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Monday, November 9, 2009

All-State, Rollin', and ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Well..... We learned the results of All-State the other day, and I made it. The sad thing is: I won't/can't get excited about it until I see what my score was and what the cutoff was. I feel kinda bad beacuse of it, too..... Alot of my friends didn't make it and are very upset about it, and here I am.... indifferent to the entire situation. All the returning All-State students are ecstatic. Even Michael tried to call me yesterday to tell me how excited he was! He doesn't call anyone for anything! Shayla can't stop smiling, Kristen can't stop telling people, UGH! And if the returnees are that excited, imagine what the newbies are like..... Honestly, I just want to see my score, and then I'll be excited about it..... that sounds so incredibly rude, doesn't it?

I'm doing choreography for a Tina Turner song!! Ms.Fonza is giving me so much freedom with this piece, it's crazy!!!! WEEEEE!!!!!! I'm also doing Freeze Frame by the J. Gelis Band, and Best of My Love by the Emotions!!!! Yay!!!!! I also have this cheesy christmas song for december... LOL I did that one in thirty minutes yesterday hahahaha! I thought it would be tough because I kinda don't like the song, but I think that just feuled more of my creativity ^_-

In case you haven't heard, there is going to be a meteor shower on Tuesday night!!!!! At 11pm!!!!! Omg!!!!!!


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Friday, October 30, 2009

I've never been so angr before.... especially at my Bester. >:(


This is the worst feeling I've ever felt.... I hate it... so much....

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

woah it's been a while!

Tomorrow we're going to a choral conference at WKU!!!! We are going to be pan fried like noodles!!!!! Even though this isn't a competition, us being choir kids, we're naturally going to judge the other groups. That's just the way things are. LOL I had a heart-to-heart with my section today, so that was very nice and appreciated. I think they understand a little bit more now.

I've been spending loads of time with Phillip, Shayla, and Mackenzi lately. I've never had so much fun in one week before!!!!! Last week had to be one of the best weeks I've had since I turned 16!!! XD

I'm so happy that my main bass is back!!! Now I don't have to try and find my pitches form my own part (wich is what we're supposed to do, but seeing as I can only hear myself...) I've been listening to some tenors as well, and that was working out for a while, but ultimately, I'm just so overjoyed that my bass is back!!!! YEAH YEAH!!!!


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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I.....am so tired......

Whenever I'm about to fall asleep, I always think back to second block AP..... LOL at Philliam!!!! Today, the teacher was talking about the ten major changes that would take place with Obama's health care plan. I don't remember much of what happend, (seeing as I wasn't there lol) but the second thing she said was, "Viagra will no longer be the little blue pill. Instead it will be a popsicle stick and some duct tape." LMFAO!!!!!!! That was THE funniest thing that I've ever!!! I normally like to stay out of political discussions (some people get REALLY sensitive to it) but that was the funniest thing that I've ever heard! XD

I think we should just cancel the concert. We've been putting in next to no effort at all, and, let's face it, we SUCK this year! We always drag the week before the concert, but we've never SUCKED the week before the concert. Fonza literally sat us down and told us just how terrible we were. I don't know about everyone else, but that didn't make me feel to hot. It kinda makes me feel like I'm failing as president because people aren't getting with the program. I'm just hoping for a miracle.

I burnt the crap out of my hand last night!!!! XD It was SO bad!!!!! My sister got braided hair extensions and we had to burn the ends. Instead of mom doing it, we had to do it. What mom does is she touches the end to the braid just barely with the flame from the lighter, blows at the melting tip, and taps it together with her fingers. What me and my sister did was, she burned it for like...... 20 million seconds, and I tapped it without blowing. Basically, what resulted was me burning the crap out of my thumb and index finger on my right hand. It's times like these that make me happy to be a lefty!!! ^_^ I think the thing about me getting burnt that really caught me off guard was that it stuck to my fingers and I couldn't shake it off.... I just had to sit and take my scorching like a man until I gathered enough comprehension to go to the faucet and rinse it off. I was thoroughly expecting to cry, but instead, I definately laughed at myself. This semester had just been all around bad luck for me ad hurting myself!!!!! LOL!!!!


