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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

i've been getting alot of that lately. speaking of which, after i wash the dishes, i'm going back to sleep... tomorrow, i'm going shopping for materials so i can, once again, complete our costumes. for the skit i'm writing, i'm going for an Oriental Radio type of comedy theme. i'm gonna wait untl i see Iva-chan again befor i write it. it's kind of a team effort. anyway, i'm going to bed.

i'm Spade, that's today, and this is goodnite!


i'm working on a new sign off.
what do you think?

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Sunday, July 1, 2007

   My Day Today
this is just a recap of everything that has happend so far today:

1)Two of my moms friend got in an argument early this morning(12:30am) while i was watching BLOOD+

2)I drew a model of how i'm going to cut my hair

3)i finally went to bed at 5:00 in the morning

4)i woke up at 11:45 and took a shower

5) i watched lily allen perform for princess diana

6)sat around and did nothing, then finally decided to update my otaku site and realized that "unauthorized personal is attempting to gain access. contact administraor" was written across the top of my screen while i was in my site backroom. i then e-mailed Adam and informed him of what was going on.

7)began cleaning for this get together thing my parents and there friends are having (a bbq)

8)cancled our trip to the bookstore (rescheduled for tomorrow)

9)grabbed a bag of chips

10)updated my otaku

i'm very tired right now. i did alot today... now i'm going to cruise around on the otaku. ttyl! holla!


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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

   Production Stand Still
i took a break today. i went to the dollar store, watched my litle brother in the pool, and ate a butt load of candy. now i have a tummy ache. i also had alot of tuna while in anticipation of the new japanese resturaunt coming to town. i wonder if they're hiring... anyway, someone pm me, okay? ttyl! holla!


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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

   A Date..... Or was it?
last night i was asked out to the movies by a friend of mine that just so happend to be a dude. the things that had me thinking that it was a date are as follows:

1)he buys my ticket
2)he was acting slightly flirtatious
3)he said he was trying to prevent me from smaking him in the back of his head by holding my hands
4)he was unusually nice
5)the whole time it was a little akward on my end
6)my dad was totally ready to kick his ass
7)my mom had people comming every so often to make sure that he was behaving
8)we were the only ones in the theatre... i think he reserved it
9)it was strange

does that sound like a date? it does to me. what do you think? please let me know! ttyl! Holla!


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I will honor this pod-cast with the title of the O-Cast. if you can't figure out what the o stands for, then... that's sad...

anyway! i will start working on this as soon as i get a few more wires and cables, a crap load of video tapes, and a mountain of information to be reported within the podcast. so far, my sources include the otaku, anime online, G4, and some other site that i'm to lazy to reference at this moment.

so far, i have worked in a con section, a new release section, a fan art section, a section for the skits that our performed within the group that i'm with (if ya'll don't know who you are, Near-.- and Ramen-sama, then that's also sad...) i also plan to have a news only section, a top 5 youtube vids according to me of the week section, and of course, a section for cosplay! i'm also debating on whether or not to add my j-pop dance feature where i take a tv sized opening or ending theme to an anime and compose a dance rotine to it. i know it seems like alot, but there is a certain amount of time that can only be alotted for each section. i worked this out as well. i shall update for all of you soon enough, and after i get what i need, i will provied you with episode 1!!!!

i have way too much free time on my hands... TTYL! holla!


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Monday, June 25, 2007

   My Soup, My Brain,and My Dads Camera....
to some that know my well, you may know what this is about, even if the sense it makes isn't very much...

1)Contact the mighty Bowl of Soup!

2)Use my Brain to come up with some super special awsome idea.

3)Use my dads camera to put it all together!

I'm making a documentary of the life and times of my anime obsession and all of my other obsessions. so if your interested, keep popping in. this is one project that'll actually get complete! kudos for me! i love you all, you are my friends, now bye bye! holla!


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Sunday, June 24, 2007

   My super special awsome idea!
I have this great idea! (duh) me and my friend Ramen-sama were thinking that mabey because we make this little news cast segment thingy that we could submit it to the otaku! everything is otaku related and we always make references to the otaku. if we submit them, then mabey we could add to the sites.... well, siteness... *thumbs up!* well leave a comment. it would make me very happy if you did. please. ttyl! Holla!


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Thursday, June 21, 2007

what's goin' down?
i'm sitting here bored as hell waitting for my mom to get here so we can go. today we're running errands, and i think it'll be a while before we actually do anything, so i think that until then i'm just going to relax and pm some people until something interesting happens. anyway, what's going on at ya'lls end? TTYL!


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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

i'm back! i will try to update as much as possible to make up for all that time i was away! wats happenin out there? who's doin what? what's goin on! on my end, i've got a convention comming up in louisville and i have a new project in front of me! making cosplay costumes for all of my people! i've got a little less that two months, but i can make it happen! i've got to get to work!

Holla! TTYL!


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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hello my friends, I will be away for the next month or so, its a long story. I'll see you guys, like, soon. >.>
Promise to come visit me, in like a month or so...
I love you guys! If you wanna keep in touch with me just go visit Ramen-sama!
She'll relay messages for me.


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