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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Sunday, September 9, 2007

   Stress, Confusion, and.... speachless
i've been under enormous stress lately and i hope it passes soon. i feel that i'm.... well i don't know anymore! lol i'll figure this out eventually. i need to get some sleep.

i'm still confused, but i'll get over it. as stated previously, i probably just need to sleep. proof of this being i stayed up until 5am watching BECK. i made it to episode 13 before i had to call it quits. see? better all ready! ^_^'

and finally, just watch. a little heads up: be prepared to laugh your ass off!!! THIS IS A SPOILER!!!!! IF YOU ARE INTO DEATH NOTE AND HAVEN"T SEEN THE LAST EPISODE: watch at you own risk. ^_^

at one point, light says "usa keruda!!" or something like that. that means don't fuck with me. it's so fun to say! for those not death note in tuned, this is a summary of the final episode, exposing how cracked up that everyone truly was!

I'm Spade, that was kinda better (and f-ing hilarious), and this is goodbye! take care of yourselves! ^_^

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