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Opelousas, LA
Member Since
Wait Staff/Soon-to-be student
Real Name
Winthrop (first name lol) Paul Julian Chavis
None, haven't found my purpose in life.
Anime Fan Since
I first laid eyes on Dragonball Z (now long forgotten) about 6 years ago.
Favorite Anime
MS-Gundam Wing, Ghost In The Shell, Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, The Big O, Love Hina, Ranma 1/2
To find that person who will give me purpose in life. . .
Anime, Manga, Shopping, gaming, bustin slugs, poppin caps, offin "po-po's," being straight-up-gangsta no limit fo life! UHHHHHHHHHH!
Arguing with people, DOS Literacy (godd*am pro), Windows literacy (intermediate level), Linux literacy (novice level), Mac literacy (n00b level), BASIC programming literacy (intermediate level), Instruments(Clarinet, Soprano Saxophone)
| Spaceboy2501
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
[\\:What A Mindblower, but She May Have A Point:\\]
[Playlist and Snippet]I'll be the waterwings that save you if you start drowning
In an open tab when your judgement's on the brink
I'll be the phonograph that plays your favorite
Albums back as your lying there drifting off to sleep...
I'll be the platform shoes and undo what heredity's done to you...
You won't have to strain to look into my eyes
I'll be your winter coat buttoned and zippedstraight to the throat
With the collar up so you won't catch a cold
[Oh Wow?]I was talking to Jai (about my relationships) because she kept bitching about why Julio (her first love) started talking to her again. Well relating to my relationships and how they all crashed (and some reasons why) she said that she thinks I'm jealous because "because your still a virgin and girls think your not worth staying with". . ."like everyone should feel sorry for me." Well isn't that really f*cked up! I guess she's got a point, and I really shouldn't complain about what she said because then I'll only want people to feel sorry for me. I really shouldn't talk about my relationships to people. Con told me that relationships are important in life, and she's so very right about that, but I think I'll stay on vacation from pursuing someone for right now LOL.
In other news, Jai's lost my 300.00 class ring I (so stupidly) gave her. I'd hate to tell her that she's got to pay for it, but it may have to be that way.
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[\\:Desktop Modification:\\]
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Friday, May 13, 2005
[:\\Interest After Ghost In The Shell? and Drama On The Track\\:]
[Playlist and Snippet]
"Good Luck" - Basement Jaxx featuring Lisa Kekaula - Appleseed OST
Tell me tell me is life just a playground
Think you're the real deal honey
and someone'll always look after you
but wake up baby
you're so totally deluded
you'll end up old and lonely
if you don't get a bullet in your head
[After GITS]
Interesting anime after GITS 2: Innocence? Yes, Appleseed! I know I may be a little late, but I JUST watched it, and I can't get the song 'Good Luck' out of my head. It's a GREAT work of CG (though it can't match GITS 2's CG, its really awesome.) I made a really interesting observation, and maybe I'll have to check the credits in detail: The design on the suits in the movie matches almost THE SAME design on the suits in Stand Alone Complex when the task force fought the Tachikomas, towards the end of the first season. Same mechanical designer????
[Big Trouble In Little Opelousas]
WELL, aren't things getting disasterous here in little ol Opelousas, Louisiana! I've recently learned that with a big scandal we have going on in our local government (audit,) our assistant chief of police was put into jail yesterday. Our chief is going to get indicted, and like they say, "and the sh*t roooooolls down hill," which makes my mother (unfortunately) and stepfather (oh well) potential targets, depending on how far back they go into investigating, because once a time they both worked for the police department. And if that isn't 'interesting' enough, Rae called me and told me that the track is closed until next Thursday, because last night (I went home very early because my bi-lateral femoral fracture was bothering me, and she could afford to send me home) about 3 or 4 horses fell (and had to be put out,) so its another thing to worry about (investigate?) So that means that my check will be half of what I usually make this week (sucks, about 150.00 or maybe even less) so I won't be indulging myself this pay period LOL. This really throws everything off, because I want to buy a laptop (pc this time, not that mac) from that damned Scott, and maybe his desk to put mom's computer on, because I can't find one like his anywhere else and he doesn't use it anymore. . . . . .I'm seriously starting to think that someone doesn't want to see Opelousas grow into a peaceful, successful city. . . .
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
[:\\Special Post\\:]
They've got, a power and a force that you've never seen before,
They've got, the ability to morph and to even up the score,
No one can ever take them down, they've got the power on their side
They know the fate of the world is lying in their hands,
They know, to only use their weapons for defense,
No one will ever take them down,
The power lies on their side
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
:\\The Boundary Not To Cross\\:
[Playlist and Snippet]
"America" - Trey Parker - Team America: World Police OST
America, FUCK YEAH!
Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,
America, FUCK YEAH!
Freedom is the only way yeah,
Terrorist your game is through cause now you have to answer too,
America, FUCK YEAH!
