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Hmm, ooh boy || Alright, Kimsly the seal, Kim, Kimmy, Spooky, Mr. Abstenance, Mr. Romantic, Seccon, or, simply Kevin. :D You're choice
Lacrosse - 13 goals || Soccer- 3 Clean Sheets
Anime Fan Since
1996 (Pokemon lawl)
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Gundam Wing and Neon Genesis Evangelion
Do be able to publish a good book
Soccer, Lacrosse, chillin, Halo, surfin the net and hopefully, it'll be myotaku once more
Not bad at lacrosse...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
Wow...I realized that I don't post here much anymore...I find that strange.
Well, I really didn't do much today...Was just so bored so I watched the Harry Potter movie trailer a lot...
I think that movie's gonna be great lol. I would know. I read the book >.>
Yea I bet almost all of u read the book to so heh, I dunno...
Hmm...this site's getting a bit old...I might change it again. I've began to like Fruits Basket a little again...
I'm not obsessed anymore. I find that strange. How I changed so much over a short period of time. But there are a couple of exceptions. No matter, I'll change it soon.
Well, that's all for now, it's a bit short, but I'm just letting you guys know that I'm alive.
I'm going to make a couple of buttons soon. I've found a site that can let you simply put it up and stuff. It's really neat and comfortable. I'll try to make one for all the important people here to me in myotaku.
Well, that's all for now
~Leader of turks~
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Monday, November 7, 2005
Oh man
Damn...I don't have much time until I go to class...and my laptop has like 14% of battery...hahahaha
Erm...Nothing new so far...Obsessed with Advent Children now considering the fact that I saw the movie (With subtitles! lol) about a day ago. was crazy freakin' awesome..
Now I gotta download that anime...erm...thing that has Zack and
Well...yea Turks are pretty kewl pimps (For you FFVII not understanders--they're the background) But just wait until you see them in Advent Children. Thought it was so
Huh...Gotta go soon
~Leader of Turks~
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
Decided to come back
Yea, I'm back...
Yes, I have decided to come back. Of course I've changed a bit but that doesn't mean that I've changed completely.
Seriously, do you think I would forget about you guys? You were right. Flamers aren't everything, and even though that's much, I'll still always stay here...
I promised I'd come back...
Heh, hope it's better like this as well...Hope not much had changed while I was away.
Pz out.
~Azn pride~
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
It's been settled. I am planning to leave this community...Why?
People...I was here 2 years ago...when there were barely 1000 people...When you couldn't change the styles...When your friends weren't even in the box...
Anyway...You get the point...
So...After all this time...After I understood everything, I think it's about time I depart...You guys might think it's because of a stupid reason and everything, but the reasons are really quite simple.
1. The flamers, have gone far enough. I can't take it anymore...
2. Many of the ppl here have asked far too many times for codes and CSS...and because of that...Some other people have left because of that...And that includes one of my greatest friends...
3. And i can't take any of the bullying anymore...My cousin was right...It's not that the ppl in my new school are different...It's that I have changed...Into a totally different person that I didn't know...without me recognizing.
I have made also many friends here...Many of them have touched my heart...
Beyblader, Heero Yuy, Black Pearl, Lockheartifa, Seto Kaiba Freak, Broken Blade, Uzali, AniFreak, abc kid, Animegirl2, xita, zeldadeath, Thepupinuyasha, XoXkyraXoX, Winged Youki, SesshTaisho,
And many others...
Some people...I have known for quite a while with their great deeds, (and I'm talking about more than a year) and some people have made and done many things that have pleased me...
So...These people mainly will always have a place...In my heart...
But now, I have made many enemies...along with friends...
And myotaku/theotaku will always be remembered...I will not forget it.
But I leave one choice...And the choice is yours...For the flamers that hate me...tell me. I'll do one more thing that will please your life...But for my friends...If you want me to continue here...Please tell me...
~As the fire burns away, it is engulfed with neverending darkness...~
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Well, yesterday. I was on the internet for like,...a long time because I'm obsessed with Soulcaibur II again and...well...I made a new layout again, and it's Kilik...But me personally, I don't like it :(. It's probably because the desktop is really bad, but I found a really good one and it doesn't work. I'll try it again, and if it doesn't work again...Sorry Kilik...
Meh. That's awright. Cause Kilik's my main man! XDDD
And now...*Drumroll* It's time for you ppl to choose out of these layouts.
Soulcalibur II Layout-Nightmare
Soulcalibur II Layout-Seighfried (Nightmare not possessed)
Resident Evil-***I dunno a character to choose, but it has to be Outbreak and you gotta choose a character for me (Sorry)***
Happy voting ppl!
***I need to think of a new signature...***
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
Mmm...Hola people
Ah...I just woke up and I'm a posting. Yea so what? It's friggin 1 somethin' but WTF I slept at one too and I like to sleep...for a long time...
So erm...So far...Nothing good here and there...just same old same old. Yesterday was the day my mom ditched me and left me at my gramps again for work XP. jk jk. She just had to leave me there. No big right? Well, I also saw the movie Mr. And Mrs. Smith. It was actually a funny action movie but, for some reason, it wasn't actually what you call an amazing movie. For people that are really picky movie ppl. (Like myself) You'll say it's awright, but overal, it was a pretty damn good movie.
So yea. That's a big highlight. Umm...Guys...
I have a favor for a couple of you...If it isn't a big deal...Could you visit my couz Chibi Snowzer? She just started and she's really looking foward to this...So if you could just visit her and comment here and there. I would really apprieciate it! Maybe, I'll make a button for you! ^ ^
So, I'll see you guys later!
Until Then...
