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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

   Cookies, Concerts, and Bananas...
Okay, so i ordered two boxes of the same type of girl scout cookie, and i got one box today and devoured it, so i have to pay for that. i'll pay tomorrow...

Tonight was the night of our pre-contest concert. it went surprisingly.... well for the shelby singers people. we've always sounded good, but the basses and tenors were sounding SEXY!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! And then.... *deep breath*........ that was the sexiest thing that i've ever heard. I was proud. -_^

Today was excedingly awkward.... every awkward occurance related in some way or other to bananas.... i don't even want to talk about it....

I'm Spade, I'm awkward (if that's even how you spell it...), and this is goodbye! Until tomorrow.

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