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Opelousas, LA
Member Since
Wait Staff/Soon-to-be student
Real Name
Winthrop (first name lol) Paul Julian Chavis
None, haven't found my purpose in life.
Anime Fan Since
I first laid eyes on Dragonball Z (now long forgotten) about 6 years ago.
Favorite Anime
MS-Gundam Wing, Ghost In The Shell, Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, The Big O, Love Hina, Ranma 1/2
To find that person who will give me purpose in life. . .
Anime, Manga, Shopping, gaming, bustin slugs, poppin caps, offin "po-po's," being straight-up-gangsta no limit fo life! UHHHHHHHHHH!
Arguing with people, DOS Literacy (godd*am pro), Windows literacy (intermediate level), Linux literacy (novice level), Mac literacy (n00b level), BASIC programming literacy (intermediate level), Instruments(Clarinet, Soprano Saxophone)
| Spaceboy2501
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Monday, June 27, 2005
[Playlist and Snippet]
Cold fire clenched to my heart
In the blue of night
Torn by this pain,
I paint your name in sound
And the girl of the dawn
With eyes of blue,
And angel wings
The songs of the season are her only crown
Broken mirror
A million shades of light
The old echo fades away
But just you and I
Can find the answer.
And then,
We can run to the end of the world
- "Small Two or Peices" - Yasunori Mitsuda(composer,) Joanne Hogg(vocals) - Xenogear OST (Ending Song) - I'd advise anyone to download this song. It's a beautiful piece.
[Almost Over?]
I just want to sit down and cry out of relief, because all of the negetive things that's been happening in my life are starting to slowly turn around. For starters, I'm back in the clubhouse, mom starts her new position on the 13th of this month, I got to talk on the phone with Con, AND Darren's on break from Iraq for (not ONE) but two weeks.
Now don't get me wrong, I (personally) still get my fair share of negetivity, with bills and other things in my life that I'm worried about right now, but with the ratio of good things to not so good things looking the way it does, I don't think its worth worrying about the negetive things.
[From the Cover Page (Disappointments)]
Doesn't it REALLY suck when you lose respect for someone you really had a really high opinion of, and/or really cared about because you found something out about them that you didn't find acceptable. . ? It's always got to be someone who'd seem like they'd do no wrong. . .
[First Clubhouse Day]
It was a long day at the clubhouse, for such a short amount of time we worked. We worked about 4 and a half hours, but not everyone wanted to work. . .some wanted to stand around and gossip, or be crazy. . . until Christine (my Manager) came up and got "stoopid" on everyone! Then they all wanted to work quietly as if she was the bad guy. It's crap like this that keeps us with problems. It's just too bad we didn't start cleaning and such earlier, where we could afford to get rid of the people who aren't willing. Now, were stuck with them because were about to reopen, and it'd be just stupid to fire people at such a critical moment.
[Moonshine and You (or should I say me)]
Darren brought some Moonshine from Ireland on the way home. Its 110% alcohol. . . .so strong, that when I took a gulp (straight, of course, the only way I drink something), and started talking to Darren again THE MOONSHINE CUT ME OFF LOL! It took a second or two, but it was pure FIRE WATER! It was as if I swallowed some gasoline, and placed a mop on my tongue. . . . WOW! I brought some home for mom to try, and Darren insisted that she doesn't smell it, just take a sip. . . .she'd liked to die by the expression on her face LOL.
[Social Acceptance?]
Reading Kristen's blog, I came across something she was talking about, saying that when you have sex you gain a sort of social acceptance from other people. I've always felt as though I stand out w/ my peers, whether they be friends or co-workers, or just people I see down the street. I think this is the reason. . . .
Comments (2) |
Sunday, June 26, 2005
[Playlist and Snippet]
Need a little sun to break up all the frustration
And turn it into love
Ain't nobody gonna tell us what we gonna do
Because today, it's up to you
Temptation comin' up to me
A little relaxation and I'll be great to be
Come on and weeky weeky loo at the
It's gonna start now
Vacation's where I wanna be
Party on the beach where the fun is free
We don't need a holiday, it's time to celebrate
'Cause I need a break, I need a vacation - "Vacation" - Vitamin C - Pokemon: The First Movie OST - Gotta catch em all. . .
[Racist Bob Saget]
[03:30] Dustin: dude
[03:31] Dustin: its not letting me add you as a mod
[03:31] Dustin: you're in the group
[03:31] Dustin: but its refusing to let a black man, i mean you actually have permissions of a mod
[03:31] Genocidic187: LMAO
[03:31] Genocidic187: racist bastard!
