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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

   Animaken, insomnia, and Portugal
Animaken Productions is set to launch in.... about two months. i have to meet with my two masterminds and my lead programmer and see about a january launch date. (or on Christmas if we're lucky!) i have alot to accomplish, so no more fooling around. i've been planning for what our first news cast will contain, not on an actual news basis, because what happens now will most likely be null in void by the time we actually decide to start shooting. please support us!

i think i have insomnia! i haven't been sleeping normally, and it usually takes me hours to accomplish any amount of sleep. this SUCKS!!!

i have a test on friday, and i can't remember the capitol of portugal! i have the study sheet, but that isn't helping my memotization! i have all the major stuff memorized, but portugal is really starting to be a pain in my ass! *Grrrrr* anyway, i'll memorize it eventually. i think it's libson...

I'm Spade, i don't know what that was, and this is goodbye!
Hasta Manyana, amigos!

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