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Opelousas, LA
Member Since
Wait Staff/Soon-to-be student
Real Name
Winthrop (first name lol) Paul Julian Chavis
None, haven't found my purpose in life.
Anime Fan Since
I first laid eyes on Dragonball Z (now long forgotten) about 6 years ago.
Favorite Anime
MS-Gundam Wing, Ghost In The Shell, Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, The Big O, Love Hina, Ranma 1/2
To find that person who will give me purpose in life. . .
Anime, Manga, Shopping, gaming, bustin slugs, poppin caps, offin "po-po's," being straight-up-gangsta no limit fo life! UHHHHHHHHHH!
Arguing with people, DOS Literacy (godd*am pro), Windows literacy (intermediate level), Linux literacy (novice level), Mac literacy (n00b level), BASIC programming literacy (intermediate level), Instruments(Clarinet, Soprano Saxophone)
| Spaceboy2501
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
[\\:Boredom. . .:\\]
[Playlist and Snippet]
. . .None Today. . .
[Boredom Sucks]
Well, it's my day off. . . . and it sucks! Its so boring.
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Sunday, May 29, 2005
[\\:I Hate The Buffet:\\]
[Playlist and Snippet]
[Words of Wisdom]
Con: wanna know the secret to living the dream?
genocidic187: ??
Con: dream low. Like when you wake up in the morning, say to yourself "self, I'm going to have pie today."
[Buffet. . . Yay]First, I'm in a very sh*tty mood today! I am getting sick and tired of working at that lame-@$$ buffet. . .I mean its everything, the people, some of the customers, the way things are improperly managed .. .. ..EVERYTHING!
This guy at 'DNC,' the store across from where I live, got stupid at the kid behind the counter because he didn't give him back his card in his hand. I got REALLY upset, because the man was over the hill and black, and it gave me the impression that he was belittleing the guy cause he was asian (its a family ran business.)
On another note: Tokyogurl1 has been added to my friends list, and I suggest that you visit her page!
P.S. WOW! I got a good look at what Con looks like, and WOW, just WOW!
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Friday, May 27, 2005
:::If They Battle:::
[Special Issue!!!]One of the favorite discussions amongst my friends and myself are "what would happen if (insert names here) fought?" Well in this case, we will discuss the advantages of various anime (both movies/shows and video gaming) mecha.
Here are our players: The Gundam, The Guymelef, The Oribital Frame, The Variable Fighter, The Armored Core, and The Megadeus.
The rules are quite simple: I will use all of the most recent data from each series, and in the games, movements displayed in FMVs IN ADDITION TO in game functions will be used, because the developers created those FMV movements to show how they INTENDED the mecha to be used (especially in the case of Armored Core.)
The Gundam
The Gundam is probably the most commonly known form of mecha, from all of the Mobile Suit series.
Armor: The biggest advantage for the Gundam's over every other mecha featured is the Gundamium alloy their armor's based on. This makes them formidable opponents against the majority of the featured mecha, with the exception to the Orbital Frames, which come standard with high yield energy weapons.
Armaments: This area may vary, depending on the Gundam type, so I will try to generalse them as a whole. The majority of the Gundams primarily use long range weapons, which puts them in yet another advantage over two of the other mecha. Their secondary/melee (if not their primary) are beam sabers, powerful energy blades capable of cutting through most metals, including the Gundamium alloy.
Reaction Time: Though the Gundams possess alot of advantages, one of the biggest disadvantages they have is their slow reaction time. Though its not noticable against other mobile suits, in this arena we also feature high speed combat mecha, and even Gundamium has its limits.
The Guymelef
Guymelefs (Guy-MELLE-IFS) are known from the popular "Escaflowne (Ess-cuh-FLOWN-ae)" series. These mechs are a type that stands apart from the other featured mecha, due to the part that the technology is extremely odd in design and when it comes to powerplants.
The Variable Fighter
The Armored Core
The Armored Core is best known from the popular gaming series 'Armored Core.' In a nutshell, the Armored Cores represent walking tanks, loaded with explosive armaments, and much like a tank, its not the fastest in the world, so weapon dodging maneuvers are a must, with the assistance of maneuvering thrusters/jump jets, in addtion to multi-plated armor, made from the standard titanium alloys.
Armored Core's(AC) boast an advantage of versatility; almost every single part is designed to be changed out and replaced with another part that's more useful to completing particular missions. This means that in one instance, an AC can carry lightweight, soft punch armaments in a convert operations mission, where speed and stealth are a must, return to base upon completion, and get switched out with heavier armor and weapons for an assualt mission.
