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Is trainer of demon-hunting badgers and squirrels taken?
Real Name
Starring in a play.... and Junior Cert: 2 As, 4 Bs, 3 Cs....
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon hit Canada
Favorite Anime
Megatokyo/Digimon (series three)
To become a (proffesional) actor
reading, xbox.......trying to stop my pet beaver from eating my leg....well, thats less of a hobby, more something I need to do to avoid harm *chomp* OW!!!! My leg!!!!
........well, for some odd reason I seem to be good at acting
Hi. Well, I know that my old profile was all depressing and very Piro-esque. But I decided (that is to say Kestra will hurt me otherwise) that I will admit that I am okay at some things. I can make people laugh. I can write stuff. Nothing that would be appropriate for this site, purely through some perverted stuff about trees. I'm not good at much else....I mean...the only other thing I'm any good at can't be shown on the web...ooh... that came out really wrong :0 ..... I meant acting...
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this into your profile.
Thursday, March 9, 2006
Just to make your day brighter.....THE ADVENTURES OF THE CROSS-DRESSER'S CORSET!!!!
I thought this story would perk up anyone who read it. Okay, my friend Chloe (who doesn't live in Dublin) called me yesterday and asked if Asha (a really amazing store) sold corsets. I said I didn't know, but since I had time I went downtown to see.
I get into Asha. There are a group of girls from (I think) St. Louis, a school only a block or so away from mine. Anyway, after buying a really cool badge, I ask the guy behind the counter if they sell corsets. This is what followed:
Guy Behind Counter: Yeah, but they aren't boned.
Me: Oh, okay.
G.B.C. (handing me my change): But there's a store in Temple Bar that sells men's dresses and corsets.
Me: .........
At this I turned and walked out of the store, casually noticing that they have a website which I could have gone on instead. I don't think I'll be going back there for a little while....
Anyway, nothing (EDIT: else) new has happened with me. *shurg*
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Monday, February 6, 2006
They have no door.......
Well, Saturday made up for the suckiness that was Thursday (although Thursday got better when I remembered that one of my current favourite shows, Supernatural, was on that night). Friday wasn't bad either, but when I was doing sailing I freaked because I suddenly remembered a sequence in Supernatural the night before. It was kinda like The Ring, except on a lake. And people kept getting dragged I was hugging the mast for a few minutes...haha.... then we had to row back. We owned everyone. Thats the only way I can say it.
Saturday rocked though. We got to Athlone for rehearsals at two, and spent the next few hours reading through the script. I don't think we ever went more than five lines without either laughing at the lines themselves, or someone making a smartass comment. :D It was great. Anyway, we found out that we WILL be singing the Time Warp (YES!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D) so I'm really happy, theres probably more stuff that happened but I've just been distracted by a game so I'll edit this tonight. I hope.
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Not happy......
Okay, today was crap. I'm writing this in computers class, so I'm only halfway through the day, but I think its going to get worse. I got in late because the stupid Luas was about eight minutes between each one, so I ended up late. Then, I got a docket from my business teacher for being late - DESPITE THE FACT THAT IT WAS A FREE CLASS!!!!!! He said I had been late four times since the begining of November. Okay, well at least one (possibly two, I cant remember) of those times was because the Luas BROKE DOWN BETWEEN STOPS!!!! I was standing in a packed Luas, I couldn't get off, and it was about fifteen minutes before we got moving. But he was a jerk about it. Then, I got called out of my free Irish class (I don't do Irish) to wait for almost two hours for my public speaking exam (in fairness, the alternative after Irish was Mass, so I guess I won there. So I waited and waited and finally my exam came, and I blanked towards the end of my prose reading. Argh!!!! And waiting for the exam, I missed my two free periods - Irish and English. Fun fun fun....I could have used them to do the math homework I had forgotten about last night. But no....and of course, it gets worse, as my next class is French, and I don't have the work done. We were given a bunch of sentances to translate, and he said we should have them from last year. Well, there's the small problem that as those were third year notes, and I found them useful for my Junior Cert, I gave them to my best friend. Who's doing her mocks now (Good Luck, by the way!!!! :D ). So I didn't have the notes, and couldn't do the homework. What's more, he's going to quiz us on them. Then we have lunch, and then double drama. I think our drama teacher might be busy, but my luck will state he wont be, and so I won't have the chance to do that math homework. Tomorrow, we have our normal day of Art, double Geography (though we might be watching Day After Tomorrow. Seriously, I have no sympathy for those characters. What kind of idiot build a camp over a huge crack? It seems kinda hard to miss it. Just seems kinda stupid to me. And why didnt the wolves drown? AND HOW IN HELL DID A FREAKING OIL TANKER MAKE ITS WAY THROUGH DOWNTOWN NEW YORK?!?!?!??! EVER HEARD OF INTERSECTIONS, PEOPLE?!?!?!?!? And might I add this - the only enjoyment I got from the movie was seeing a load of people killed quite creatively by weather. I think the movie coulda done with some zombies....and shotguns....), careers (we can try to push our teacher further towards the edge....the guy's headed for a nervous breakdown.... :D ), free class, and then math and sailing. So not fun....
