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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Thursday, January 10, 2008

   the time, the guys, and the cinderella party
i woke up at 6:15. i was under the impression that it was 7:15. i was on my way out the door at what i thought was 7:53, when my little sister says to me, is someone driving you t o school or are you walking. i obviously reply with, i'm taking the bus, duh! she then says that it's only 6:53! on that note i was so pissed off! i could've been sleeping for that 45 minutes..... >:( so i decided to make some coffee and research my project, which leads me to ask, does anyone know a good website where they have information about being a voice casting director? if so, i could really use the information, so thanks!

my mind has been overflowing with guys!!!!almost every, no wait, EVERY guy i ever thought to be cute (and still do) as well as most of my upperclassmen friends all have third lunch with me! (fr those that don't know, third through i think seventh lunch are uppercalssmen only, because freshman academy has first two lunches. the only thing being that my lunch block is an honors upperclassman class. yay me!!! i get to see everybody again! ^_^

today after school is the cinderella party. it's a function where all of the drama kids get pumped up for the spring musical. i want to be the fairy god mother... i doubt i'd get the role, but whatever! the party is bouing to be fun!

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