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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Clubs, Flirts, and FEARLESS!!!!!!!
tomorrow, i have to find the lady in charge of anime club at the highschool. we have to pay $5 for a club pass..... that ucks, but shows great dedication!
today at show choir rehersals, one of my brothers friends was flirting with me.... he was kinda cute, and in the end we ended up being dance partners. it amazing how fast you learn to trust your dance partner.... i wonder....
today in drama, the teacher bestowed upon me the title of the fearless freshman. that kicks so much ass!!!!!! she split the class into work groups of 5 and ane of 4. each group has a leader to keep them in line, and i'm the one she referred to as the fearless freshman! i got my own title.... that awsome. i'm the only freshman in my group, and it's amazing how all of these upperclassmen in my group actually do what i say. it's kind of awsome... who am i kidding, it kicks ass!!!!! flo dressed like roxas again... it was cute... teehee..... i'll take a pic and load it tomorrow. i feel so bad teasing you all! ^_^
I'm Spade, that was a little... fangirlish, and this is goodbye! until tomorrow!
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Saturday, September 1, 2007
awake, refreshed, and overworked
i'm awake.
i'm refreshed.
i'm overworked. i have to clean the entire house. this surely sucks. i'm very not looking foward to this, but when i'm done i'm gone! i'm off to Iva's house! it's all good, though.
I'm Spade, that was an update, and this is sayonara! luv ya!
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The Current time, a few minutes, and what i plan to do about... *looks at watch*... 13 hours from now
currently, it is 12:30am. i'm not as tired as i would usually be, but still very tired. i'm going to log off in a few minutes.
after i log off, i'm going to go to bed. i'm going to close my door though, because my moms friend is staying the night, and her two children never stop crying!!!! don't you feel sorry for me?
in about thirteen hours, i'm going over Ivana's house to celebrate sarah's birthday! i'm soooo excited! the sad part is, that i'm not there in a nice quiet house now... dammit...
I'm Spade, that was mildly melancholy, and this is goodbye! until the morning hours when i am awake for real!
i doubt i'll sleep peacefully because my room is right next to the living room where they're sleeping. don't you pity me?
oh, and it turns out that my toe is fin. Ellie's toe is broken, though... despite the pain, it's funny as hell!!!
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Mark, Flo, and my left foot....
today, mark brought his USB so we could save the template to it! yay!!! we're gonna finish our project in time! and he's helping! that makes me so happy!!! ^_^
today, flo was wearing this vest-jacket thing. bottom line: it was hot. no denying it.... to me, he looked like something out of kingdom hearts or final fantasy. he even did his hair like roxas! XDDDD it's always like that though. he's so adorable!!!! i was tempted to take a picture of it and post it online! oh soooooo SMEXY!!!
Today in drama, when i was done drooling over Flo, i was talking with my friend elizabeth. she was leaning over the back of a folding chair with one foot on the back and one on the floor. we were so into our conversation that we didn't even notice that her foot was slipping, causing her to fall into the chair. when she did, it snapped shut on her left big toe and when it came down (with all of the momentom of her body weight) it smashed my left big toe. after that , we both fled to two different sides of the stage. (we were the only ones up there) people thought that we were pantomimeing. that was kinda funny because they stopped to watch us. after the reality sank in, we started screaming and everyone realized that we were in pain! i bet we got an A on that performance. it was hilarious because we then started laughing and people thought that we were losing our minds. it was hilarious. afterward, she got some bad toe bruising, and i got some bad foot bleeding. then later in the hallway, i stopped to give Near-.- a hug after i got a band aid from the office. she didn't know and she ended up stepping on that same toe. (i was in flip flops too.) after my dramatic OMG my F*ING TOE!!!! it was all better! when i got back to the room, there was blood all over my flip-flop. my Physics dude, Mr. H was all WTF?!?!?!?! i told him the story, and he was all, okay. here's a paper towel. McNew hooked me up with some germX and neosporin. i swear, that girl should be a girl scout! i would probably die if she wasn't always prepared for my little accidents.
I'm Spade, that was painful, and this is Goodbye!
much love!
remember those show choir auditions? well i made it!!! i'm sooooooo happy! i'm singin soprano. ^_^
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Quiz, Misunderstandings, and clubs
i have an amendments quiz in my government class tomorrow. i didn't study for it because i forgotabout it, but i should be okay. i still have my notes from last year...
the big project that i was stressing is actually due on friday... yeah, sorry about all the unnecassary stress...
i signed up for Anime Club, Step Club, and Black Achievers today. i feel so special... it was club rush day...
i'm Spade, that was Briefe and this is goodbye! take care of yourselves!
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Monday, August 27, 2007
Today, Tomorrow, and Wednesday
Today i'm going to do my homework and, finally, work on my bill topic that is due on wednesday. school was great today. a little slow around math class but hey, who enjoys math more that necassary? so that class was... slow as usual. Jan (yan) cam to school without his hair gelled today. i liked it. he has the appearance of a stereotypical German. Blonde hair and blue eyes. he's cute though. Flo is adorable! (random much)
Tommorrow i have to prepare to write out my topic in bill form and bitch and moan to mark about how he isn't elping at all! i don't even have his number!!! dammit he's a pain... i also have to be prepared to do sometype of project for mr.herndon (physics teacher). we do projects in his class all the time. i just know that there is something comming.....
Wednesday, i don't know. one things for certain though. i'm auditioning for Show Quire. i can't wait! also, we're signing up for clubs sometime this week too! i've got dibs on anime club!!!
