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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Thursday, August 23, 2007

   Tests, Uniforms, and totally out of the blue changes
i have a boat load of tests that i still have to do, and that i've already done. highschool is no joke. i took a history test today, and that really sucked. i have a physics exam tomorrow, and that won't be pretty. i took a scantron earlier today, too, and that was easy. i can't wait for wverything else.

today, i learned the effect that a uniform has on a guys personality. today was ROTC expection and alo of the guys in ROTC are very out of control and like to joke around alot. i was a little surprised when they came to school well behaved and in there uniforms. to be honest, it was kinda hot seeing them so well behaved and totally in control of there actions. alot of guys with good hair had to cut it, but that's no big deal. (whatr am i saying! of course it's a big deal!!) anyway, they looked good, paid attention, and looked good. i'm such a dork. -.-

when the hell did the otaku start mentioning stuff about subscribing?!?!?!? i'm gone a short time to go to school, and i come home and log in, and everything is different! what the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish i knew what was going on. i'm going to pm someone about it as soon as i'm done with this post. if you know what the deal is, please fill me in! thanks!

I'm Spade, i'm also confused, and this is..... i don't know what this is anymore.... please comment and tell me i'm not going crazy.

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