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Hmm, ooh boy || Alright, Kimsly the seal, Kim, Kimmy, Spooky, Mr. Abstenance, Mr. Romantic, Seccon, or, simply Kevin. :D You're choice
Lacrosse - 13 goals || Soccer- 3 Clean Sheets
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1996 (Pokemon lawl)
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Gundam Wing and Neon Genesis Evangelion
Do be able to publish a good book
Soccer, Lacrosse, chillin, Halo, surfin the net and hopefully, it'll be myotaku once more
Not bad at lacrosse...
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Saturday, May 22, 2004
Is this good?
 you are a..MODERN vampire. you are pretty much in the middle of good and evil. you dont mind humans, but you like going along with your insticts as well. you show your opposite sides at very different times. you can be kind and merciful, but suddenly harsh and cold. you sometimes make a game of it. are you kidding? are you serious? one wrong step and who knows! you love tranquill water, going with the flow. you are pretty nutral
what kind of vampire are you?(hellsing pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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It's sad. I don't want school to end all of the sudden...
Yeah...Life sucks in so many ways. I had fun at the party. (Well, not necissarily fun...) But it was good... I guess. Then, it's almost time to go, and this is what the post is about.
We watch a slideshow of friendship...Of sadness...Of love,
and it all comes, and ends right here...In the second to last week of school...I mean. It's hard to believe that all your friends...The ones that help you on the way...The ones that kept you together. The ones we'll never ferget, has to be forgotten right here...This very instant...I mean...It's so sad. I don't want school to end...Here's how it starts...
We're watching the slideshow of the past, and how cute everybody was. But there in a dead stop, the slideshow doesn't become of fun and happiness. The slideshow soon became how everybody was just like...Right there...Everybody after the slideshow started to cry. First the girls...The my friend Ricky...He came up to me, and said "Kevin! I don't want you to go!" I was stupified...I started to cry as well...That special time was right there....How everybody had to leave...So we go where the grass is...I continue to cry and cry and cry...But I don't hide it, cause everybody's crying as well...So for the last 30 minutes...It's not a moment of true bliss...It's a moment of sadness...Of sorrow...I didn't understand. Why it hurts. I felt an arrow threw my heart...I didn't understand...My friends and fifth grade that will be forgotten is,
Julia Erica
Sebastian (Ottman)
Michael B.
Michael P.
Julian Rey
Julian Rivas
Christian and Keith are fourth graders that mean alot to me)
Carlos Y.
Carlos D.
Ricky S.
And my best...Ricky Moreno
There are many more that I forgot, but I will remember and try to modify this post whenever I can. They will not be forgotten,
or missed...They will be remembered from the bottom of my heart........
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Friday, May 21, 2004
Well, I've not been to lazy today...
If I'm not mistaken...I've made my own card game at school, and the peeps actually wanna buy it...Okay, so I'm gonna make a starter deck with a rule book. I have until Monday to make 200 cards...Darn...but I have enough time...It's not like I have any tests or homework...Well, anyway, I've made many more friends during the two days. I thank JaganshiHiei, Zechs Setsuna, Sakura 01, and LockHearTifa for actually finding me a good friend and all. Well. Back to the card thingy. I've managed to make a booster pack. Yup. My very own. Well, that's it. That's all I gotta say. Okay. I'll post later.
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This is AWESOME!!!
It is awesome!!!
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Episode 4: Open fire Closed water.
Previosly: "Man. First My bro, now this! A weird meteor monster!" said Jun. "Yeah, well, we gotta deal with it," said Ottman, while he drew his sword from his palm. "Let's do this!" screamed both of them.
"Yaaa!!!!" They took their swords and sliced the monster as many times as they could. No luck. There was nothing but a scratch, and the molten lava crack. The head of the Meteor monster came out. Then the legs, the the wings, then the claws, and the the meteor broke off. The dragon was huge, and Jun and Ottman were ants compared to the Dragon. Suddently, the Camoflague hologram came out on the dragons sholdier. "Welcome my brothers!" he said. "How do you do? I do hope you enjoy your last lives. Of course, if you finish this level, you will be able to come and succeed to the next level. Sooooo my brothers. Enjoy your-"
"You twisted little filthy--!" Ottman jumped up to sholder, but he dissapeared and landed on the floor. The tail came to Smash Ottman on the floor, but Jun, in a flash came and parried. He blocked with the part of the blade. And the tail was cut off. "What?" said Ottman, now coming back up. He whipped himself up and then then turned into a drip.
"Jun! I know his weakness!" screamed Ottman. "I think so too..." said Jun. He turned his weapon into a numchuck. Jun slid under the dragon and wacked the bottom of the leg. "RRAAAGGHHRR" screamed the dragon. It was changing. The leg dissapeared, and the dragon flew. "RAARR" screamed the dragon. Ottman turned back into shape and turned his sword into a surround shield. "What? Why?" said Jun. Suddently, he saw it. The big dragon was going to unleash an attack. "Burst Beam!!!" screamed Jun, but it was too late. The beam was so big that it blew everything up. "OTTMAN!!!!!!!!!" screamed Jun
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If you guys wanna know...
If you guys wanna know why I'm not posting, it's because, that (this might sound really really really really gay) It's because that I really want you to read the first second and third episodes of my story. And, I can't continue, because I heard a lot of people got confused just reading the second part. Well, that's what I wanna say, so please understand...
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If you wanna chat, and you ahve aol...
My name is BlkChaos9281. Okay, that's all I gotta say...
