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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Sunday, March 18, 2007

i'm so tired right now. man... i need to get some sleep. i only slept for about 4 hours, and i'm still really sleepy. i want some ramen. man, i'm hungry. i'm complaining so damn much today. i need to go to school. mabey then i can ccomplain about something that someone will actually care about.
on a happier note, i learned how to use a scanner today! that means that i will be scanning some of my fan art into my fan art file-thingy. that is so gonna rock my socks.
i have to wash the dishes in a little while, so thats really gonna suck. on the plus side, the water will be warm, and it is really cold right now. damn, i'm so sleepy. i'm gonna go now. i think i'm being a bit too bitchy. i'm so sorry for dumping my problems on you all. i will visit those who need visiting, and i will go to sleep afterward. TTYL


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