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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

We had choral competition today and it was really interesting. these S.O.B.'s from oldham county were acting like ass holes when they saw how nicely our chourus was dressed. they were shooting us looks and everything like that, but we didn't pay them any mind. we could see them critisizing us as we performed, so when they went up to perform, me and my friend Laura were acting like we were also critisizing and scrutenizing their every move. they also did that corny-as-hell turn around thing that everyone else from oldham county did. i know i'm sounding more bitchy than usual, but i really wanted to kick this one chick ass when she tried to have an attitude with me. i wanted to , but i remembered that we were being judged on everything that we did.
we also ate at toco bell, fazoli's, and steak and shake. we could have gotten some ribs from chilles, but they also selled beer, so it wasn't allowed. the most exciting part was the food. it was really good, and laura paid for my food. afrter we ate, we all bought milkshakes from steak and shake, then loaded the buses to go home. the most exited thing about competition was getting to eat. that shows how fun it was. we did, however, score a distinguished just like every other 8th grade chorus to come so far. Mrs.Cheak, the director, was pleased.

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Sunday, March 4, 2007

i feel like crap today. i also felt like crap yesterday. i also gat completely finished with my room the other day. i inherited my neighbors bedroom set after she died. my mom found this landscape painting to hang on my wall, but it didn't match my current theme. instead, she insisted that i get a Bleach wall scroll, a Samurai Champloo wallscroll, and an FMA wallscroll to fill up the extra space on my walls. i felt so special that my mom was able to name all of those off. i'm also getting a shelf for my manga. i feel so special. now my head is starting to hurt, and i need to go lay down now.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

tody was one of those days that you would consider too good tto be true. i had fun in second block, first block was easy, and third nd fourth went snoothly. the bad part though, someone stole my CD player and all of my J-pop CDs. that really pisses me off. now i want to kick some ass, and i don't care who's. so overall, i had a good time, and then someone had to go and F88k that up for me... *tears*
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Saturday, February 24, 2007

man, i slept till about 1:30 today! when i woke up, i cleaned my moms room, which waas really fun (honestly, it was!); i made brownies, tea, and rice; were going to watch a movie tonight; and BLEACH AND EUREKA SEVEN ARE COMING ON TONIGHT!!! i've beenhaving a great saturday so far, especially after that stressful had-to-get-it-done type of week that i had. i gotta go now, i'll update tomorrow as well!
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Friday, February 23, 2007

   Happy Friday!!!!!!
i am so happy that it is friday, because it is the last day that i have anything manditory planned for this week! that means that the stress factor has disapeared! i'm so happy! my busy week is over, and now i can get some much needed R&R! man i'm so happy! i shall end my message here, for i must call Iva-chan, and see what she's doing this weekend! TTYL!!!! :P

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

this week is nothing but all over the place for me. tuesday i had a feild trip, thursday i have math night and play rehersal, and friday i have after school chourus practice. this really sucks. since i had today to actually decide if i wanted to use this break to the best of my advantage, i cancled Math Counts, and Church. i was lucky enough to catch a few z's before logging on, so i guess i'm really lucky there! this has also been very stressful on me, and i think that i should probably warn all of my classmates to get the f*** away before i finally snap!
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Monday, February 12, 2007

i don't know why, but i want to devote a full display of some sort to really good cosplay pics that i stumble across on line. i also want to take a few myself. Ramen-sama is supposed to cosplay as sasuke for me. she's also going to do K from gravitation. i'm really looking foward to it!!
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Saturday, February 3, 2007

adult swim
do you think it was fair of them to get sued for the whole bomb threat thing? i personally thought that it was funny.

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

student council
at school, we're doing these student council elections. i was nominted to run for treasurer, and ramen was nominated to run for vice president. this all really sucks ass, because it's just a popularity contest anyway. the only people who can vote are the beta club, so this might not be so bad considering the fact that many of the smart people have no idea who these people are, and... yeah. one thing i hate about our schools beta club is that it's full of stuck up people and a few preppy b!t%h*s as well.

that really makes me mad.

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Friday, December 1, 2006

i have a question, is yaoi only yaoi in anime, manga, and doujinshi? what about real life? is there anyone who can answer my very stupid question?
i'm only asking because i've got a gay friend, and the question just came to me. can gay guys have yaoi relationships with each other? then again, it's not like i expect any answers that are very detailed, because i don't expect you to have seen something like this in person....-.-....

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