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
-It's like everybody trusts each other...-
Okay...I really would like to talk about my day and make it the highlight of this post (which I always do, which is boring) I am going to talk about how the many nice people on this site cover up most of the on here for about 2 years....I think I've seen enough of both.
Okay, I know that there are a lot of ppl here that have been here, (Beyblader, Seto Kaiba Freak, Heero Yuy) I think they've seen a lot of the bad as well. But, I've had enough of this. This one girl like...HATES my friend and another innocent girl (AND YES THIS IS ON THE OTAKU) and she LITERALLY banned thier site or something like that...ALSO I see like...MANY people hacking into other ppls sites to just say stuff to quickly end their friendship.
WTF. I cannot stand any of this...I really wish i could make a club, but it's not really me that's the kind of leaderish type and besides, i can't make those things like banners or anything AND i think that's what otaku guradians are for...
So...I trust in many of you guys...

~Allow the darkness to be banished and allow the light from their doom!~
Okay..that was lame, but for me, I thought it was pretty good! And, i think of it that way...
Okay, this part of the post, you don't have to read if you don't want...It was about yesterday...
So...erm...yesterday was the start of my VBS and it was really good! Got to hang out with my old friends again for about an hour before vacation bible study (VBS) started. We just hung out (I brought Alien Hominid, he brought Ps2, It was awesome...Too bad we didn't have much time. But that's awright! I had a good time chilling with Minwoo *my really good, old, friend! ^ ^* And it was great.
So...That's all ppl.
Until Then...
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
Didn't post for three days. *Sigh...* might be a long one ppl.
Sorry. I just woke up and I had to do
AWRIGHT! So right now, I'm talking to my great friend Pupinu! And we're just like talking about random fun things ^__^
Yea. So yesterday, I had a piano concert and I messed up 3 times lol. Feh. As long as i didn't mess up a bunch of times and stop in front of everybody, I'm kool!
So yea...That friggin concert took about 3 hours and it drove me crazy! Thought i was gonna have a heart attack lol.
Day before yesterday, I was practicing like crazy hell. mom made me do that like crazy hell... T.T and it was horrible. My thumbs started to hurt!!!!
BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS, I GOT MY LAPTOP BACK! And it didn't start catching the internet at my house for two days straight...But now it's got it! YESSSSSSSS...
Hehe...So yea. those were like the main highlights of today and yesterday...
Hey...That wasn't so long at all! Cool...
So I'll visit you guys now before I go to church.
Until Then...
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Thursday, June 2, 2005 stay at my gramps was...nice...
I'm back! Well...I was back yesterday but hell...I had no time to post.
So here I am...I know it's late...But you know me..I need a daily dose (well, at least for the summer) of 5 hours...AND I GOT IT! FFX2. I know...It's old. But I have to beat it. I love that game. The FMV's are BEATIFUL in sounds and graphics.
*A thousand words...What a nice song...I have to download it!!! XDD*
Well...So here you go...I promised I'd post of what's happening now...So here you go!
Erm...The first Day: OH NOO!!!! I'm finally here! T.T Well...What the hell to do...Firstly, since I have my couzs here, I just chill with her and her dog! A KAWAIIIIII chibi snowzer! SO CUTE!!! But I don't think he likes me much...Also! The baby, came too! Now, HE don't like me much, but DAMN! he is a PERV!!! While my sis and my couz was taking a shower, he goes over there and starts looking at them and starts SMILING!!! I was like WTF!!!! And I had to drag him out T.T. So that was basically the whole day that day...
next day. 2nd day: Ah...Now THIS is what I'm talking about! I go to church (My friends) And it's AWESOME! I got to visit a BUNCH of my old friends (YEARS ago!) and they forgot me. Told them to goddamn ring a bell and they're all like "Oh yea! You're (Taking out name)!" So yea. They remember me and crap and we have a jolly good time lol.
So yea. Highlight of that day.
I go to a picnic with the same friends, (one of them has Warioware so I get to still have fun even though it's a long ride ^ ^) And so I get there and me and my main homie go and we're sweating like HELL (98 degrees) O.O
And right before we collapse. *What's that? We see them!!!* HALLELUYA!!!!
And...There they are. Playing with water guns. Squirting each other with the big ASS water guns. I'm not talking aobut pistols ppl. But even if there were pistols, let's just say that they would pack a punch! So yea. We do that the whole fucking day and there's like this us against everyone else war and guess who lost? Well, we sure as hell didn't! lol. This big shot girl, let's just say I kicked her ass. I had a small pistol because I found it on the floor and I was like ducking over everything and I like shot her BILLIONS of TIMES!! So funny!!!
Well...HOLY CRAP IT'S 11:55!!! I have to go! Hope ya guys read this and do....stuff!
Until Then...
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
Meh...I know it's late...But I have to tell many of you this...
Okay...So tomarrow...I won't be here. I'll be at my Grandmother's house...*I don't like to call her GRANNY* -.- I will be bored inside out and the other way around. I am NOT gonna like that. There is NO internet, NO anime, Barely ANY T.V (Which means, they watch T.V a LOT) and a lot of my friends have plans. So...basically, I won't be able to post for three days because my mom has to go to New York and she decided to leave me there...
Aye...It's gonna be as boring as crap...But don't worry! I brought my D.S and my PS2...And my couzs will be chillin' there as well...But...Will that stop the boredom from eating me alive?
We'll see tomarrow. When I come back, I'll tell you how BORING or FUN it was...
So that was what I had to get off my chest. I won't be able to visit any of you tomarrow or the day after or the day after that....
Please visit me though...I promise I will visit you back...
Until then...
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