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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Monday, August 27, 2007

   Today, Tomorrow, and Wednesday
Today i'm going to do my homework and, finally, work on my bill topic that is due on wednesday. school was great today. a little slow around math class but hey, who enjoys math more that necassary? so that class was... slow as usual. Jan (yan) cam to school without his hair gelled today. i liked it. he has the appearance of a stereotypical German. Blonde hair and blue eyes. he's cute though. Flo is adorable! (random much)

Tommorrow i have to prepare to write out my topic in bill form and bitch and moan to mark about how he isn't elping at all! i don't even have his number!!! dammit he's a pain... i also have to be prepared to do sometype of project for mr.herndon (physics teacher). we do projects in his class all the time. i just know that there is something comming.....

Wednesday, i don't know. one things for certain though. i'm auditioning for Show Quire. i can't wait! also, we're signing up for clubs sometime this week too! i've got dibs on anime club!!!

I'm Spade, That was too much, and this is goodbye! luv yaz!

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