Not much is known about the control interfaces, except from one FMV that showed two ACs battling, and someone was inputting commands via a keyboard. Given the way they'd move and attack during the battle, it may be possible to use a keyboard to issue commands, if they user were an experienced typist.
Now when it comes to movement, the AC, much like a Guymelef, may be lacking. Even when equipped with the tank thread legs, or hovering bottom instead of standard legs, the AC is still extremely slow without the assistance of thrusters, though the thrusters are temporary and rechargable (overheating calls for slower recharge times so the entire system can recover.)
I truly believe that, with the right intelligence to give before battle data on the enemy, these bad-boys can be configured to engage ANY of the other featured mecha. On the other hand, I'm not sure about any results.
The Megadeus
The MEGAZORD (Surprise Guest!!)
While developing this (paper,) I COULD NOT RESIST including the ever-so-powerful Megazord (from the original Power Rangers series.)
The Orbital Frame
(The best for last. . .that says alot from a hardcore gundam fan like myself. . . )
I don't even know where to start. The Orbital Frame is hands down the most sophisticated of all features mecha.
Armor: It has the ability to SELF REPAIR its armor due to the advance Metatron alloy metal. In addition to that, it has the ability to DOWNLOAD upgrades remotely, and cause the Metatron to rebuild its circuitry in accordance to the 'device drivers' downloaded.
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
[\\:Whoa Dawg, White Boy Worship Da Debil:\\]
[Playlist and Snippet]
Get ready love will leave you cryin'
It's gonna hurt you til you heart is dyin'
Can't escape it ain't no use in tryin'
No exception, love will leave you crying too
Till you're a broken man, poor you
The day you see her, a lovely stranger
You only pray that soon you'll know her name
You finally touch her then you're in danger
It won't be long before you feel the pain - "No Need For Tenchi" - Artist Unknown - Tenchi Muyo OST
[Another Day Off] It's been a long couple of days at the buffet, BORING days. The work is menial, extremely repetitive, and just downright EASY. I haven't had any problems since I started (except one thing I do .. . ) Every night's been easy, except one, and that's because someone oh-so-stupidly (if that's a REAL word) put ME as the ONLY busser in the whole buffet; My back's still recovering from working both sides of the buffet. It got to the point that even the foxy she-supervisor Kissy had to help me out!
[09:32] Samich Man: what gunna be our clan name
[09:33] Samich Man: crazy white folks
[09:33] Samich Man: lol
[09:33] Genocidic187: ya bastard
I've been playing 'Kings Of Chaos' alot, Here to Join,
use this link to join AND help me out at the same time, and Scott wants to start a clan. I'm already in an alliance, but it can't stop me from being in a clan, and the alliance makes things all the more beneficial because they're nice people, and are also powerful and true to their word.
[Lions, Tigers, and Guymelefs] I started watching the Escaflowne series a long time ago, but I didn't put up with it because I didn't understand it, nor much of any anime (I only liked Dragonball Z for the crazy action LOL) So now , here I am again, armed with my experience and understand of how anime works, trying to understand Escaflowne once again, and I plan on writing a theoretical post about a battle between the most well known mecha, the Guymelef (Escaflowne), the Gundam(duh . .), the Megadeus(The Big O), and Advanced Variable Fighter(Robotech/Macross.) I've been considering getting into the Blue Gender mecha, but its broken down into too many subtypes. Now the Mechwarrior™ mech's seem like a more desirable thing to throw in, but I'm working that out . . .
