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Friday, November 30, 2007

   Back to Normal, FFBBQ, and Suspenders
Because i now have time, i'm going to start posting like normal again! yay!

Tonite, at Fire Fresh BBQ, we had to be the servers for the customers and diliver the food. everything we made went to whoever showed up. we split it equally and put it toward our atlanta trip payments. (i really need that) the trip is #%)41111 (what i meant to type was 350$!!!! it's so much more fun to type backward. the employees were all bitchy because we checked on the people and helped them with stuff. that's why we made more tips in one night than they could in a whole week! also, i got asked to the Christmas Formal. One of the guys in Show Choir asked me. i want to use this opportunity to meet up with all my friends that i haven't been able to see because of class scheduling. yay!!!

tomorrow, we're going to competition for our school's step team. our theme is playground/recess. my friend Clayton is the playground nerd. he's got the glasses, the plaid shirt, the khaki pants, and of coures, the SUSPENDERS!!!!! it was absolutely adorable!!!! he looked so nerdy! i'm kinda like the adventurous/leader/WTF are you doing and why?!?! kind of kid. everyone looks totally childish, so that's just awsome! i'll fill you all in later on how it turns out!

I'm Spade, that was something else, and this is sayonara!!! i WILL talk to you all tomorrow!

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

   a poem
i smell the food
through the house.
there won't be any left
for a mouse!

'tis that special
time of year
to be thankful for all,
i say, here here!

It's Thanksgiving day!
here's something special
i'd like to say:

i'm thankful for all of you! even though i don't really know some of you, it still feels like your there for me whenever i need you to be, and i love you for it. thanks guys. it really means alot to me.

I'm Spade, Happy Thanksgiving, and this is good-bye! until next time! (or tomorrow!)

p.s. i really meant what i said, because i almost cried as i typed it. thanks, y'all! ^_^

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

   i don't want to go to school tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a project due, i have to put up with a bitch, and i'm working with two... almost too normal to be real people!
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

   Animaken, insomnia, and Portugal
Animaken Productions is set to launch in.... about two months. i have to meet with my two masterminds and my lead programmer and see about a january launch date. (or on Christmas if we're lucky!) i have alot to accomplish, so no more fooling around. i've been planning for what our first news cast will contain, not on an actual news basis, because what happens now will most likely be null in void by the time we actually decide to start shooting. please support us!

i think i have insomnia! i haven't been sleeping normally, and it usually takes me hours to accomplish any amount of sleep. this SUCKS!!!

i have a test on friday, and i can't remember the capitol of portugal! i have the study sheet, but that isn't helping my memotization! i have all the major stuff memorized, but portugal is really starting to be a pain in my ass! *Grrrrr* anyway, i'll memorize it eventually. i think it's libson...

I'm Spade, i don't know what that was, and this is goodbye!
Hasta Manyana, amigos!

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

   Boy's, Halloween, and Animaken!
man, lately there has been this drama going on at school. i think it would make for an awsome yaoi storyline! okay, here it is:
C and J broke up. it is a total mystery. people say that J cheated on C in the bathroom with another guy! *insert gasp* everyone is saying that J cheated on C with Y, and that Y was bi! (sexy!!) this was not true. when C heard this, he smacked Y in the head, and Y was pissed. Y had just gotten back together with his girlfriend. J denied EVERYTHING!!!! now, C and J are just friends with benifits.
(yes, these are all guys!)

tonight, i have to get my costume together so i can go trick or treating! i'm semi-cosplaying! as who, you ask? wait for the photos!!!!!

ANIMAKEN PRODUCTIONS IS GETTING IT'S OFFICIAL WEBSITE!!! our new member, Chad has taken on the resposibility of our wab manager!!! ^_^
i'll have more details on this later.

I'm Spade, that was interesting, and this is goodbye!!!

pm me if you can figure out who C, J, and Y are. <3

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

   Random, Classic, and Freedom
The most random thing happend yesterday. i was sleeping and my mom comes in and she's all "the man at speedway sent you some stuff". i looked at the piece of paper she handed me and it said "go away satan! Jesus loves you!" at first i was all, WTF?!?!? but i turned it over to find all these chords and tips for guitar. turns out the guys a rocker. he also sent me a blue pic! that was awsome. then i went to sleep, and ten minutes later i was unconsioulsly snacking on popcorn. weird, i know!

i've returned to my first love. Donkey Kong 3. that's so sad. i'm totally addicted! i love super nintendo....

i'm on break with the freedom to do whatever i want. why haven't i finished BECK yet? damn i'm smart.