[03:49] Genocidic187: lol no its bob
[03:49] Genocidic187: "nigras never watched full house" - bob saget
[03:50] Dustin: lmfao
[03:50] Dustin: look, tahj mowry was on it
[03:50] Dustin: so was that black chick denise
[03:50] Genocidic187: they dont count, they're like me, pratically f*ckin white!
[Holly Dayton]
I think its about time that I remove Holly's name from my buddy list and completely forget about her. This morning, i was talking to her, and she just suddenly says bye. When I ask her why, she says, "because I don't feel like talking to you." Yup I think its time to go. . .
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
Not much more to say, everything's pretty much the same.
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
[\\:Making Bad Things Worse:\\]
[Playlist and Snippet]
Take a bow, the night is over
This masquerade is getting older
Lights are low, the curtains down
There's no one here
Say your lines but do you feel them
Do you mean what you say when there's no one around
Watching you, watching me, one lonely star
I've always been in love with you
I guess you've always known it's true
You took my love for granted, why oh why
The show is over, say good-bye
Say good-bye, say good-bye
Make them laugh, it comes so easy
When you get to the part
Where you're breaking my heart
Hide behind your smile, all the world loves a clown
Wish you well, I cannot stay
You deserve an award for the role that you played
No more masquerade, you're one lonely star - "Take A Bow" - Madonna - Bedtime Stories - Pretty song. I suddenly had this odd urge to hear it. . .
[Desktop Modification]

NEW! More descriptive icons that lead to every major library on my computer AND shows how large the folder is and how many movies, music, images, etc it contains! Also I changed my wallpaper to a Grenaider background.
Advanced Global Personality Test Results Extraversion | |||||||||| | 33% | Stability | |||||| | 23% | Orderliness | |||||||||||||||||| | 73% | Altruism | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Interdependence | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% | Intellectual | |||||||||||||||| | 70% | Mystical | |||||| | 30% | Artistic | |||||| | 23% | Religious | || | 10% | Hedonism | |||||| | 23% | Materialism | |||||||||||||||| | 63% | Narcissism | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% | Adventurousness | |||||| | 30% | Work ethic | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% | Self absorbed | || | 10% | Conflict seeking | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% | Need to dominate | |||||| | 23% | | Romantic | |||||||||| | 36% | Avoidant | |||||||||||||||| | 63% | Anti-authority | |||| | 16% | Wealth | |||| | 16% | Dependency | || | 10% | Change averse | |||||||||||||||| | 70% | Cautiousness | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% | Individuality | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Sexuality | || | 10% | Peter pan complex | |||||||||| | 36% | Physical security | |||||||||||||||| | 70% | Physical Fitness | |||||||||||||||| | 64% | Histrionic | |||||||||| | 36% | Paranoia | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% | Vanity | |||| | 16% | Hypersensitivity | |||||||||||||||| | 63% | Female cliche | |||| | 16% | | | Take Free Advanced Global Personality Testpersonality tests by
These are the inital results, and I was very unsatisfied with them, particularly with the narcissism part, so I retook the test, and searched my feelings as I chose my answers. I noticed that these are one of those test where if you do not read the questions carefully, you'll choose the wrong answers accidentally (not that I'm making up excuses. . .if things look the same the second test then I guess its accurate.)
Advanced Global Personality Test Results Extraversion | |||||||||| | 40% | Stability | |||||| | 30% | Orderliness | |||||||||||||||||| | 73% | Altruism | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% | Interdependence | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Intellectual | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% | Mystical | |||||||||| | 36% | Artistic | |||||| | 30% | Religious | || | 10% | Hedonism | |||||| | 23% | Materialism | |||||||||||| | 50% | Narcissism | |||||||||||||||| | 70% | Adventurousness | |||||| | 23% | Work ethic | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% | Self absorbed | |||||| | 23% | Conflict seeking | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Need to dominate | || | 10% | | Romantic | |||||| | 30% | Avoidant | |||||||||||||||| | 63% | Anti-authority | || | 10% | Wealth | |||| | 16% | Dependency | |||| | 16% | Change averse | |||||||||||| | 50% | Cautiousness | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% | Individuality | |||||||||||| | 43% | Sexuality | |||||||||||| | 50% | Peter pan complex | |||||||||||| | 43% | Physical security | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% | Physical Fitness | |||||||||||||||| | 70% | Histrionic | |||||| | 23% | Paranoia | |||||||||||||||| | 70% | Vanity | |||| | 16% | Hypersensitivity | |||||||||||||||| | 70% | Female cliche | |||||| | 23% | | | Take Free Advanced Global Personality Testpersonality tests by
These are the results after I looked at the questions more carefully and searched how I felt about each one. I'm not sure about accuracy, but I'm still insulted at the high "peter pan complex" rating. I keep both of them up for you to determine yourself which one seems more accurate.
