or I might be the next on your hit list. YOU HAVE PROBLEMS! You have done something illegal in your lifetime, and you have probably even killed someone. You need medical treatment, but I doubt even that could help you. You get pleasure from other peoples pain. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/27/05:
Uh...Well, I am angsty...But im a chick, you morons! A CHICK!!! Not a dude! Ive got something they dont! -Covers mouth- A bit too much, hm?
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