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
[:\\Bob Saget\\:]

Yes, Dustin has wasted 5 hours of his life making a Bob Saget guitar (the same guy who said, "OOOH YEAH? WELL I USED TO SUCK D*CK FOR CRACK! On Half-Baked)
"you need a F.U.C.K i am always here for you because F.U.C.K stands for "Friendship U Can Keep". so promise me we will F.U.C.K forever...... send this to all your friends to let them know you will always F.U.C.K"
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Monday, May 23, 2005
[\\:. . .I Could Tuck It In My Sock:\\]
[Playlist and Snippet]
I can't stop loving you
I've made up my mind
To live in memory of the lonesome times
I can't stop wanting you
It's useless to say
So I'll just live my life in dreams of yesterday
Dreams of yesterday
Those happy hours that we once knew
Tho' long ago, they still make me blue
They say that time heals a broken heart
But time has stood still since we've been apart - "I Can't Stop Loving You" - Ray Charles - Metropolis OST
[Fun Fact] Dustin thinks that I'm gay because I'm on XP:
[22:25] Dustin: lol
[22:26] Dustin: ive heard of guys like you
[22:26] Genocidic187: LOL
[22:26] Dustin: you dont like vaginas do you
[22:27] Genocidic187: i LOVE vaginas
[22:27] Dustin: lmao
LOL so about the title, Saturday the track was open for a day of off track betting (only 16 people showed up,) and it was Rae (my supervisor,) Kent (the security guy) and myself shooting the sh*t and Kent starts a dialogue on being a more man than he wants to be:
Kent: "If I were more of the man I wanna be, I'd be really tall."
Winn: **interested** ". . . . Well If I were more of a man when I want to be, I could tuck it in my sock."
Rae: "Well you ain't black for nothin. . . . . . . . . . . but you'd have trouble with that anyway, I mean I heard that it's all rigid and curved . . . . . that's true right???"
LMAO this is my supervisor guys, the same lady who was shaking her butt dancing just a few minutes before that piece of conversational artwork. I really couldn't wish for someone less interesting to work for!
[Life In The Buffet] Well, its been an extremely LONG weekend, working double shifts both Saturday and Sunday (and clocking in an AMAZING amount of money in three days.) It's amazing what these guys (bussers) get away with, y'know? They barely work, take breaks out the wazoo (my new favorite word, but more spoken than written.) Derrick and I have managed to surmaze and aprise bussers, waitresses, and Supervisors alike, but that's really to be expected of us Clubhouse folk, especially working with Derrick. Rae told me that management (ours) is happy to know that were both willing to work, and extremely well when together, and it ensures both them and us that if transferred, we'll be moved as a team only. Another interesting thing about working with Derrick is noticing how many (and what kinds) of women we work with, for, and customer wise LOL. The black girls down in the buffet are EXCEPTIONAL when it comes to physical features and the daytime supervisor, Kissy, is just WOW. I can't really pinpoint exactly what's that THING that makes her so WOW, I mean sure she's very pretty, but there's something else; something important that makes her stand out. Derrick says, "I think its cause she looks at us sexy (his words) LOL," so when I get back to work tomorrow (Wednesday,) I'll have to observe that theory to see how right he is! The nighttime supervisor, Chris, is a pretty awesome guy (everyone prefers him over Kissy any day LOL.) He's very laid back, never to rush things. I've never seen a supervisor sit and eat with so many customers in a given night. I'd say that it conveys a more personal image to them, and makes them want to come back (hell one of my old regulars is starting to eat there more often and we talk all of the time LOL.) Overall, its an extremely simple job, and we get tipped out the wazoo **ding ding ding,** so its not too bad, except for the part when I'm bored all of the freaking night!
W | Weird | I | Industrious | N | Nerdy | T | Technological | H | Healthy | R | Realistic | O | Organic | P | Primitive | | P | Plain | A | Astounding | U | Unusual | L | Light | | J | Judicial | U | Unusual | L | Loving | I | Industrious | A | Amorous | N | New | | C | Clever | H | Happy | A | Altruistic | V | Vain | I | Intelligent | S | Silky |
Name Acronym Generator From
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Friday, May 20, 2005
[\\:CON IS SO RACISTS (against rice):\\]
[Playlist and Snippet]
meet me after nine
hip-hopadelic delight
run rabbit conformation [synthetic application]
ain't no nine to five
if you can dig it, alright !
do what we can
won't worry tomorrow
kick in the countdown
saddled up and sanctified
get 9
get 9
save your soul
better make up your mind
save your soul
or you're gonna get do time
cuz we're hot
too cool
so tight
so fine
hyper cyberdelic and gold
get nine - "Get9" - Jillmax - GITS SAC OST
I've just been informed that Con is discriminatory towards white rice, and I quote: " I can tolerate brown or wild rice, but not the white..."
Danielle: ... ooo i see, my stuffs not good enough
Danielle: and plus you could have gotten a FREE disease....
Danielle: see something would have been free
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
[\\:Straight Outta Lawtell?:\\]
[Playlist and Snippet]
I don't believe yo pappy
He may be rich but he aint happy
Tells ya bout work, and ya want ta be em,
but whens the last time ya got ta see em?
he works hard, why? So you can go out and buy,
a bunch of sh*t that you don't need
driven by ya ponk *ss hopes and greed
Thats why, I said, f*ck it!