[Crap Day]
Today started out pretty well. I purchased a 4-port, light up (blue) USB hub to make it easier to put in a jumpdrive for my mobile storage or to transfer pictures from my SD card to the PC. I got to talk to Con before she went to work, and that's always great, and I helped a friend take care of some things. Then it all goes downhill from there w/ mom freaking out because her current boss is trying to keep her from getting a better position. She flips out all evening long (and that's as far as I'm going to say,) and ruins the entire night. I don't even want to face her right now. I'm considering taking on another, second job in preparation for bad things, and the opportunity is open, just waiting for me to take it. I'm once again in a position where I'll have to make my own sacrifices for the good of the family. . . . .until I come to my decision, I'll just hope to whatever divine being may (or may not for all I know) exist that things will pick up.
Comments (1) |
[\\:I'm Getting Sick and Tired. . .:\\]
[Playlist and Snippet]
Sometimes I feel so all alone
Finding myself callin' your name
When we're apart, so far away
Hopin' it's me that you're thinkin' of
Could it be true, could it be real?
My heart says that you're the one.
There's noone else, you're the only one for me.
Yes, this time my love's the real thing.
Never felt that love is so right.
The world seemed such an empty place.
We need someone we could give our all.
Baby, it's you, we'll be together now and forever.
- ". . And Forever" - Shima Takeshi (Sung by: Robbie Danzie with Takao Naoki) - The Big O OST - The Big O ending song.

Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV, is an orphaned child (the parents unknown to me) from the planet Earth. Though confused by fans to be a boy, she's in fact a 13 year old girl, and she's an expert hacker. She joins the crew of the Bebop after making a deal w/ Faye Valentine to help deal w/ an old US satellite that was drawing animal shapes into the Earth. Unfortunately, Faye didn't tell anyone about her deal w/ Ed, and she had to hack the Bebop and force it to turn around and pick her up. - From the Cowboy Bebop Series
[From The Title. .]
. . . of wednesday nights at the buffet. Like every other wednesday, the busser there, Jermaine, left me to go home early. The supervisor took his side, saying, "well he worked a double today." Now, the second shift begins at 4 and 4:30 (when I clocked on,) and he left at 6. I DIDN'T KNOW that for this guy, a double shift is a single shift and two additional hours, while when that same supervisor asked me to work a double shift one Sunday, it became TWO ACTUAL SHIFTS, from open to close, 10:30am-12:00 midnight. I was upset the entire night, and everyone knew it, I mean, I'm usually upset every wednesday because he does that to me, but the fact that the supervisor tried to feed me that bulls*it REALLY pissed me off. I like people who are real to me, people who give me my information straight and honest. But when you feed me crap like I'm some idiot who will just eat it up, its insulting my intelligence, and that's almost the worst thing a person can do. I don't think she understands just how incredibly intelligent I am, I mean, she could have simply said, "Well Winn, the lazy f*ck just wanted to go home, regardless of the fact that you'll be the only busser, and since I'm an incompetent supervisor, I let him! **nice guy thumbs up**" Now THAT would actually have been alot easier to swallow. . . .so anyway, its as if everyone could feel how upset I was. Every server was extra nice and extra helpful and wouldnt speak to me unless it was absolutely important. At the end of the night, I made 14 bucks in tips, which is awesome for a wednesday night.
Alot of people tend to underestimate how intelligent I am. They all know that I'm a smart guy, but every now and again they believes that they can pull one over. Well you can't pull one on me. Because of my experience in dealing with people, and enough blonde girlfriends to chance a lightbulb (. . . ok, maybe not enough. . . ,) my nose is keen to smelling bullsh*t a mile away! **sniffs the air** Oh, you're skeptical to that? Jk. . . .
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
[\\:Trip to Canada?:\\]
[Playlist and Snippet]
You and I are betting on words
You and I are wandering worlds
apart from each other joined at the heart
You and I escaping the Earth
Tasting tears for all that it's worth apart from each other joined by a thought
Can you believe me?
Still sitting pretty with a pistol in hand
Living to love you will you be my man (woman lol)?
If I beg, If I plead
Would you please, please, please satisfy me?
