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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Friday, August 24, 2007

Imprinting, rooftops, and Flo
today i made it to the chapter in eclipse when jacob told bella that quil imprinted with Claire. i would think that's normal aside from the fact that it was too soon for him to be imprinting, but no. the girl he imprinted on was only two years old!!!!!!! isn't that molestation?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? (if there are some twilight fans out there, please help me!!!)

today in drama, we had to watch fiddler on the roof. i like that movie. it was quite entertaining. "if i was a rich man, yabba-dibbydibby-dibby..." i like that song.......

Before we could watch the movie, we had to fix the T.V. in the Drama II class. it was me, Flo, and Chavo working to correct the technical problem. we were moving and connecting so many wires! we then realized that we made the very unintelligable mistake of connecting the pictur/audio cables in the wrong set of recievers. who would've thought.... anyway, after that i hung out with the German Pretty boy Flo and we talked and got to know each other better. he's still a little shocked that i'm a freshman...-_^ any way.... yeah!

I'm Spade, that was my day, and this is goodbye!

i'm not going crazy. please disregard any hysterical posting from yesterday. you may still read it if you want, but think nothing of it. i had SomeGuy clear it all up for me. ^_-

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