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Sunday, June 24, 2007

   Well I feel in a better mood today, although until about an hour ago I was still quite sad. But ohh happy daays we're going to the airport to suprise her before she leaves! Woot it will be upsetting but it will be nice too!
How are you all today? Good I hope! Except I noticed how bluekitty had a bad weekend except for work today. But I rang her and we vented together and talked and stuff^^ Anyways if anyone wants to talk or anything im here! and thanks for letting me know you guys are here for me too^^ *huggles for everyone*

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

   Yesterday I couldn't get on because one of my best friends is moving to Spain and I was making her present yesterday because her going away thing was today. So it was really nice but really sad, and when I left the group to go my way home i cired the whole way home. So right now my face is all poofy and my eyes all watery... I must look gorgeous lol^^ I hope you all had good days. From what I read from your posts you seemed happy, except for poor foamy14, god that rude customer. Anyway i'm gonna be on for a while being all sad and nostalgic so bye.
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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sorry I havent been on or commenting or anything. I was really busy the past few days preparing for my party^_^ We all went out to a meal and then cam back to my place to stay the night. It was sooo much fun^^ So how have you all been? I hope you've been good. Well ta ta for now^^
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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Its raining so much right now. Well i've had an interesting couple of days. On tuesday I met up with Click and we went shopping. But before I met up with her I got a call regarding a cv i had sent off and got offered an interview!!!! SO then the next day which was yesterday is was my dog's birthday so it was fun but she dug her hear in the bin and ate some stuff and since has gotten sick about 17 times and that was all sad because she was so sad. Shes been fine now so yay! Anyways this morning I went for my interview and i looked very jobbish^_^ I was so darn nervous but i got through fine with flying colours even! until she realised when i needed to take my holidays and she was like no im sorry but maybe some time later we can take you on, ill keep you in mind.... she isnt going to remember. She was going to give me the job and everything... now im ranting i apoligise but i am kinda bummed so. How are all you guys?
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Monday, June 11, 2007

I have a badge that says my new age just so I dont forget!!!! lol^^ Yay so after weeks of waiting its finally here and I'm as happy as a kitten with cat nip (or a lion, right bluekitty?) Thanks to everyone for the birthday greetings^^ Feeling so loved!<3 Especially if ya go look at bluekitty's site i mean wowzies!!! Thanks again for that soooo much!!!! Anyway I shall be off playing with my new things and eating birthday cake!!!!!!! Love ya all!!!
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Sunday, June 10, 2007

yay its tomorrow!!!!
my birthday that is! Yay im so excited and yay! My family and I and bluekitty went out to dinner today. Yay we had ramen and bannoffe pie yummy much? My first fanart is up well first two so if you wanna go look! whee happy happy me today^^ hugs for all!

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Friday, June 8, 2007

   happy dance?
Lo there cool people how are ya all? I mowed the lawn today! Why am I happy about you ask, it was my first time yay and i did not like it... Soon all my adrenilin is going to wear out cus I didnt get much sleep last night so I said i'll m post while im hyper YAY!!! Here's a fun little puzzle to do if your bored^^

such a cute comic^^ OMGAWSH found the coolest thing on a site called Reality-On-The-Norm

Too cool^^ Anyways bye peoples!

Ohh and I got my want to draw flare back couldnt stop last night. Maybe thats why I got no sleep...

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

*waves frantically*
hello! How are you all? Im very good! Im in such a hyper mood!!! Woot and all. Only 3 days and 5 hours til my birthday(while im wiritng this) also woot it will be Talimsoul's birthday too! I am in a total drawing block and have not picked up my sketch pad in ages....
hmm I didnt do anything today except play ps2 and tidy, I fell down the stairs though it hurt a lot but im ok^^ Well thats it for me bye bye^^

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

golly gosh gee,,,,,,
Well i know i havent put up a comment in a while and well i just never really got a chance. HOw are you all? mE IM VERY VERY GOOD!!! its meh birthday on monday wooot 17!!! I went birthday present shopping today. Bought lots of stuff so twas fun^^ Well that is kinda it nothing else to say but bye!!!!!
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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Well my parents said I couldn't get a rabbit for my birthday so i'm kinda bummed with that. Now I have no idea what to get for my birthday, but today I realised omg theres only a week and a half til my birthday hip hip hooray^^
Well other then that my sister came home last night we went to the airport to collect her which was cool and she bought me this really cute cushion she says she has more for my birthday^^
bye for now

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