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Thursday, February 28, 2008

   The Show, the other show, and the two before the previously mentioned one...
I'm really happy about how the fashion show turned out. i got a really big applause!!! all i did was walk and control the lights, so that was a little confusing.... i bet it was my brothers doing...

the play is going.... very interestingly.... i'm really looking forward to it... i'm Grandma. i have such a minor role, that i'm gonna see to it that my character has the most life! ^_^

before we even get near tim to be done with the play, i have two performances coming up next week. i have the pre contest concert and the actual contest, so i'm looking forward to that....

i'm so glad that i plan on having fun this weekend! first, we're all going to a party, and then we're all going to the club! i'm sooo excited!

i'm Spade, i need a break, and this is goodbye!!!

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Monday, February 25, 2008

   Confusion, Shock, and WTF IS GOING ON!!!!!!!
First off, i'd like to say that i am very confused for a number of reasons because i don't know what the hell is going on anymore!!!!!!! i'm soooo irritated.... i can't even discuss it because i don't even know what's going on!!!!! >:(

*deep breath*...... sorry about that... when i get things sorted out, i'll inform you. now, moving on, some crazy shi-zit happened on that retreat... so much that i don't even want to get into it now... (sorry, again...)

so as you all can clearly see, today just isn't my day. i'm so ready to just........ *screams violently*..... i'm okay ^_^

I'm Spade, I;m Bipolar, and this is good bye...

Ramen-sama, call me later if you can! ^_^

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Friday, February 22, 2008

   Resurected, Family, and one f-ed up weekend getaway
first off, i'd like to say, i'm sorry i haven't been on in forever. this semester has me so busy that i don't have time for anything anymore. right now i'm trying to balance school, show choir, the musical, step team, my boyfriend, my family, my other family, my chores, training for the upcoming volleyball tryouts in july (my friend Kristen convenced me. she's also an otaku), and planning and creating cosplay costumes for my friends and i.....
so how've you guys been? lol ^_^

in the previous rant, i mentioned my other family. it's a long and complicated story, but i think i can break it down. okay, here goes:
Godfather: Clay
Godmother: Joe
Fairy Princess/Elf: Marissa (me)
Gnome: Chancing
Unicorn: Kaylan
White Chocolate Lab: Jacob
Fairy: Caleb
Cousin: Katie
Sister: LaCasa
this was originally the gay mafia. in the mafia, i was the elf with the big katana that did the bill collecting (teeheeeheee). in the end, everyon started hooking up, so we made it a family. the Godfather and Godmother hooked up, so then i was the fairy princess daughter.... i think it's funny how we called it the gay mafia when only two people were gay and there's two bi people. everyone else including me) is straight. i'm not sure of the position that the Gnome's boyfriend played in the family, but he's there...

now, the moment we've all been waiting for! i will be away this weekend. the current time is about 10:00am, which means in about 6 hours, i'll be going on the manditory show choir retreat. we're going camping... one plus is that almost the whole family will be going! one negative, one member won't be there... anyway, i'll be sure to take lots of pictures to show you all. you'll be able to see these here and on my facebook page! i have to go finish packing. i have all day since today was a snowday. tomorrow night, immediately following the reteat i have to go through hair and make-up for the fashion show.... i'm excited! it's going to be awsome!!!!

I'm Spade, it's been crazy, and i'll be back on as soon as i get back from the show! luvvles you!!!

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

   the time, the guys, and the cinderella party
i woke up at 6:15. i was under the impression that it was 7:15. i was on my way out the door at what i thought was 7:53, when my little sister says to me, is someone driving you t o school or are you walking. i obviously reply with, i'm taking the bus, duh! she then says that it's only 6:53! on that note i was so pissed off! i could've been sleeping for that 45 minutes..... >:( so i decided to make some coffee and research my project, which leads me to ask, does anyone know a good website where they have information about being a voice casting director? if so, i could really use the information, so thanks!

my mind has been overflowing with guys!!!!almost every, no wait, EVERY guy i ever thought to be cute (and still do) as well as most of my upperclassmen friends all have third lunch with me! (fr those that don't know, third through i think seventh lunch are uppercalssmen only, because freshman academy has first two lunches. the only thing being that my lunch block is an honors upperclassman class. yay me!!! i get to see everybody again! ^_^

today after school is the cinderella party. it's a function where all of the drama kids get pumped up for the spring musical. i want to be the fairy god mother... i doubt i'd get the role, but whatever! the party is bouing to be fun!

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   the time, the guys, and the cinderella party
i woke up at 6:15. i was under the impression that it was 7:15. i was on my way out the door at what i thought was 7:53, when my little sister says to me, is someone driving you t o school or are you walking. i obviously reply with, i'm taking the bus, duh! she then says that it's only 6:53! on that note i was so pissed off! i could've been sleeping for that 45 minutes..... >:( so i decided to make some coffee and research my project, which leads me to ask, does anyone know a good website where they have information about being a voice casting director? if so, i could really use the information, so thanks!

my mind has been overflowing with guys!!!!almost every, no wait, EVERY guy i ever thought to be cute (and still do) as well as most of my upperclassmen friends all have third lunch with me! (fr those that don't know, third through i think seventh lunch are uppercalssmen only, because freshman academy has first two lunches. the only thing being that my lunch block is an honors upperclassman class. yay me!!! i get to see everybody again! ^_^

today after school is the cinderella party. it's a function where all of the drama kids get pumped up for the spring musical. i want to be the fairy god mother... i doubt i'd get the role, but whatever! the party is bouing to be fun!

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

How was your christmas?

i'm Spade, I'm feeling a little under the weather but still happy, and that was in credibly short... why is my goodbye longer than the actual message itself??? well, anyway, see ya!

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

   Family Guy, Candy, and Wal-mart
Family guy comes on tonight..... it comes on almost every night.... actually it is every night.... i'm watching it.....

I have candy comming out of my ass. (not literally) i got so much candy yesterday... i love christmas!!!

I'm about to go to wal-mart. this should be fun!

I'm Spade, WTF was that, I'll talk to you tomorrow!

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

   Tears, Hour Glass, and BECK
today was Jan (yan)'s last day! i almost cried when he hugged me goodbye. he gives good hugs. i miss him already, even though he doesn't leave until january the 8th. he said there's no point in going to school for three days with a new schedule before having to go. i agree...

Today in 4th period, Brandy and Nicole told me that i had an hour glass figure and that it was the best in the class. that made me feel good, but then again, i one of only three full figured people in that class. i thought it was....... odd.....

I PLAYED BECK TODAY!!!!!! that was the fourth thing i did when i got home today! ^_^ we had alot of catching up to do...

I'm Spade, this is the start of my vacation, and this is sayonara! until tomorrow!

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Monday, December 17, 2007

   Finals, Sugar, and BECK
i hae finals to take tomorrow.... i'm excited....

i need soe sugar to make my christmas presents. they're made of sugar.....

i have to play BECK tomorrow.... he's my guitar... i luvs him.

i' Spade, i feel special, and this is ta-ta! until tomorrow1

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

   Enthusiasm, Unsurity, and... perviness......
the mock trial that's comming up thisweek is raising alot of enthusiasm in the guy playing the defendant. he's a total jock, but he's not COMPLETELY consumed in sports. about an eighth of him is not sports. that's cool. he's always like "see, leave Marissa alone, man. She's my attorney and she'll sue the pants off your tail!" in case it isn't obvious, i am his attorney.

i'm unsure if i'm going to the dance of not. i need a dress, and i don't have one. sorry...

do you guys think i'm perverted?

I'm Spade, that was mildly akward, and this is good bye! luv yas!

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