On the plus side, I only have to get through the end of today, and all of tomorrow, and then I have DRAMA!!!! YAY!!!! I need it....what a week....I can't wait for rehearsals.... me being Prince Charming and all :D ..... anyway, I hope everyone else is having a better day than me., I feel sick. Yay....
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Woooooo!!! I got the part!!!! YAY!!!!
YAY!!!! I. Got. The part. Of Prince Charming. IN THE PANTO!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! YAY!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D I am so happy, so very very happy!!!! *GRIN*.....yeah, I cant think of much else to say....congrats to kiss-my-ass-bunny and kestra for getting the parts of the Messenger and Dandini respectively. :D :D :D
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006 thats about a month without updates.......ouch.....
Woah....I havent posted anything in a long long long long long long long long long long......
How was everybody's Christmas? My Christmas was great!!!! I got loads of great gifts and I was all happy over the next few days. I went over to Kestra's on Christmas day, and we saw the new Doctor Who. It was absolutely brilliant, and then we had dinner which was amazingly good.
Let's see...what else has happened....well, I went down to Athlone for serious rehearsals (okay...they tried to be serious...but they were too much fun....hehehe....). The play went on the first week in January, and went GREAT!!!!!! It went brilliantly....and I had a lot of fun. Everyone was brilliant in the play....wait... does that count as bragging? I dunno.... but we were in the paper...I WAS ON THE FRONT PAGE!!!! YAAAAAY!!!!!!
I got some new clothes, music, etc. I got a cool Korn t-shirt, a pair of black jeans, and some black running shoes. I also got a black leather armband with spikes on it, and a cool cross with blades on looks amazing!!!!! :D :D :D
As for music, I got some new Korn and Disturbed music, which is absolutely wicked.
I got the Shadow the Hedgehog game, which is pretty cool. Its a good game, but the idea of Shadow on a motorbike seems pretty darn stupid. Imagine the planning behind it: "How can we make the very fastest thing on the planet even faster? Put him on a bike..." and thats to say nothing of the guns (though the egg vacuum is can suck people :P)
On Saturday last there were singing auditions in drama....I was terrified. Why, I hear you ask (I don't but humour me)? Because the last time I sang in public was three years ago. In school. A performance. Sitting next to the girl I liked. And my voice broke. Mid-song. See where the fear stems from? I didn'd screw the audition up though...I just hope I do well with the script work....then Kestra stayed over at my place and we celebrated Winter-een-mas. We played Hunter: The Reckoning: Redeemer, which was hilarious. See, the two player co-op mode has a single screen, with a distance limit between the players. Which meant that while Kestra was getting the hang of the controls by blasting holes in the ceiling, I was trying to get within hacking distance of a zombie-mutant-thing. And failing. Just out of reach. The bloody thing was laughing at me.... Then later on, we had set the explosive charges in a park and had to get to the exit. Kestra was like "Oh, this way! (a few seconds later) Oh wait...this is a there a map?" which provoked this: "NO!!! I'M A MAN!!!! MEN DON'T ASK FOR DIRECTIONS!!!! THIS WAY!!!!!" And I was right. So a big fat "HA!" to those of you who say men have a bad sense of direction (this would be the worst possible time to point out that both my friend Conor and I managed to run face first into walls at Quazar. They look just like halls, okay?!?!?!?!?). So tere we were, running down a path with only a few seconds before we are allegedly going to be incinerated by the blast. We see the exit...the clock hits zero...just as we get to the end. And the explosion....does almost nothing. No splash damage, we could have stood NEXT to it and been fine. But instead, heart-poundingly scary dash through a zombie infested park. Getting better explosives next time.
And by the way HAPPY NEW YAR!!!!!!! ITS THE PIRATE NEW YEAR!!!!
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Featured Quiz Result:
 Your results say that you are the hero, Sonic the Hedgehog! You're blue, a complete smartass, and, well, you fear water. The love you have for chili dogs can make up for it. Your style of music has to be rock, since that's what everyone gives you. May you be dubbed True Blue?
Which Sonic Character Be You? brought to you by Quizilla