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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Clarity, Balls, and the unique connection between school and yaoi...
Those issues i was talking about... all resolved. everything is so clear now!!!

I need a balroom gown for the play..... this really sucks!!!!! errrrr!

My friends Tyler and Chansing are the greatest! they posed for some pictures i took! it was nothing serious, just them passionately hugging... ^_^ today at lunch they made a comment about how i was going to put them on my magical yaoi-licious binder... i'm not *evil laugh*

I'm Spade, that was creepy, and this is goodbye!

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Monday, April 21, 2008

   Boy problems, extra curricular, and Clayton
I've been having some guy issues lately, and i'm a little stressed out by al of it.... that all i'll say about that. (Ramen-sama, if your curious, ask Clay in french. tel himm i said tell you.)

i have way too many extra curricular activivties.

ahh.... Clayton....

I'm Spade, that was... something else, and this is goodbye!

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Friday, April 11, 2008

blaaaaahhhhh!!!!! I'm Spade, I feel blah, and... yeah, whatever...
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

   Champions, Fetish, and days of the week...
First off, let me say that SCHS came out as the Champions! we got first place overall!!! the layout is as follows:

group ranking place
Shelby Singers Gold or silver 2nd
Blast Show Choir silver 1st!!!!!
Orchestra silver N/A

our school has the number one show choir in the nation!

i have an odd fetish with tall guys...... (so un-detailed)

someone from animaken: comment on a good day this week...

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

   ATL, kick off, and WHOOOOOO!!!!!!!
i'm leaving in approx. 11 hours...... it's now 7pm....... YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!

this upcoming week (not counting monday, my day of rest) marks the beginning of production week for Animaken!!!!! *cheers* i'll be contacting all those involed on monday, at the latest, with me plot....

excitement, proudness, frustration, and fear..... all in one simplo word...

I'm Spade, I love you always, and this is goodbye! wish me luck!

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Monday, March 31, 2008

   Boys, Lunch, and ATL!!!
i spend too much of my time around those of the male type.... i feel like i'm most comfortable around guys..... odd..... most of my guy friends are either gay or bisexual..... some of them are straight, but.. yeah.... too many...

it's not until i'm sitting at lunch when i realize just how sheltered (or oblivious) i really am. that's such a fun time of the day for me! ^_^

THIS FRIDAY WE'RE GOING TO ATL!!!!! i'm so nervous, but i'm so excited. i was looking over the guidlines, in the section of stuff we're not allowed to do, and Ms. Fonza put, and i quote:
"physical displays of affection will not be allowed, HOWEVER, verbal declarations of undying love, as long as they are shared with everyone, will be permitted."
i just about died from laughter when i read that! ^_^ we leave at 4am... yay!

i'm Spade, i'm excited, and this is goodbye!

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

   Retreat, Performance, and SHOPPING!!!!!
Today is the day of the Black Achievers retreat. the current time is 7:39, and it starts at nine... it ends at one...

I have a performance today too, but i'm excused for the retreat.... i really don't understand why i can't just doo both. it's only a 15 minute show, and the building where the retreat wil be is right next to the school. i feel guilty for leaving my partner to fend for himself.....

today, i'm going shoe shopping, clothes shopping, make-up shopping (because i normally wear none), and food item shopping. this is all for next friday... i need the make-up so i won't get bleached out by the lights, and i need the food because from 5am to 1pm, we're not stopping that bus. not until we get there. i'm going to bring my own food.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

   ATL, Show Choir, and
We go to the ATL competition next friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love show choir! we're going to rock it!

i was in third block, when it my friend said that it was the quiet ones that you had to watch....... i find that interesting because i'm quiet..................

i'm Spade, that was vauge, and this is goodbye!

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

   Cookies, Concerts, and Bananas...
Okay, so i ordered two boxes of the same type of girl scout cookie, and i got one box today and devoured it, so i have to pay for that. i'll pay tomorrow...

Tonight was the night of our pre-contest concert. it went surprisingly.... well for the shelby singers people. we've always sounded good, but the basses and tenors were sounding SEXY!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! And then.... *deep breath*........ that was the sexiest thing that i've ever heard. I was proud. -_^

Today was excedingly awkward.... every awkward occurance related in some way or other to bananas.... i don't even want to talk about it....

I'm Spade, I'm awkward (if that's even how you spell it...), and this is goodbye! Until tomorrow.

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sleep, Chores, and Friendship
Currently, it is 7:17. i had to wake up at about 6:30 to get my little brother dressed so that he could go, and my dad went to work, and my sister is a bout to leave for an academic team match... my older brother will be here with me, but what difference will that make? all he does is stay in his room anyway..... i'm going to get some sleep...

before i can do that, i promised myself that i'd clean my room. due to the excessively heavy bags under my eyes, i would very much like to say that tis is one promise that i can break. i'll clean it when i wake up. *yawn* ...i'm so tired.

i feel as if i'm makeing a whole world of new friends but being excluded by my own... yeah, my new friends are all upperclassmen, but i only really get to see them during second block and at lunch. when i do see my long time friends, everything seems a bit distant between us... i don't quite like that feeling, but i do learn to adjust and close the distance. on top of that, i feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excluded.... yeah, alot of the time i won't be able to attend alot of the outings that they plan due to practices and rehersals, but the least they can do is send my some information on where we'll be so that i can stop by if i have some time afterward... i only talk to a couple of my older friends and things won't seem distant. as far as the others go, they act as if they don't even want me there...

I'm Spade, that is F**Ked up, and this is goodbye...

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