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Friday, April 20, 2007

competition tomorrow... bookstore tomorrow... sleep-overish type thing tomorrow night (mabey)... ttyl...


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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

today is today. thats all i have say. i made a new friend today! she's kinda an otaku. she's awsome, and her little brother is cool. i'm going to be cosplaying as himiko from get backers soon! i'll post some pics! thats all for today! ttyl!


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Monday, April 9, 2007

i've got next to nothing to do today. that really sucks... i'm going to the movies later tonight, but thats about it.i have to wait until then. i don't know what were going to see today. any suggestions? i guess i'll just go to sleep. ttyl.


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Friday, March 30, 2007

Man, our play today kicked somuch ass! i got the best crowd reaction! we also put on a show for the fith graders today! we had to dance. well, thats all for today!


i never left school until after the play. 8:00.

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Monday, March 26, 2007

today, everything got back on schedule. i went to class as usual, i went to rehersal as usual, and i came home to my nice empty room. (empty of any people anyway) i was happy about that. at rehersal today, i got assigned a new role, which was very convenient considering the fact that our first performance is on friday of this week. i've got four days to learn my blocking, learn my new lines, and get a different costume to help it all. i think all together, i have about four different roles, and two different costumes. i'm no genius, but i think thts going to be a problem. enough with my aimless complaining now. on a more organized note, i've been doing things alot more orderly, and i haven't been rushing in the morning to catch the bus. yay me!! *claps* TTYL


i'm not sure if yall knew this, but i'm in the school play.

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Day Of Today
i'm about to walk to the store for chapstick, and i really don't feel like doing anything else right now. i just want to go to sleep and dance. i'm also going to go outside a little later to hang out with... whoever i find that just so happens to be walking up and down the street while i'm outside. the weather is really nice, and i'm in a "mello" mood. (no seriously, i've been eating chocolate all day) i 've also lost about 3-5 pounds since wednesday. i feel so special. -.- i went over my friend anne's house on friday. she said i looked as if i was in an emo mood, or something. i don't blame her. i kinda was. so i guess that's all. if you updated, i will comment. TTYL


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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

today, the highschool came down to do a bit of dancin. they also showed us a couple of moves. they pulled me and a few others out of the audience to teach us the first half of there routine. it was really fun. i was the only one who got it down pat when it was time for us to perform it infront of the rest of the eighth grade. it kicked so much ass.
then, in a different danc program, we had to get ourroutines together today, or we wouldn't be able to perform at wright elm next friday. i'm so excited! im also a little nervous. because i have homework to do, i must leave you now! TTYL!!!


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Sunday, March 18, 2007

i'm so tired right now. man... i need to get some sleep. i only slept for about 4 hours, and i'm still really sleepy. i want some ramen. man, i'm hungry. i'm complaining so damn much today. i need to go to school. mabey then i can ccomplain about something that someone will actually care about.
on a happier note, i learned how to use a scanner today! that means that i will be scanning some of my fan art into my fan art file-thingy. that is so gonna rock my socks.
i have to wash the dishes in a little while, so thats really gonna suck. on the plus side, the water will be warm, and it is really cold right now. damn, i'm so sleepy. i'm gonna go now. i think i'm being a bit too bitchy. i'm so sorry for dumping my problems on you all. i will visit those who need visiting, and i will go to sleep afterward. TTYL


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Friday, March 16, 2007

   The Soup Bowl
today, i rode the bus home with none other than Ramen-sama herself!!! some bastard on her bus just oh so casually sat a condom on my backpack, and i was all, what the fuck?!?!? and then we were at her house, and we were looking at yaoi manga scans, and also some yaoi anime reviews. we decided to get all of the yaoi out of our systems today to avoid having to put up with our friends, whose names shall not be revealed. they are homophobes. that is kinda funny to me... homophobe. i also really like the fact that i was able to restrain myself from beating the shit out of ramen-sama's little sister and her friend after they threw a cat at the back of my head. that was quite a struggle, but i'll manage to with-hold my composure. right now we are playing video games and reading manga. i hope that we get to begin the production planning for a few things that i want to have accomplished this weekend. i will be sure to update about all of the things that i am planning as they get accomplished. if everything gets done, then i guess i'll fill you in whenever. that made no sense, so you know what? fugedaboudit, or however the hell that's spelled. i'll check in with you all later!!! TTYL


the soup bowl is a very crappy pun that refers to ramen-sama's hous. because she is ramen, she lives in a bowl. get it? tee heee!!!

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Friday, March 9, 2007

today, all of the african american 8th graders at school got to go to this collage touring thing of different colleges. i personally want to apply for Howard in the future. if i don't get in, then i'll apply to Fisk. we ate at burger king too. it was really last minute, but at least we got to eat. the burgers were really sloppy, but tasted good, so i was okay. man, that's like my second feild trip this week! i'm so special.!
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