For the first time in my life, im finally free
No mansion for me, ah said f*ck it
No brand new humvee, ah said f*ck it
(but you'll get no p*ssy!)
F*ck it
What you dont undastand,
is ah make love to my hand
So i dont need you honey
I beat my d*ck like it owes me money
F*ck it, that's right ah said f*ck it
- "F*ck It" - Charlie Murphy - Chappelle's Show

[New Show!!!] I have a new show to add to my list of awesome series, "Drawn Together." Its an animated "reality series," where instead of antiquated actors, they put antiquated CHARACTERS (well immitations of them.) Anyone with knowledge of old cartoon characters will easily be able to point out what characters the creators are making fun of, like Betty Boop, Superman, hell they even have a LINK from "The Legend Of Zelda" series immitator, but each character has an interesting twist. Google "Drawn Together," and follow the comedy central link, OR if you have a Mozilla Firefox browser, simply plug in "Drawn Together" into your address bar to be taken directly to the Comedy Central page. Just another reason to pick Firefox over those other browsers. . .
[Are WeRelated?]I just saw a music video by this new band called B5, signed on by Bad Boy Records. Man, I swear that I could be related to those guys. . .I dont know what in the hell kind of race they are! Bobby, being far more urban and a helluva less tactful than I am said, "WOW, Turf, dem n*ggas look like they straight outta Lawtell!"
[Darren's Girlfriend]So I've been talking to Darren's girlfriend, and she seems to be an all around good girl. Not necessarily ALL AROUND; I don't like that she says that she doesn't consider lar tabs to be a '(bad) drug,' because she takes them every now and again. It really burns me up when someone tries to sugarcoat something, to justify it to themselves, to make it not as bad as it really is. OTHER THAN THAT, I think she's a good girl for Darren, and hopefully he(Darren) won't void all of the good things I've been saying about him when he meets her LOL!
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[\\:My Butts Numb:\\]
[Playlist and Snippet]
I like rain, I like ham
I like you
You're around, you're right here
So you'll do
I'm gonna tell you how much I love your mind
But it simply isn't true
Only a woman
Can brighten up my day
Only a woman
Can touch me the right way
Only a woman
Is allowed to do what you're doing right now
All I ask is that you're a woman
And on saturdays when I've been partying hard
And it's 4 in the morning, and I'm on my fith tab of E
that's the only time I don't even care if you are a woman
- "Only A Woman" - Trey Parker - Team America: World Police OST
I've been sitting here talking to Con for about 6 hours now, and I have what she calls TAS, Tingly *ss Syndrome. I'm not sure there's a cure for it. I've successfully made over the page, as you can see, and next I'll work on making over the computer (I've already changed how things look, but I will have to make them permanant after I reinstall and repartition everything.)
Today's been yet another boring day. Good news, though, mom heard that if 'corporate' approves of her promotion, she can start immediately. She's happy, I'm overjoyed, everyone's happy!
I got my RAID controller now, so I now have to ability to attack 6 hard drives to my computer! Other than that, not much else to report.
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
\\:One of those boring days:\\
[Playlist and Snippet]I don't wanna hurt you but I need to talk
To talk about our love
I don't wanna hurt you but I need to walk
Walk away, walk far away from you and I .....
You know I'd like to fight to give our love another chance
A new romance, keep my heart with you
Love is in danger (it) is gonna die
Love is the saver (it) got to survive
Love is in danger I want to keep my love alive, alive forever
- "Love Is In Danger" - Priscilla - Initial D - D Selection 2
[Don't Ever Write About Me Again]That's right, folks, I got my first request not to write about someone again. I wasn't surprised as to who it was (I can't say who, though, because that would violate the fact that I'm not writing about them.)
Today's been pretty boring. . . all I did today was visit my great grandmother, whom everyone affectionately call 'Mom.' Mom's a very funny person to listen to, especially when she's mad at someone. She was talking about how my uncle Mike's been running around thinking he's a white guy (because we can ALL pass if we wanted to, and I guess he does,) and how my other uncle plans on visiting him just so he can confront him about it LOL.
Well, I've been losing my mind for the past few days without work. Everyone jokingly refers to is as a "vacation" while I refer to it as hell. I need to get out and DO SOMETHING!
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