I'm Spade, That was too much, and this is goodbye! luv yaz!
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
Bills, Iowa, and Beck
tonight i have to finih the planning for the Bill project that we have to write for a simulation congress meeting sometime in september. the actual bill is due on wednesday. my partner is dead weight because he isn't doing anything. his name is mark, and the only reason why i agreed to be his partner is because he's my friend and he didn't pick a topic yet. i seem to find myself being very lenient toward the laziness and willingness to piss me off that has been laid upon me.... ^_^
my dad went to iowa to some National Guard thing so i'll be sure to try to post once a night everynight until he returns on sunday. he usually holds the computer hostage, so this will be a window of opportunity for me to take care of all of my online errands. so i'll be keeping in touch with all of you! ^_^
while i'm online i'll be sure to finish watching Beck episode 5. i never got around to it, because i haven't found time for youtube lately. i heard they took it off, so i'll be going to to finish up the series. that is so sad. i haven't finished the series and it rains supreme as one of my favorite animes.... the attraction was there man!! lol
I'm Spade, that was somewhat connected, and this is not really goodbye, but more until tomorrow morning! luv ya!
If you can, pm me sometime! i'm bored. i know i should be working on my project, but i'll get to it eventually. mabet before bed.
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Friday, August 24, 2007
Imprinting, rooftops, and Flo
today i made it to the chapter in eclipse when jacob told bella that quil imprinted with Claire. i would think that's normal aside from the fact that it was too soon for him to be imprinting, but no. the girl he imprinted on was only two years old!!!!!!! isn't that molestation?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? (if there are some twilight fans out there, please help me!!!)
today in drama, we had to watch fiddler on the roof. i like that movie. it was quite entertaining. "if i was a rich man, yabba-dibbydibby-dibby..." i like that song.......
Before we could watch the movie, we had to fix the T.V. in the Drama II class. it was me, Flo, and Chavo working to correct the technical problem. we were moving and connecting so many wires! we then realized that we made the very unintelligable mistake of connecting the pictur/audio cables in the wrong set of recievers. who would've thought.... anyway, after that i hung out with the German Pretty boy Flo and we talked and got to know each other better. he's still a little shocked that i'm a freshman...-_^ any way.... yeah!
I'm Spade, that was my day, and this is goodbye!
i'm not going crazy. please disregard any hysterical posting from yesterday. you may still read it if you want, but think nothing of it. i had SomeGuy clear it all up for me. ^_-
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tests, Uniforms, and totally out of the blue changes
i have a boat load of tests that i still have to do, and that i've already done. highschool is no joke. i took a history test today, and that really sucked. i have a physics exam tomorrow, and that won't be pretty. i took a scantron earlier today, too, and that was easy. i can't wait for wverything else.
today, i learned the effect that a uniform has on a guys personality. today was ROTC expection and alo of the guys in ROTC are very out of control and like to joke around alot. i was a little surprised when they came to school well behaved and in there uniforms. to be honest, it was kinda hot seeing them so well behaved and totally in control of there actions. alot of guys with good hair had to cut it, but that's no big deal. (whatr am i saying! of course it's a big deal!!) anyway, they looked good, paid attention, and looked good. i'm such a dork. -.-
when the hell did the otaku start mentioning stuff about subscribing?!?!?!? i'm gone a short time to go to school, and i come home and log in, and everything is different! what the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish i knew what was going on. i'm going to pm someone about it as soon as i'm done with this post. if you know what the deal is, please fill me in! thanks!
I'm Spade, i'm also confused, and this is..... i don't know what this is anymore.... please comment and tell me i'm not going crazy.
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Homework Bitches and a hunch
I've got a crap load of homework to accomplish tonight, so i think i'll keep the post today short sweet and to the point. i have to finish up some homework for Gov, study my Physics notes, look over my algebra homework and complete a fuck load of work for that class, and something that i'm more than proud to do, create sketches and plans for cosplay! damn i'm busy tonight. mabey i'll get to go to bed before 1 in the morning tonight... hmmmm maybe. i also have to brace myself for the neverending rush that is student council elections... yay!!!!
one bitch that has been getting on my nerves is my algebra teacher. she's been doing things to tick me off, which means that i'm jumping the gun and making unnesessary assumptions. yay me! i know that she can't help it, though. she is preggo after all. i think her baby is going to be pretty.
anyways, i've got a hunch, and i don't know if it's true or not, but i think that this one guy was watching my but while i was walking to science. one things for sure though. it had to be an upperclassmen because the other freshmen we're being released yet. i think i'm just paranoid. another hunch, a more important one is that i think the greatest cosplayer in kentucky, Josh, is expecting alot of the cosplayers that attended the con on saturday to be at this really big convention in the midwest cosplaying. it's not that far midwest. just in chicago and cincinati. cincinati is actually north of here, so what the hell? if i don't have school, then i'll most definetly go! if i do, then i'll probably not skip like i really want to..... it's just a hunch though. nothing serious. he let me keep a piece of chalk from the anime con too!!! it might not seem like much, but how would you feel if your idol gave you something? pretty damn good, huh? i also think that the twilight sreies is getting a fourth book, but i'm not for sure.....
....................anyway, this was supposed to be short sweet and to the point, but i think that i went a litle overboard with the hunches.
I'm Spade, that was rediculous, and this is goodbye! until the nextime i'm not doing chores or homework! luv yazs!!!!
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