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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Monday, November 3, 2008

   Friends, Competition, and Options...
It's nice to have friends who can help you with your problems... I LOVE YOU RAMEN!!! I've been going through so much lately, and just knowing that I have a strong family of true friends to fall back on is the best thing ever! ^_^

We start competition music on Wednesday! yeah-yeah!

This past saturday, at the Show Choir party, my good friend Anne and I asessed my options. I can:
A) hold it all in and continue to sheild myself from the truth.
B) Tell him how strongly I feel.
C) Do my best to support him and be there for him as a friend.
I really think option A shouldn't even be an option, because I've been doing that, and I spontaneously burst into tears while talking to Anne about it. I don't want to rush into option B too soon.... He just entered a new relationship, and I don't want to complicate things for him. I think I'll wait on that one. I think option C is the best thing for me to do as far as showing him how much I truly love and care for him goes. All I can do is offer my support and any genuine advice he may need or ask for. As much as this is really going to test me, I have to put the jealous bitch aside and take his best interests into consideration. I do love him, so I have to be fair and try to do my best to keep him happy, whether he's aware or not of my efforts. I'm willing to set aside my own comfort and happiness to see that he stays smiling and so very curiously innocent... *sighs*... "Love kills slowly..."

I'm Spade, there's hope, and this is goodbye! ^_^

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