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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Friday, November 30, 2007

   Back to Normal, FFBBQ, and Suspenders
Because i now have time, i'm going to start posting like normal again! yay!

Tonite, at Fire Fresh BBQ, we had to be the servers for the customers and diliver the food. everything we made went to whoever showed up. we split it equally and put it toward our atlanta trip payments. (i really need that) the trip is #%)41111 (what i meant to type was 350$!!!! it's so much more fun to type backward. the employees were all bitchy because we checked on the people and helped them with stuff. that's why we made more tips in one night than they could in a whole week! also, i got asked to the Christmas Formal. One of the guys in Show Choir asked me. i want to use this opportunity to meet up with all my friends that i haven't been able to see because of class scheduling. yay!!!

tomorrow, we're going to competition for our school's step team. our theme is playground/recess. my friend Clayton is the playground nerd. he's got the glasses, the plaid shirt, the khaki pants, and of coures, the SUSPENDERS!!!!! it was absolutely adorable!!!! he looked so nerdy! i'm kinda like the adventurous/leader/WTF are you doing and why?!?! kind of kid. everyone looks totally childish, so that's just awsome! i'll fill you all in later on how it turns out!

I'm Spade, that was something else, and this is sayonara!!! i WILL talk to you all tomorrow!

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