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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

   Homework Bitches and a hunch
I've got a crap load of homework to accomplish tonight, so i think i'll keep the post today short sweet and to the point. i have to finish up some homework for Gov, study my Physics notes, look over my algebra homework and complete a fuck load of work for that class, and something that i'm more than proud to do, create sketches and plans for cosplay! damn i'm busy tonight. mabey i'll get to go to bed before 1 in the morning tonight... hmmmm maybe. i also have to brace myself for the neverending rush that is student council elections... yay!!!!

one bitch that has been getting on my nerves is my algebra teacher. she's been doing things to tick me off, which means that i'm jumping the gun and making unnesessary assumptions. yay me! i know that she can't help it, though. she is preggo after all. i think her baby is going to be pretty.

anyways, i've got a hunch, and i don't know if it's true or not, but i think that this one guy was watching my but while i was walking to science. one things for sure though. it had to be an upperclassmen because the other freshmen we're being released yet. i think i'm just paranoid. another hunch, a more important one is that i think the greatest cosplayer in kentucky, Josh, is expecting alot of the cosplayers that attended the con on saturday to be at this really big convention in the midwest cosplaying. it's not that far midwest. just in chicago and cincinati. cincinati is actually north of here, so what the hell? if i don't have school, then i'll most definetly go! if i do, then i'll probably not skip like i really want to..... it's just a hunch though. nothing serious. he let me keep a piece of chalk from the anime con too!!! it might not seem like much, but how would you feel if your idol gave you something? pretty damn good, huh? i also think that the twilight sreies is getting a fourth book, but i'm not for sure.....

....................anyway, this was supposed to be short sweet and to the point, but i think that i went a litle overboard with the hunches.

I'm Spade, that was rediculous, and this is goodbye! until the nextime i'm not doing chores or homework! luv yazs!!!!

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