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myOtaku.com: spacmace

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I felt like I should update...
so here I am! Not much has happened.

I found out that I am getting a new neihbor soon.I will miss my old neihbor. I liked seeing their daughter play outside.

I'm working on the background of a clock in school. I decided to do it like this Samurai 7 wall: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Just without the swirls around the sun and fog at their feet. It is gonna look so freakin' awesome! I might even add the title in the sun.

We are learning about Japan in Global Studies starting tomorrow. I think we mostly have to a project about something there like the food...a place in Japan. I don't know if she chooses or if we get to choose. I wonder what I'm doing.

That's all. Later guys!

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