I'm Spade, i'm bored, and this is goodbye! until we meet again, my friends!

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Saturday, October 6, 2007

   Apologies, GPA, and... Damn near everything else.
first off, let me just apologize for my 1 month absence!!! i'm sooooooooo sorry! i've missed you all very much! my dad was on vacation for the month, so that gave me no internet time whatsoever. i think i was about to die from withdrawl. lol. i'm back now and i'm on fall break! i'll be sure to try and post everyday even if it kills me!

i've been working on my gpa, so that my be part of my absence, but a new grading period has started, and i'm going to lay back! -_-

we got a computer in the hall, so as soon as that gets internet, i'll be really happy! also, a list of random occurances:
flo's real name is florian
me and Jan (yan) are friends
some sophmore girl hates my guts because i'm taliking to her otaku friend. (the girl who hates me isn't even otaku)
i've been deprived of salt and sugar
i've regained my main sanity
i'm in the video game club
my science teacher is an otaku (awsome!)
my math teacher needs to get laid
there's more, but i can't think of it. i'll be sure to fill you in on it as it becomes rememberable!

i'm Spade, that was my month, and this isn't goodbye, just until next time! luv ya!

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

   BECK, music, and dancing
today, i came to the conclusion of naming my guitar BECK. if you can't guess why, then that's kinda sad and shows how oblivious you are to my wallpaper.

i'm trying to get better at my guitar and i've been practicing alot lately. wish me luck!

my dance partner, man am i somewhat excited about that! (heavy sarcasm)
i'm developing a new form of dance with techniques used from my favorite animes'!!! i'm so excited to show it to everyone!

i'm Spade, i'm feeling alot better but not quite, and this is goodbye!!!!

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Sunday, September 9, 2007

   Stress, Confusion, and.... speachless
i've been under enormous stress lately and i hope it passes soon. i feel that i'm.... well i don't know anymore! lol i'll figure this out eventually. i need to get some sleep.

i'm still confused, but i'll get over it. as stated previously, i probably just need to sleep. proof of this being i stayed up until 5am watching BECK. i made it to episode 13 before i had to call it quits. see? better all ready! ^_^'

and finally, just watch. a little heads up: be prepared to laugh your ass off!!! THIS IS A SPOILER!!!!! IF YOU ARE INTO DEATH NOTE AND HAVEN"T SEEN THE LAST EPISODE: watch at you own risk. ^_^

at one point, light says "usa keruda!!" or something like that. that means don't fuck with me. it's so fun to say! for those not death note in tuned, this is a summary of the final episode, exposing how cracked up that everyone truly was!

I'm Spade, that was kinda better (and f-ing hilarious), and this is goodbye! take care of yourselves! ^_^

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Saturday, September 8, 2007

   Roxas, Ramen, and my twin
yesyerday, i tought Flo (roxas0 how to crank dat soulja boy. i told him to show it to his german friends back at home. i seemed obsessed with him lately, don't i?

I'm at Ramen-sama's house now. i'm spending the weekend with her to halp escape the hell hole that is home. maybe i'm exaggerating. maybe not.... anyway, i'm not there now, i'm here.

i'm a Gemini so i think that it's only right that i address this little issue that i'm haveing. lately, i've been feeling like i have this missing chunk in my soul that only my true biological twin brother can feel. i think i'm haveing and identity crisis. this isn't very good. right now, i feel like i'm about to just breakdown because i have no idea who my older twin brother is. this is ultimately horrible. whats a girl supposed to do? i hate being in situations like this. i honestly feel like there is something about myself that my parents aren't telling me.... i sound like some psycotic person who needs to see a shrink. i'm sorry for ranting on about my problems... it's just that it seems like i have two minds.... sorry, i did it again! ^_^'

I'm Spade, i'm confused, and this is goobbye! until nextime! take care of yourselves!

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