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Thursday, May 13, 2004
Digital games
This is the third episode. Fer all the people that hasen't read the first and the second story, they're right there below me. (In order.) Well, I'll start now. I won't need to write a previoulsy because the story is right below this...
"J...Ju...Jun!" cried Ottman. Jun woke up, and found himself on the ground. "Yo. What happend Ott?
You got knocked out and I saved you from the your weird bro..." said Ottman. "Nuts. Whatever. Let's go back to the city." "We can't..." said Ottman. "We're stuck here." replied Ottman. "THAT'S CRAZY!!! this is a forest remember?" screamed Jun. "YEah. Well, your bro probably incorperated data somewhere that accesed things to go wrong." said Ottman. Jun had a look. "When did you learn these words?"
"We have no other choice, but to go and continue foward." said Ottman. "I guess" said Jun. "But this has to be all fake!" said JUn. "What?" said Ottman. "Remember? You can't just pop a disk in a tree. Or a bush, better yet in a mountain! He can't do that! This has to be a game. There's no other way." Ottman nodded. You're right. Let's try to avoid traps and stuff like that." "Okay," said Jun. They started walking, and found themselves between a bush. Jun opened it, and saw a sea...of fire.
"Wha...What the..." said Ottman. "WHAT KIND OF TWISTED GAME ARE YOU DOING BRTOTHER-OF JUN?!" "His name is Camoflague." said Jun. "Camoflague...?" said Ottman. "Yeah..." Suddently, A meteor came out of the sky. It was huge. Jun went up to it and touched it. Szzz..."Ow..." said Jun. Suddently, the voice of Camoflague came out of nowhere. "Welcome, brothers!" said Camoflague. "What the...COME OUT HERE AND SHOW YOURSELF YOU FILTHY COWARD!" screamed Jun. "I...? The coward? Let me get this straight. Who's the one that lost the duel?" said Camoflague. "....." said Jun. "Hey!" screamed Ottman. "We'll get out of here soon so shut up!" "Ah...But the main course hasen't even started. If you defeat this ball of rock, then you are simply stronger then I thought," said Camoflague. "I bid adew farewell!" And the voice was gone. "What's so special of this meteor anyway?" Suddently, it started to move. Jun jumped back, and grabbed his weapon. Ottman was ready as well. An attack was about to start.
Ya this is pretty short, but I doubt anybody besides Anifeak is gonna read this so I'll see what happens.
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I saw the new Yu-Gi-Oh evolution decks and I was like OMG! I have to buy it! So this Sunday. I'm gonna buy it. Kaibas. If you know what cards are inside. PLEASE tell me a couple. I lost my ultimate deck. Well, that's all for now. See ya.
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Fer all you people that are confused...Here's the first episode.
It's year 5020, and androids now help on several subjects to make life easier. Unfortunantly, a strange formula has been abducted, and a fusion of an animal, and life form has been created...Ottman. With that, the scientists have been searching for Ottman, and his best friend, Jun, for test subjects. They are the most wanted ones. But something else wants them...Something wants them...Dead.
In the mountains, Jun and Ottman, train every single day, in order to be ready and prepared for any attack, from the scientists or random attacks..... "Huff Huff," "What's the matter Jun? Can't keep up?" asked Ottman. "You wish." With that Jun took his weapon, a Nano-chuck and took it out from his back pocket. Ottman was not surprised. He was ready and stopped dead in his tracks. He took is hand and made a fist. He opened it again and made a sword...A sword made out of water. Jun, took his weapon, and pressed a button. His weapon transformed into a sword. A duel would be coming. They both were ready. With the cold breeze on each of their faces, and the cherry blossoms surrounding them, they started. In the blink of an eye. Jun moved in--for an attack. He was in the air raising a sword high. Ottman was ready for this. He curled is other hand and made a palm. A sheild formed. It was big, and was also made out of water. Jun, closing his eyes, hit the sheild, and kept Ottman distracted. He continued until he couldn't move on. The shield was too big...He jumped back and was murmuring a strange chant in a quiet voice. Ottman was not familiar with this. He didn't know what it was. So with that, he attacked with his sword, but before he could even strike. "DEMON FORM!!" Jun had transformed. His eyes were red and he had strange markings on his cheeks. "Argh.." Ottman went back and before he striked again, Jun was on the ground.
"Hold up...Wait..."He was sitting on the ground. "I need to rest," he said. "What?" "We didn't even move!" complained Ottman. "Yeah. I know...But that Demon form thing took a whole lot out of me." he said. Ottman sighed and now sat next to Jun. "Hey Jun?" Jun opened a soda can. "Why do you always wear that hat?" He stopped drinking. "..........This supposed to make me control me powers....Remember right there when I said 'Demon form?' I dunno why, but that's the highest level I could go to..." Ottman was confused. "So you don't want to blow things up with your super-cool powers?" "...." "Unfortunantly, you're still just a kid," Jun exclaimed. Ottman lauged. "If I'm just a kid, how come I could still beat you?" Jun smiled. "You're fun to play with. I'll tell you more later," Jun pat Ottman on the head. "C'mon! I'll race you to the store!" said Ottman. "The mountains? To there?" Jun asked surprised. "Yeah! It's fun!" said Ottman. "Hold on! We're not done!" "Yeah. I know that! You quit!" said Ottman. "No not that! I hear something..........GET DOWN!" Ottman threw himself on the ground and so did Jun. There was an explosion that destroyed everything.
"W-What...WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?! EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE SCIENTIST THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE SO ROUGH!!!" screamed Ottman. "No...That's not the scientists...That was Camouflaugue. My brother that wants us...dead."
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