So lick my butt, and suck on my balls,
America, FUCK YEAH!
What you going to do when we come for you now,
it’s the dream that we all share; it’s the hope for tomorrow
Well, I'm happy to announce that mom's computer is now networked wirelessly, and she'll never have to nag me again (well, kinda. . .) I still have to work out the crap between Windows 98 Seocnd Edition (her computer) and Windows 2000 Professional (my computer,) so she can access the printer, scanner, my music and photo albums, etc. etc. I also need to find that Linux distro that works for me. I downloaded and burned a 7 disc set of the Debian Linux operating system, installed and everything, only to be face to face with a damn command prompt. I was thinking (7 cd's of goodies, and all you can give me is a command prompt?!) I haven't purchased Lycoris because everyone I speak to insists that I shouldn't need to pay for a Linux distro.
So work was interesting. The Cheif of Administrative Operations came to Mr. Younts table, so I had to put on the SUPER GOOD WORKER routine. My femoral fracture felt like it wanted to burst out of my thigh because of the walking I did, but at the end of the night, Mr. Yount said, "you know you're my hero, Mr. Winn!" I laughed and said, "I try, Mr. Yount, I try." Unfortunately because I had to play Mr. Impressive, I couldn't shoot the sh*t with the teller ladies like I usually do for the night, and that's what made the night sloooooooow.
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
:\\I'm Never Working A 15 Hour Shift Again. . .\\:
[Playlist and Snippet]
"3.14" - Aoi Tada (Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the 4th a.k.a. Francious, her real name) - Cowboy Bebop OST
Circle's an eye ball
Circles are pretty
A wonderful taste
just like black grapes
Triangle's a moment
Triangles are fast
The fish's tail
[15 Hours Of Fun]
. . . no not really. Well, yesterday is not officially the longest workday evvvvar. ALL HAIL THE KENTUCKY DERBY, the most exciting 2 minutes of our lives. People came into the restuarant at about 10 in the morning just to catch the race at 5 and then go home, and I came in to work at 10. Sallie was way ahead of me, working alone, tending to the customers, being the super waitess that she always is LOL. Brooke joined us maybe an hour or two after that, and we managed to handle all 4 floors until Danielle came at 3:30, and then the others got there at 5p.m. We never stopped, but we handled it, and that's because both Sallie and Brooke are fantastic waitresses. I'm not saying that Danielle isnt, because she's a great waitress too, but Sallie and Brooke were busting a$$ all morning, and I was alongside them.
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Friday, May 6, 2005
:\\Save Your Tears\\:
Ok, im back wiht crap about my day!
Well today, home day was boring. I went and paid the cable bill, and Scott came over because he wanted to play Starcraft (which I didn't have the time to do) and ended up showing me that using Virtual PC on his Mac (emulating Windows 98) that he could play Starcraft against himself in the Mac AND Windows version on the same laptop LOL.
Work day was pretty slow and pretty awesome, so every customer was to receive special attention (I even heard one of them tell their guest, "man, they're treating us like kings today!") Mr. Yount was incredibly happy, Rae was happy (almost always LOL) and even Chris was happy (which was a big relief, because I always worry about her, but I can get into that another time.) TODAY, we received the EVD girls (much like our own version of the Hooters girls. They're all blonde white girls with fake T & A, but DO THEY HAVE IT! I was thinking as soon as I saw them, 'Whoa. . .' Tomorrow (or today) they'll spend all day long 'working' (which translates into them wearing hoochie momma clothing strutting around the floors) RIGHT NEXT TO ME!
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
:\\Changes, Otherwise a Boring Day\\:
[Playlist and Snippet]

"The Devil's Cry" - Fisherspooner? Coal Chamber? - Devil May Cry 3 OST
I'll steal your soul for a second chance
You will die, come what may
Your soul makes me stronger
In your life you'll breathe no longer
Fade away in a quest for life
Until the end, don't judge me nice
Searching for the cure for soul's demise
Reap the tears of the victim's cries
You'll need more to kill the suffer of a
Brother demon, that's a purely wonder
Kill before the time, kill them all - Taken from the greatest game ever developed of its kind. . .
Today's been pretty uneventful, so there isnt any need for a subtitle LOL. I started cleaning the desk, adding the fax machine to the desk and moving the stereo equipment so I can make it interface with the computer for the ULTIMATE AUDIO EXPERIENCE (...again, I removed it because I got tired of it taking up desk space LOL) I also cooked some chicken (started stovetop, finished oven, baked until fall-off-bone tender. Eaaasssy stuff.) I started reorganizing anime cds from mp3 cds from music cds from data cds, but I won't be finished with that for a looooong time.
There are still things I need to do/buy, though. I needed to use printer but no ink so need to buy ink for my HP printer and an ink roller for the fax machine. The good news is that the fax machine is also a copier, and ink rollers start at 7.95 a roller. The bad news is that HP's friggin ink cartridges cost money, especially since I can't find MY type at a place like wally world or radio shack, so I won't be seeing much of Monday's check. . .