Anything goes in this cosmic dare
Anything goes so take care
Did you feel my heartbeat to your lies
Listen close sweet love of mine
You and I are travelling time
You and I a moon rockets climb
In tune with forever, never say never we're told
You and I are floating in space
You and I are waiting to make the most of a moment alive in this silence so great
- "Cosmic Dare (Pretty With A Pistol)" - Yoko Kanno - Cowboy Bebop Movie OST -
[New Term]
"basting the turkey" - Put your mind into the gutter.
[Got Jacked!]
Shoes: and I have the summer special of Mahoromatic
genocidic187: awesome
Shoes: I thought it was a full DVD of episodes but they screwed me
Shoes: it was on little 30 min episode
genocidic187: awwwwwwwwwww
Shoes: I'm still mad I payed like 17 bucks for it
genocidic187: lol I would be too man
Shoes: I could have just downloaded it for free
Shoes: see what happens when you obey the law
genocidic187: lmao
genocidic187: yeah
genocidic187: you get jacked
genocidic187: LOL
[Pulling a Dorothy, w/o the OZ]
Con and I have it all planned out. During hurricane season, I'll go outside and let a hurricane HURL me to Canada, where I can hang out w/ Con and have lots of fun! Now, I know youre thinking "but you'll die from the fall!" Well to combat that, I'll wrap myself in LOTS of bubble wrap! It'll also serve as in flight enterainment when I'm bored! Can't wait to be w/ Con! Bring it on, hurricane season!
[Love Hina]
I know its been a while since I've said something about anime. I checked out the "Love Hina" christmas special, which I think is right before the "Love Hina Again" special starts. It's the usual love plot, w/ the usual beautiful ending. Good movie (or should I say special, because its an extended episode.)
[Storage Space!!]
I just bought a 40GB hard drive from Scott for 20 bucks!!! Storage space is a MUST, and w/ the bills I'm having right now, I can't buy the ALOT of space I want, so that 40gig really helps. I'm planning on isolating my 80gig to be an anime drive, until I buy a bigger one to replace it, and use the 40gig(labeled "Tobie") to store everything else originally on the 80(labeled "Kunta.") I also FINALLY bought mom her computer desk that I wanted to get, so that's out of the way. I'm considering buying another wireless card for THIS PC, but I'm running out of precious slots. . . .
[Learn About ME!]
Your Dominant Thinking Style: | Exploring
You thrive on the unknown and unpredictable. Novelty is your middle name.
You are a challenger. You tend to challenge common assumptions and beliefs.
An expert inventor and problem solver, you approach everything from new angles.
You show people how to question their models of the world. | Your Secondary Thinking Style: | Experimenting
You're all about looking at the facts, and you could always use more of them.
You see life as your lab - and you're always trying out new things, people, and ideas.
The master of mix and match, you're always coming up with unique combinations.
You are good at getting a group to reach consensus. |
Your Deadly Sins
Sloth: 80%
Envy: 60%
Gluttony: 60%
Wrath: 60%
Pride: 20%
Greed: 0%
Lust: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 40%
You will die while sleeping - and no one will notice. |
Your Birthdate: January 17 |
Your birth on the 17th day of the month suggests that you are very lucky financially, because this date indicates a solid business sense.
Although you are probably very honest and ethical, this birthday enables you to be shrewd and successful in the world of business and commercial enterprise.
You have excellent organizational, managerial, and administrative capabilities enabling you to handle large projects and significant amounts of money with relative ease.
You are ambitious and highly goal-oriented, although you may be better at starting projects than you are at finishing them.
A sensitivity in your nature, often repressed below the surface of awareness, makes it hard to give or receive affection. |
You Were Actually Born Under: | You are solid, methodical, and you do things right the first time.
Even when no one else does, you always believe in yourself.
You tend to see the world in black and white, right or wrong.
A good memory and eye for details means you tend to thrive at near impossible tasks.
You are most compatible with a Snake or Rooster. | You Should Have Been Born Under: | 
You are solid, methodical, and you do things right the first time.
Even when no one else does, you always believe in yourself.
You tend to see the world in black and white, right or wrong.
A good memory and eye for details means you tend to thrive at near impossible tasks.
