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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

   Hair, School, and Breaking Dawn!!!!!!
I just got my hair done! I think I look pretty good... lol

School starts tomorrow, and I cannot WAIT!!! I'm gonna stop typing about it, because then I'll get excited... all over again... lol

I'm in the 5 or 6 hundreds of Breaking Dawn, and, boy, is it getting GOOOOOODDDD I cannot wait til the end, yet I'm totally not rushing it. It's all happening so fast! It's so good, i had to remind myself that eating was essential! lol i didn't realize that I wasn't until I felt too weak to turn the page! lol I'm a relatively slow reader, and I've been breazing through this. By far the best one!

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Saturday, August 2, 2008

   Horses, Manga, and Midnight!!!
Last night at the Shelbyville Horse Show, one of my best friends that i haven't seen in forever relayed some interesting news to me... not gonna say at this poit, but know, I am VERY anxious to see how this all works out....
Aside fron the total shock of mews, it was also a family reunion! (A choir family reunion.) I was so happy to se everyone together again!!!!

Last night at the bookstore, I had time to look around at the manga section... it was nice. I bought Kujibiki Unbalance!!!!!! And Ouran vol. 6!!! WHOOOOO!!! I also found some very interesting yaoi manga... lololololololol

I was the 454 person in line to buy Breaking Dawn last night!!!!! It was sooooo worth it!!!!!
DISCLAIMER: Because I am a dedicated Stephenie Meyer fan, I will refrain from sharing any details of the book until the worldwide release of the book on August 4. WHOOOOOO!!!!!

I'm Spade, I gotta get back to my book, and this is goodbye!

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

   School, McDonalds, an Let's Get Physical!!!
i got my schedule!!!! WHOO!

we're going to McDonalds when my mom gets home... i'm soooo hungry.

1)i'm getting my physical tomorrow!
2)i'm taking physics! yay!!!!

I'm Spade, SCHOOL!!!! bye bye!

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

   Clothes, School, and Books!
I hate wearing pants around the house... it's soooo restricting. Underwear and a T-shirt! WHOO!!!

School starts up in two weeks, and I'm so ready for my sophmore year to begin! yay! I'm so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot wait to go to the bookstore for Breaking Dawn! WHOOO!!!

I'm Spade, did you notice my grammer? And this is goodbye!

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

   Irritation, Anticipation, and Animaken!
I'm irritated with a friend of mine... he's doing hat he does best: putting me in akward situations. i hope i won't be dealing with this all next year... "UGH! Freshman...." i'm gonna miss hearing that. i'm probably gonna enjoy saying that, too! lol jk.

I can't wait until later today! i'm going to the bookstore to hunt for some books for me, and, refresh my memory, Ramen-sama, Ouran vol... 6? yeah. then this weekend is gonna rock! i've got Ramsay and Sebas's play on friday, and i'm spending the weekend with Ramen-sama!!! WHOOOOO!

I've done alot of work for Animaken while being held in captivity this summer! (no, i didn't finish the script...) i wrote a bunch of sketch ideas that i was going to send to smosh ( http://www.smosh.com ) but instead, decided to use them for my own selfish purposes!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I'm anxous to reveal them! ^_^ the face that so much thought went into some of these should be proof of my boredom.... OH FREEDOM! COMMETH! NOW-ETH!!!!!! GRRRRR!!!!!!!!! <3!!!!!

I'm Spade, I'm excited, and this is goodbye!!!!

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Trust, Imagination, and a little ting called Silence...
I've lost all trust in my younger sister. i'll leave it a t thet. kinda. she says, "I'm mature, i'm honest, and i'm trustworthy!" part of being those things is sticking to your word! >:(

I have a wild imagination! i swear, if i wasn't as lazy as i am, i would totally write a book! WHOOOOO!!!!!

As far as having the house to myself goes...... there's a little thing called silence....... i've yet to experience that.....

I'm Spade, i'm a little annoyed... and this is goodbye!


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Sunday, July 13, 2008

   Tired, Cosplay, and Puerto Rico!!!
I just woke up a little while ago... goodness i'm tired.....

i'm not sure about cosplay for this years con.... thinking about it...

My parents are in to puerto rico until thursday... hell yeah... i've practically got the house to myself... WHOOO!!!

I'm Spade, that was short, and this is adios!

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Monday, July 7, 2008

   Plans, BECK, and Leg Power!!
I need to do something! if i'm lucky, i'll be going to spend time with my friends this weekend...

BECK and i have been making excellent progress! we've almost mastered"Moon on the Water" from... Beck... goodness that funny...

I haven't been completely sticking to my excersise regimine, but i've been working my legs out! they're so strong now!!

I'm Spade, that was a little pointless, and this is goodbye! see ya! (kinda!)

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Friday, June 20, 2008

   Ghost Town, Brainstorms, and the SMEX!!!
this place is like a total ghost town.... noone is ever on anymore... we really should do something about that...

my mind has been hatching different ideas all week!!! there are so many things that i want to do with my dad's video camera! we just have to get Animaken to gether in order to do any of them... i should be good for a few months as far as being here goes (i'll be starting school where i live now. not teling where, though...) we just have to get the crew together...

JAPANESE STREET FASHION IS HE SMEX!!!!!! i'm making clothing designs and different layouts for outfits inspired by japanese street fashion! i'm thinking about rocjing one of them to the Anime Con in august...

I'm Spade, I'm about to go play my guitar, and this is goodbye!!!

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

   Paper, My Fingers, and Kappa Mikey!!!
i used abut 50 sheets o fprinter paper printing off guitar chords for songs and sheet music.... i use paper lots...

i've been playing my guitar all afternoon, and my fingers are sore!!!! i'm learning how to play Hit in the U.S.A by Beat Crusaders.... it's going well... i haven't been playing in so long, that my fingers went all soft! that's probably why this hurts as bad as it does. i finally have tim to play with BECK!!! yay!

when kappa mikey first premiered on nick, i had always thought that it was Beat Crusaders who did the opening number... i'm glad that my suspicions were confirmed... i've been listening to the song all day!

I'm Spade, I think i'm back to normal, and this is goodbye! ^_^

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