Spoke to Con on yahoo, had a pretty good conversation. Didn't speak to Jai, though, but I need to pick up ring at next opportune moment in time (probably 2 weeks, gone to new orleans,)so I'll need to speak with her soon. I burned my cigar for a while; I like the smell, which is way better than that cigarette smell.
Scott is winning the auction on a logic board for the laptop he wants to sell to me, so when I get paid, I'll be quick to give him some money for it. Speaking of money, I moved 5 bucks into my Navy Federal savings account ONLINE! It was so easy, just click and its there, that I'll do it every month. I also have to pay Scott for a RAID controller so I can add my 40GB to my other 40GB and my 80GB to make 120GB's of space! GOOOOO ANIME SPACE!
On a more boring note, I started on my Geocities page, but its lame right now . . .
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
\\:You Are Cordially Invited:\\
[Playlist and Snippet]
"Somersault" - Zero 7 - Guess Who Soundtrack
You talk to loners, you ask how's your week
You give love to all and give love to me
You're obsessed with hiding the sticks and stones
When I feel the unknown
You feel like home, you feel like home
You put my feet back on the ground
Did you know you brought me around
You were sweet and you were sound
You saved me
[Hallmark Card?]
"YOU'RE CORDIALLY INVITED ........... (open card) ........... TO SUCK COCK!!" (taken from someone's away msg) - I need to make a card JUST LIKE THIS ONE!
[Gundam Wing For-Evar!!!]
I took at look @ Con's Geocities site, and its AWESOME! (I'll include the link once I get this HTML sorted out, I'm still a HTML n00b LOL.) Gundam Wing all over the freaking place! WOW! It does also contain interesting information, both about Gundam Wing and about Con (such as her dislike for Relena Peacecraft.) I also didn't know that Piggly Wiggly's were so widespread; I thought it was a lameo Louisiana thing, but that's off my GW topic .. . ..the sites very informative (I cross checked alot of it with my MIGHTY Official TokyoPop Gundam Wing Technical Manual!
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\\:Off to Goodwill and Making Up Your Mind:\\
[Playlist and Snippet]
"As I Lay Me Down To Sleep" - Sophie B. Hawkins
I wonder why I feel so high
Though I am not above the sorrow
Heavy hearted
Till you call my name
And it sounds like church bells
Or the whistle of a train
On a summer evening
I’ll run to meet you
Barefoot barely breathing
[What's the "H" Mean In Jesus H Christ?]
Today was my official day off from work, and it wasn't what I'd expected it to be, but it wasn't too bad at all either. I spent most of the day hanging out with Scott, where we went on our "Goodwill Adventures" to find awesome pieces of electronics for dirt cheap. Unfortunately our adventures didn't go too well, and I ended up scoring only a male to male parallel connector and a Sony™ stereo equalizer (that doesn't really improve or hinder my sound quality.) Scott's found a laptop that he's purchased, an Mac iBook (I think, its the one that came in all of those awesome colors and features a clamshell design) that has a damaged logic board, and for 100 bucks is willing to fix it and sell it to me (maybe for less, depending on if we can win it on eBay.) Its a little old, but still state of the art; nice sized display, built-in wireless capabilities, optical drive (CD, DVD, idk?) Jai called me while I was with him at Burger King, and I told her that I was in Lafayette, so he said, "What did she say when you told her that you were in Laffy, Winn? 'Come visit me, you poor trailer living b*st*rd!'" I almost choked laughing at that. I really want to go and room with Scott when his place becomes available, then we can spend entire days arguing; him telling me how the Pentecostal religion is the one and only true religion and me telling him to blow it out of his a$$ LOL.
Went to Sallie's house for Darwin's (her boyfriend, who is half her age LOL) birthday! Sallie's an awesome cook and I enjoyed myself there (but then, I always do around those guys.)
Now onto Jai .. . . **sigh** Jai really needs to stop screwing with me. Today, she's been acting weird all f*cking day long, and I've been asking her what was the matter, and she only says, "why do you keep asking me what's wrong?" So she calls me because I'm asking her what's wrong again, and things seem alright, so I ask her about what she's doing, and she says, "none of your business." I'm pissed to the point at which I don't want to say sh*t to her, and after listening to her say, "are you going to say something," she finally says, "well im going to call Shane, ill talk to you another time. Bye" I say only what that deserves, which is nothing at all, and hang up the phone. I'm just about to get ready (and Conneryalexis is my witness!) to give up on her and pursue someone who will treat me better. I'd give it about 3 to 4 more days of bullsh*t like this before I add her to the "just like the rest of them. . . " blacklist of people I already keep, because this problem seems to happen often between me and similar women who don't know how to treat people . . . .
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