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Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm stil in NC and I'm anxiously awaiting the trip back home..... I really kinda want to go to school tomorrow...... I think that'll only be possible if I make it back in time...... so we should probably leave within the next half hour or hour maybe......

So. I've been on a series of weird dreams lately. I think they all have some weird subliminal message. So far, there has been three. (That I can remember, anyway....) I'm really intrigued by what's happening in my mind. I think it's strange, but I'm amused! ^_^

I am soooooo hungry. I don't know why, but I've been hungry for the longest time. Its been going on for..... ever since we left for NC...... I REALLY need a filling meal.... Just something that fills my tummy..... I want a burger. And some soft serve. We should go to Rally's. They have REALLY good food.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

wow i've been away for a while! how is everyone?!?!?!?!?!?

How do you tell somone something without potentially ruining everything they've ever thought they knew? Should you even say anything if its not totally necessary? What if it is, but you love them to much to cause them that kind of stress and confusion? Would you be hurting hem to keep it to yourself? Even if it's not your place to tell? Should ou let the tides roll as they are, or e the major tsunami that comes and wipes everything out of place? What if I'm worrying for absolutely no reason? What if I'm just too terrified to come out with it because I don't know what'll go through their mind and I don't want to deal with it? Does that make me a bad friend?
I'm stuck in a situation where I may have to tell someone something about themselves that they never knew, and I have to be there to answer questions and explain things about that something. The only problem is, when I went through this kind of thing and my older friends broke verything down to me, they had such a great grasp on everything! Me, on the other hand (who has no credible expertise on the topic, STILL can't grasp what's going on!!!!! All I know is that someone somewhere must tell him, and seeing as I know him the best, it has to be me.......... UGH!!!! Sometimes I wish some things could go without knowing!!!!!!!!!
(Outt of contex like this, it probably sounds like something ridiculous...... LOL the only thing is it's something kinda serious...... ^^')

What do you do witha little kid named Oliver? What do you do with a kid you can't ignore? Do you try to make him stay? And hope that he'll obey? Oh what do you do with a kid~ like Ol~i~ver~!
For some reason (after my mass string of questions) That song from Oliver Twist popped into my head..... hee hee hee

I reread/read the Eureka SeveN series today!!!! About two years ago I lent the series to this guy. This guy was all "yeah, i'll bring em back next week!" and I didn't get them back until last semester...... So I had to refresh my memory on what happend! Lucky for me, he was a responsible lad who returned them to me in the condition in which they were lent! ^_^

Well.... I guess that's it?


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Thursday, October 1, 2009

.....so tired...... no sleep...... fall break...... soon..... *sigh*........ is it here yet?


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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm getting absolutely nothing with my story..... Inspiration struck, I got an amazing idea, and its just stayed at that! ^_^

Today, a former music teacher from SCAPA came to critique us today. I feel alot more comfortable with my..... "unique" sound now. Especially since that's the way you were supposed to do it in the first place lol. I just have an old voice for my young age is all hahahaha. Also, that weird falsetto thing I do with my voice when I get excited is actually really good for your voice!!!!! I didn't know that! Maybe that's why it always sounded so strong before? Now I just talk in my regular voice, so..... that may be a little hard on my vocal chords....... 0_o

Life. What can be done? Not much!


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Sunday, September 27, 2009

I think I've been inspired to write a story..... If this is going to work out at all, though, I definately need to draw a picture first. ^_^ I think this one will be more realistic than others that I've worked on.... not to mention that I plan on finishing this one.... maybe using it in my school portfolio..... I'll type it up and if you guys want, I couild send it to you if you want to read it.

I'm going to church with Ms. Fonza today! XD This'll be interesting hahaha!

I'm getting fed up with myself..... I'm getting to a point where I'm getting on my own nerves. UGH.


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Saturday, September 26, 2009

I don't know what I want to do today... I was going to go to Mackenzi's house and we were going to practice for show choir together, but I haven't heard fromm her or anyone else that was gonna go..... So now i'm just kinda here. At home. With nothing to do.

I think it's really silly how I have no real relationship of any sort with any of my show choir partners..... except Phillip. I just think it's strange lol. Kinda annoying, actually. ^_^

Are any of you guys on Facebook? If so, you should deinately add me!


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