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myOtaku.com: SoulsOfAnime

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Guestbook Entries:

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EvilKrad (04/09/05)

I like your site. I love kingdom hearts it's like the number one game in america! oh yeah! sorry I got a little carried away. visit my site sometimes ok.Oh! Can I add you as a friend? well bye see you aroung otaku!^_^

sesshomau (04/05/05)

hello there I think that your site is really great! I love the background and everything else its really nice! Added u as a friend I really hope that u return the favour! Come to my site when ur free and maybe sign my guestbook please…see you later …thank u very much bye!

Bebopgirlie (03/23/05)

Have yoou really stolen those fan arts?i got one too,i haven't stolen it i drew it with watercolors and i didnt knew that a similar thing was existing before.......and they all rated my fae picture with thumb down..it wasn't stolen and i think som,wtimes there are misunderstandings...if you aven't dtolen them i really know how you feel

Ruiji Hametsu (03/21/05)

Woah! Love the art. I wish I were that talented. Hope you don't mind if I add you ^^

tsuruki-san (03/19/05)

WOW!! Your artowrk is awesome i especally enjoy that pic of ed. I envy you amazing artistic abilities well im gonna add you as a friend k, hope you do the same for me to. Drop by my site if you got sometime ^_^

Teardrops (03/14/05)

i saw ur art ond just had to sign ur gb! ur site and art ar awesome!!!

arkad (03/14/05)

Very nice art. I am guessing its Photoshop work for the cg. Exquisite.

joe2587 (03/13/05)

Wow your drawing looks insanely awesome, and your site too, check out mines if you have the time. wow it's really cool drawings..WOw!!....

silver dragon (03/13/05)

hello! i like ur site and ur fanart! im adding u as friend! come by my site some time if u want to!TTUL!!!


Roaring Flame Cat (03/13/05)

HILO!!! *pounce* OMG I LOVE YOUR ART!!!!! *strange... I thought you were a girl when I first saw your art 'cuz I don't know to many boyz that can do chibis SO DARN CUTE!!!! X3 But then again I live in a place were the boyz are eaither morons or insane loonatics* lol Well your art rocks none-the-less soooooo I hope you don't mind that I added you az a friend so Pleaze drop by my site sometime K? *Leaves a cupcake for you to munch on*

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