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Sunday, December 7, 2003
Review of my week 3
Nothing realy happened this week except for a field trip and a dance. The dance was a sadie hawkings dance at school but I didn't go. It's not becuase no one asked me to go it's just that I didn't feel like it. You could go if you didn't have a date but I just don't like to do any thing social. It's not just that I hate people it's just I don't like being around others. The field trip was to a colonariy arts institute. I saw some of the classes they had and tasted some of the food the make. It was pratty good considering i've never had sqaub before. It tasted like chicken :D. The field trip was good except the bus driver droped us off at the school for art and design.
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Saturday, December 6, 2003
Another quiz
I took the mecha quiz at the otaku and I got my favorite type of mecha.
What Anime Mech Are You?
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Monday, December 1, 2003
strange people
There are some strange people in this world. Of coarse we're all strange to some one. I decided to talk about the people I know. I'll start of with my brother. I had gotten and N64 and a gmae of super smash brothers for my birthday and when ever I let my brother play he keep moving around when ever he has his character go in a different direction. He also acts like he's talking to his opponents. My little sister who got a strange shirt with this demonic looking teady bear on it and a wallet with a red skull and cross bones. She says that all her friends in school say the shirts cool but I think it's creepy. But it kinda figures becuase she got it from a shop for goths and raives. Then there's my friend petter who wont just drop the argument about SD gundam. I tell him to drop it but he still goes on. I guess things could be worse but dealing with them is what I do.
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Saturday, November 29, 2003
review of my week 2
well I handed in the papers on monday but I wasn't told my grade on it. I found out that as long as you do the work you'll still pass the class unless you don't hand it in. For me the trimester is over and I get some different teachers starting monday. A couple of teachers i've all ready had but I get to see my favorite one again even though he's a gym teacher and I hate gym. I'm just happy that todays my bithrday. I got a N 64, super smash bros, a bionicle the toa of light video and the animatrix. I watched the second renisaunce part and found it very distutbing. I'm probaply going to have nightmares tonight. Oh well, i'm not going to sleep till about midnight any ways.
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Saturday, November 22, 2003
Review of my week 1
This week i'm working on a project where if I don't do it the teacher wont pass me. Why do they make those kind of things and give them to students. Some students don't like school work and those that do the work will just get more pressure put on if they're all ready swamped in work. The bad thing is that i'm swmped in work all ready and the teacher wont let students come in to work on it. Beause I was a day behind in my work I didn't get all of it done and it's due this up coming week. I guess you can say i'm a dead man.
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Friday, November 21, 2003
Here are some quizes i've taken.
What .hack//SIGN Character Are You?
I think that does disscribe me a bit.
What Outlaw Star Character Are You?
I don't see my self as a jim persion. I see my self as some one like gene.
![true otaku]( TRUE OTAKU
(pics) What type of anime otaku are you?[updated 11/17] brought to you by Quizilla
I think that discribes my self very well.
What Outlaw Star Character Are You?
Isn't gene cool.
![Your lucky your very much inuyasha this is the greatest anime known!]( YOUR INUYASHA!
Which show are you inuyasha or zoids chaotic century? brought to you by Quizilla
"> Cool,your Li! He's my favorite character!He's always so stubborn and focused,and some people fear you!But deep down,your caring.
Which Card Captors Character are You brought to you by Quizilla
![HASH(0x83cd454)]( You are Rose. Mysterious and awesome. Wether you tell or not we don't care because you're damn cool. Go you.
The Legend of Dragoon Personality Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
![Serge]( You are Serge the main boy in the game. You are hot and mysterious and you also never talk. You used to have a fear of cats because you were attacked by a panther as a child.
Which Chrono Cross character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
![HASH(0x8807990)]( You are NORMAL!
How Smart Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
![Which Yu Yu Hakusho Character Are You?](
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