You are most compatible with a Snake or Rooster. |
Comments (4) |
Monday, June 20, 2005
[Playlist and Snippet]
- "" - - -
[12:17] Dustin: EXIT LIGHT
[12:18] Dustin: TAKE MY HAND
[12:18] Genocidic187: LMAO
[12:18] Dustin: LOL
[12:19] Genocidic187: i thought it was off to neva-nevaland
[12:19] Genocidic187: lol
[12:19] Dustin: uh, yeah
[12:19] Dustin: thats what i meant to say
**Que the racist man: "Whaa? Dat n*gra shouldn't know Metallica!!"**
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
[\\:Pessimistic and Appreciation:\\]
[Playlist and Snippet]
Of your own
You Alone
O so incredible
Each atom
Sing to me
"Set me free
From chains of the physical"
O free me, O free me
The mirror melts
I'm somewhere else
Inside eternity
Where you on
Outstretched wings
Sing within
The Garden of Everything
Where memories
Call to me
Backward dreams?
Or phantom reality?
Call to me, they call to me
And so here we are
Lovers of Lost Dimensions
Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
Every touch, a temptation
And for every sense, a sensation
- "The Garden of Everything" - Maaya Sakamoto - Rahxephon Movie OST - BEAUTIFUL song. . .
[Pessimism and Appreciation]
I'm naturally a very pessimistic person. Combine that w/ the fact that I'm paranoid, untrusting, bitter, and I make up one really f*cked up Capricorn. Darren recently had a conversation w/ his ex, and he mentioned, "it's just win is a brother 2 me but in the same way he will judge ppl by what they do." It's one of my more cold blooded qualities that I don't let people notice, but my brother (best friend) knows me way too well. I know its wrong, but its just how I handle things, and determines how I handle people, based on heirarchy. There's actually a nice slice of the "Winn pie" that no one really sees, that I try not to show. But when it strikes, its bad. Maybe tonight or tomorrow, I'll post some of my more horrible qualities. . .
[Con and Helplessness, Christina and Appreciativeness]
Con's been going through so family problems, and its been troubling me. Oh how it hurts my heart to know that she's depressed and/or crying. I really wish I knew how/could make her happy. I do what I can from way over here, y'know, and I'm sure it helps a little, but it doesn't have the same effect as if I were standing right next to her. She says that I seem so genuine. . . .wow that's got to be THE sweetest thing I've heard in a looong time, and it makes me really happy that she appreciates my concern for her.
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
[Playlist and Snippet]
So she said what's the problem baby
What's the problem I don't know
Well maybe I'm in love (love)
Think about it every time
I think about it
Can't stop thinking 'bout it
How much longer will it take to cure this
Just to cure it cause I can't ignore it if it's love (love)
Makes me wanna turn around and face me but I don't know nothing 'bout love
Come on, come on
Turn a little faster
Come on, come on
The world will follow after
Come on, come on
Cause everybody's after love
- "Accidentally In Love" - Counting Crows - Shrek 2 OST - This song's REALLY grown on me recently, just out of the blue. . .

Gene Starwind is the accidental commander of the XGP15A-2, renamed by Gene the "Outlaw Star." Gene took command while trying to keep the prototype away from pirates at the request of "Hot Ice" Hilda (who died in the incident,) and has been since that period of time. Gene has a fear of space due to an accident that killed his father when he was young. He's on a quest to help Melfina, a mysterious bio-android, and find the Galatic Leyline, which Melfina has an important role in. - From the Outlaw Star Series
I had a dream that Darren came back, and he was w/ a girl who had a child. She didn't look like anyone I knew. He got into a fight w/ this really strong crazy black guy who'd keep harassing everyone. For some reason, no one wanted to help Darren out, and he kept getting upset about it. It was freaky. . . .
[Truc, Kieu,. . .]
Their sister is there today! She's pretty tired, though, and seems a little grouchy, but I managed to have a short conversation about the anime I let them all borrow. She mentioned something about liking "Ah My Goddess," and wondering if I had any more of it. I said I'd try to get it, (but I'm no fool and I don't like to be used LOL, so I'll handle this w/ caution.)
I think its neat that Truc knows my schedule, especially when I goto the store to buy my usual bottle of water and she says, "you're late for work." LOL!
I've been eyeing all of those Vonage phone company ads, and this is starting to look too good to be true. I can call ANYWHERE in the 'States and Canada for one low rate? ANYWHERE. . . . .why does that sound awesome . . . . who could I call, though. .
Comments (2) |
Friday, June 17, 2005
[\\:Good Solid. . .:\\]
[Playlist and Snippet]
- "" - -
Stupid****guy**: well it was a kiddy pool
Stupid****guy**: but you know us opelousas people
Stupid****guy**: we exxagerate
There is no particular reason for this conversation snippet except that I found the Opelousas comment interesting (because I'm from Opelousas LOL.) I don't even know what the guy's talking about, because its a snippet another friend sent me.
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