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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Thursday, October 11, 2007

   Random, Classic, and Freedom
The most random thing happend yesterday. i was sleeping and my mom comes in and she's all "the man at speedway sent you some stuff". i looked at the piece of paper she handed me and it said "go away satan! Jesus loves you!" at first i was all, WTF?!?!? but i turned it over to find all these chords and tips for guitar. turns out the guys a rocker. he also sent me a blue pic! that was awsome. then i went to sleep, and ten minutes later i was unconsioulsly snacking on popcorn. weird, i know!

i've returned to my first love. Donkey Kong 3. that's so sad. i'm totally addicted! i love super nintendo....

i'm on break with the freedom to do whatever i want. why haven't i finished BECK yet? damn i'm smart.

I'm Spade, i'm bored, and this is goodbye! until we meet again, my friends!

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